Class Load « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. classloading in JBOSS

If we have a A.jar that contains B.class and this file is located in JBOSS/server/default/lib and WEB-INF/lib of an EAR file. We have java2ParentDelegation is turned off. if we want to load ...

2. How to determine what classes have been loaded from where in JBoss

I seem to remember some function in the JMX console which allows you to type in a class name, and see the classloaders which loaded it, and from which resources the ...

3. How to get the class loader ObjectName from a JavaEE application under JBoss 5.x

Our JavaEE application has a services which is responsible for installation and start up of other services depending on the configuration stored in a database. Services are installed using the


4. Any tool to view the picture of class loader tree?

Say I'm debugging some weird class loading issues of an application deployed inside of a Java EE app server. By some reason it appears, that I have duplicate jars on the ...

5. JBoss: @Resource not injected when classloader isolation enabled

JBoss 4.2.3, an application deployed as a ear. Works. Then I enable classloader isolation by adding a loader-repository tag into jboss-app.xml. In multiple beans @Resource TimerService stops being injected and the ...

6. Classloading order in JBoss

I'd like to know if the default behavior of JBoss server (4.2.3.GA in my case) is loading the classes in parent-first or parent-last mode. And in case it work as I suspect ...

7. JBoss - different class loading system in the same application - possible?

I looked at this article that talks about JBoss class-loading, but still got scenario that I'd like to verify:
in case I have got a utility class that is ...

8. XPath class resolution in JBoss5

I'm having a hard time figuring out where the problem is coming from, so I'm posting this in the hopes that others might have found something similar to this elsewhere and ...

9. JBoss AS Classloader implementation?

I'm migrating a small tool I wrote for our application that was working on WAS and WLS to JBoss AS 5.1. Basically, the tools helps me to troubleshoot classloading issues: it ...

10. Jboss ClassCastException issue

We have a project that we shoud update from ejb2.1 to 3.1 and jboss from 3.2.1 to latest Jboss6 milestone. Our Project Structure: we have an ear that contains application.xml, that ...

11. Any good resource on JBoss5.1 class loading

I'm debugging a thorny CL-related problem and need a better understanding of how classloading works in JBoss 5.1. Yes, I read and; they are useful to ...

12. How to modify JBoss classload to use different versions of third party library jars (parent last)

I'm trying to figure out how to set up JBoss 5.1.0 so that the classloader is parent last, which I have done before with WebSphere. Basically we have several war files ...

13. JBOSS java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

We have been using JBOSS-4.2.1 as our application server . I am trying to load a class (com.sting.ui.saas.reporting.ReportExecutor) . The fully qualified path of this class has been externalized and written ...

14. Adding second conf folder to JBoss 5.1.0

We have a slightly modified JBoss 5.1.0 configuration, where we have added a new folder called <JBOSS_HOME>/myconf to the classpath. Here is the pertinent bit of conf/jboss-service.xml:

    <classpath ...

15. Jboss class - loading mechanism issue

according to this article:

Case 2. The Utility.class is present both in the application's archive AND server/default/lib. The deployment is non-scoped. The short ...

16. Configure JBoss to work in parent first mode

I'd like to configure Jboss to run my application in Parent-first mode i.e.: if a class exist in server/default/lib then load it from there, if not try to find it in web-inf/lib ...

17. Configure JBoss class loading order

How can I set Jboss 5.1 to load classes in the following order:

  1. libraries in server/default/lib
  2. tomcat-libraries in server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar (jboss-3.2.6).
  3. WEB-INF/lib (for WARs)
see related my previous open question
and JBoss documentation ...

18. How to force jboss to load classes from jars in webapp's lib

HI, I am trying to deploy my web application on jboss-6.0.0Final, which is currently deployed on apache tomcat. I have two jars one that contains same package that is org.apache.axis. I am putting ...

19. JBoss class loader order - another try to understand it

when I deploy an application on JBoess 5.1 Jboss takes 3rd party jars from 3 different optional places that I am aware of:
1. my-app/WEB-INF/lib
2. [JBoss root]/lib
3. [JBoss root]/server/all/lib my ...

