value 1 « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Take string "asdxyz\n" and replace \n with the ascii value

I dont want to replace it with /u000A, do NOT want it to look like "asdxyz/u000A" I want to replace it with the actual newline CHARACTER.

2. Java string: how do I get the value of X, Y, and Z from a string "vt X,Y,Z"

how do I get the value of X, Y, and Z from a string "vt X,Y,Z"

3. How should I return different types in a method based on the value of a string in Java?

I'm new to Java and I have come to having the following problem: I have created several classes which all implement the interface "Parser". I have a JavaParser, PythonParser, CParser and ...

4. variables reference value of string

How can I get the reference value of a string object? If I hava a class like

class T()
T t = new T();
System.out.println( t); 
print out T@a3455467 that is the reference value inside ...

5. Restrict string input from user to alphabetic and numerical values

Basically, my situation requires me to check to see if the String that is defined by user input from the keyboard is only alphabetical characters in one case and only digits ...

6. Java string value change in function

I have this very akward question...

void changeString(String str){
    str = "Hello world":


    String myStr = new String("");
When main returns the value ...

7. Read multiline text with values separated by whitespaces

I have a following test file :

Jon Smith 1980-01-01
Matt Walker 1990-05-12
What is the best way to parse through each line of this file, creating object with (name, surname, birthdate) ? Of ...

8. What are common Java libraries for converting values into human-friendly strings?

I'm looking for a library of utilities for converting "1234" into "1.2KB" or the date Tue 11:24pm into "2 hours ago". In particular, I'm expecting something vaguely similar to Django's ...

9. startsWith() returning unexpected values

The class project has us reading in the title, artist and lyrics of 10,514 songs contained in a single text file. The current section of the project had us write ...

10. restricting values for a string member variable

A string variable in Java can take one of the three values type=start, type=data, type=end .. what would be the best way to make sure it never gets set to any other ...

11. Increase string value

Java question here: If i have a string "a", how can I "add" value to the string, so I get a "b" and so on? like "a++"

12. What is a Java String's default initial value?

This is a very basic doubt. Consider a Java String Field named x. What will be the initial value of x when an object is created for the class x; I know that ...

13. I'm getting wrong String value

void displayId(PrintWriter stdOut, StringResources resources, IPatchBundle group, String[] ids){

        for(int i=0;i<ids.length;i++)

14. Best way to retrieve a value from a string java

If I am being passed a string that contains comma delimited key-value pairs like this seller=1000,country="canada",address="123 1st st", etc. There seems like there must be a better way than parsing ...

15. Equation parsing "100-x+200" and evaluating its value in java

The following code should be pretty self-evident. What I have made up so far to compute Y with variable x and some constants:

public static void main(String[] args) {

16. String Operation to get particular value inside the string using java

I have a string as below.



The above xml i am getting as a string.i was asked not to use parsing due to performance issue.I need to get the second employee 's ...

17. Strings of Same Value in Java?

a quick and confusing question. If Class A and Class B have this inside them:-

String name="SomeName"; 
and both classes are instantiated, is it true that both instances refer to same memory ...

18. How to automatically convert property values from String in Java?

Suppose I've a bean that has many properties of many types like int, String, Date, etc... all primitive types of course. And I want to fill it with String representations of ...

19. Read "string" separated values using Opencsv

Is it possible to read a csv file where the values are separated by a string rather than a single character? Earlier the csv file had a comma separator, but now ...

20. How do I find a value between two strings?

How would I "find" and "get" a value between two strings? ie: <a>3</a> I'm reading a file to find the location of <a>, where that starts, then it will stop reading when it ...

21. Incompatible types with return value of string void java

I get the errors when I try and run my code incompatible types found : void required: java.lang.String String creditcard=mainintro(); ...

22. Is there a way to shorten a generated value?

If I generate a message digest (for a security feature in my app) using this Java code: saltDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
String digest = String.valueOf(Hex.encode(saltDigest.digest()));
I end up with a really long string like ...

23. Working on a calculator in java and taking the values as String

like "1+23" parse to double for example.. then calculate.. but when i have a decimal the program crashes for example "1.1+2" the program glitches on the 1.1 when i'm ...

24. Is it possible to retrieve values refering to a string of the same name?

I'm doing a bit of a side project at the moment, and was wondering if it's possible to retrieve values from variables refering only to a String which shares the same ...

25. Reading a value from a string.

If I had a string value of "1 - This is the number one" Is there a method for reading just the integer value 1? I was looking and I found ...

26. String values

Please can you tell me what is the best way to determine if the value held in a string can become a number or a boolean value or if it's really just a string. For example if there's String strA = "Hello"; String strB = "false; String strC = "1"; How can I tell if strB 'is' boolean and strC 'is' ...

27. Swapping the string values in java

Hi ranchers, I am not getting the solution for an issue. I want to swap the values of the two string variables. For that I have written the following code. public static void swap(String a,String b) { String temp; temp = a; a=b; b=temp; } which I am going to call from my main method .However this will not work as ...

28. assign multiple values to string

What do you mean by "assign two values"? An element of an array has a single value, not two; you can assign the sum (or some other arithmetic combination) in the way your code does. What exactly are you trying to do? Also, please check your private messages. You can do that by clicking on the "My Private Messages" link at ...

