match « substring « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Matching substrings from a dictionary to other string: suggestions?

Hellow Stack Overflow people. I'd like some suggestions regarding the following problem. I am using Java. I have an array #1 with a number of Strings. For example, two of the strings ...

2. Multiple string and condition matching?

I have a program which needs to be able to search through an ArrayList of 'book' objects, and decide which ones meet given criteria. You can search by Name, ID Number, or ...

3. Best way of matching substring

4. Substring of a string which matches RegularExpression

Hi, I am trying to find whether there is any way to find that my string is a substring of regex. here is my requirement I have a regex [A-G]{7} strings ABCDEFG,DEFGDEF.... all matches my regex. I have another string ABC I need to find whether ABC is substring of string which matches my regex. I didn't find any method to ...

5. Counting exact matches of substring.

I have a string which contains words, numbers, line breaks, punctuations etc. all sort of characters. I want to count the number of exact occurrences of some words in the string. I am experimenting using the following code import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; public class SubstringCounter { public static void main(String[] args) { String text = args[0]; String regexp = args[1]; Pattern ...