20. Concurrent access causes ClassCastException (X cannot be cast to X), or how to resolve such class loading problems in JBoss

I have a problem concerning JBoss and class loading. Here is the configuration I am working with. I have two instances of JBoss 4.2.3.GA on the same server. On each instance an application ...

21. Use a later version of JavaMail in JBoss 4.2.3

What is the best way to use a later version of JavaMail than the one bundled with 4.2.3 (which seems to be 1.4 or 1.4.1). We need a feature only introduced ...

22. How to load a resource from an embedded JAR File

I am trying to load a resource that is contained within an embedded JAR file. The project is actually deployed in JBoss using an EAR file with ...

23. JBoss [ClassLoaderManager] IncompatibleClassChangeError?

Experiencing the following stacktrace in JBoss-6.0.0.Final after having potentially "resolved" some other lib conflicts by way of jboss-classloading.xml. What's the conflict now? JBoss is impossibly difficult compared to tomcat ...

24. Given a class name, how to identify where it is loaded from in JBoss AS 5.1.0?

I am looking for a JMX kind of option in JBoss 5.1.0 to find the jar file/location of the jar file/class loader for given a fully qualified class name at run ...

25. common interface to access libraries in multiple WARs - is this possible in jboss?

As a bit of background - I'm using JBoss 5.1, for web applications. The applications are vertically deployed so each feature ends up in a separate WAR file. It has a ...

26. Enable logging for JBOSS class loading

How do we enable logging to debug class loading issues in JBoss 5.x. If it is under JBOSS_HOME/server/xxxxx/conf to configure jboss-log4j.xml, should we need to add any piece of code or ...

27. Class Loading - JBOSS Application Server 4.7

I have two different versions of hibernate.jar file which resides in server\default\lib directory and another one in application war/WEB-INF/lib directory. i want the version of hibernate.jar to be executed in the ...

28. Decide on runtime which library needs to be used on JBoss

is there a way to decide during runtime, which class from which jar (deployed on jboss) will be used? Here is an example: VERSION1.JAR

package com.something;

public class MyObject {

   public void saySomething() ...

29. Classloader issue when deploying EAR to JBoss 5.1.0

I have added jboss-app.xml and jboss-classloading.xml file to /META-INF folder. I did some server configuration in {JBOSS_HOME}\server\deployer\ear-deployer-jboss-beans.xml like below:

<property name="isolated">true</property>
When I deployed EAR to JBoss deploy folder I got the below ...

30. JBoss 4.2.3 - ClassLoading issue - Xalan provided by EAR

I've asked this question in the JBoss Community already. Here is the link: Does maybe anyone here has any idea, how to solve this issue? Thank you very much, /M

31. Why does JBoss prepend the JAR name to my Java package names?

This is in regards to JBoss 5.1.0: I'm used to dropping JARs directly under my EAR and having the classes picked up. When the ClassLoader does a diagnostic dump, it lists all ...

32. starting thread using jboss5 thread pool

My application, running in JBoss 5, needs to start a thread to perform some work asynchronously. The code uses the 'ThreadPoolMBean' to use a thread from JBoss's own thread pool -- ...

33. How to configure JBOSS 5.1.0 GA ClassLoader

I am running into some issues with trying to load libs from my application instead of what comes with JBoss. I am trying to make use of the latest and greatest ...

34. jar inside a jar not visible/found | NoClassDefFoundError

I have an web application, which has a jar inside WEB-INF/lib folder this jar has some .class file which are referencing some classes of jars inside /lib folder of this jar. ...

35. Classloading isolation issue

36. JBoss Classloader java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

But these modifications cause some other applications running on the app server to fail. Please note that there is not PARENT_FIRST or PARENT_LAST configuration for the JBOSS Classloader, and that the JBoss Classloader works slightly differently from the other AppServer classloaders. I have also tried to modify the file of the jar to force it to use the specified classpath ...