29. getting unique values from string value

30. getting unique values from string value

Yet StringTokenizer has one advantage: you can choose to keep the delimiters. I still prefer String.split though, except for when I need the delimiters. In which case a Pattern and Matcher combination would probably still be better. (You can get the delimiters by using the end of one match and the start of the next match.)

31. Retrieve delimetted value from String

32. String Values (Please Help)

33. String values

Chris, Did you try to compile your code snippet? A few compiler errors are worth a thousand words of explanation in a forum; OK, maybe only a hundred. In any case, your example 2 uses single quotes. Let me ask you (pull out your compiler please) is this one valid? String s = (String) "i'm a string";

34. String to Value and DataFormatException

marc and Paul, Firstly, thank you for responding to my thread. I have actually worked out the Exception to use so I have no problems now. However, I would still be interest on when and what these are for? I was originally having a date format of four digits. The date was a String (it had to be as one came ...

35. Re: Change String value in method call

37. Parsing and getting a value from a String

Any help would be appreciated. I am learning Java. I have a string (see below). I need to parse out the number of documents (in this case there are 454). This number may change so the only static text on here is "Advanced..." and "Document(s)". How can I parse out just that number? String alltext2 = (String)Table_HtmlTable_0().getProperty(".text"); System.out.println("AllText2: " + alltext2); ...

38. convert String Value to Hexa Value ?

39. Find carriage return in string value

40. Concatenating string texts based of key value

Hello, I am doing a query in a database table where there is ID column and DATA column. There could be multiple rows of the same ID in the table. I like to concatenate the text values of all the DATA column for all matching ID values. The query will look for all the IDs in the table. I am thinking ...

41. Getting Value of String

42. Getting a Key and Value from a string

Hello Guys, I was able to get the string and then I had to break it down using String tokenizer. The value I want at this time is the one stored in String f4 which is the value of the user ID. I need this f4 in another part of my code , how do I get it. public class Tokens ...

43. String reference Value

How in the below code String value alone is not modified by modString method. public class PassByRef { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] abcArray = new int[3]; abcArray[0] = 5; abcArray[1] = 6; abcArray[2] = 7; String s = new String("ABC"); TestA a = new TestA(); System.out.println("Before calling mod method: " + abcArray[0]); System.out.println("Before calling mod method: " + ...

45. Taking Values From a String

String _kelime = "2.ACSC344,5.ACSC345,8.ACSC456"; int key = 0; int value = 0; boolean ayr = false; Hashtable _table = new Hashtable(); for(int i = 0; i < _kelime.length(); i++){ if(".".equals(_kelime.charAt(i)+"")){ key = i - 1; } if(",".equals(_kelime.charAt(i)+"")){ value = i - 1 ; ayr = true; }else if(i == _kelime.length() -1){ value = i ; ayr = true; }else{ ayr = ...

46. Using one function how to return three different string values

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

47. Instantiate a class from the value of a string

Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to instantiate a class from the value of a string. Here's an example: There is a main class that prompts the user for a string. Say the user enters "Hello". Assuming Hello is an instantiable class, is there a way for the main class to take that string and create a Hello ...

48. replace value of string

49. Making an object from a String variables value

Say I have a string.. which obtains the name of a class after parsing an XML file.... Now i need to make an object of that particular class.. to set data in it. However the class name is stored as the string variable value . Is it possible to use it to make an instance of that class... Example : String ...

50. Java string object value to javascript

Your original code created JavaScript code that is looking for JavaScript variable temp. Salvin's code replaces the JavaScript variable temp with String literal "temp". You will need the following: out.println("");This will add the value of your Java variable temp to the JavaScript code as a String literal. Please note that code can cause JavaScript errors. ...

52. Using the value of a String variable for a text input

Here's what I presume is a very basic question. I want to put the value of a String variable into text input. I know that if I wanted a literal value there I could just use " value='XYZZY' " or the equivalent, but I don't know how to do this from a variable, and I have tried all manner of <%=output ...

53. find value in string

54. Read values in delimited string

I want to assign a,b,c to first 3 values in the string delimited by "|" and a,b,c to next 3 values, and so on and so on for the length of String[] values a=Y, b=100, c=200 a=N, b=200, c=400 a=N, b=500, c=600 The code below only returns a and b but not value for c and it only returns the first ...

55. in the my book appears above, well Properties(); key, value , is it REQUIRED to be ?

Not quite. Due to some unexpected (at least to me) decision, when generics were introduced Sun decided to let Properties extend Hashtable, not Hashtable. This means that although setProperty only lets you use Strings, the put method still is available and lets you use any object for both key and value except null (since Hashtable does not allow null keys or ...

56. Dumping A string value???

57. Getting a required value from a String

Hi, This may sound strange but I would like to know if there is a better solution for my question. I have a String say String abc = " India = Delhi,USA=Washington,UK=London"; I would like to get the values by specifying the country Name.If I want to get the value for India,I should get the corresponding value.I Don't want to use ...

59. How to convert String value into a New Variable name automatically

Not really, no. You could create a new class which had new member variables using the names you wanted, but then the only way to access them would be also via reflection, so what's the point? The desire to "create variables at runtime" is a very common request from new-ish programmers: that's the point at which they need to learn about ...

60. Why the String value is not read?

Hi everyone! This code is part of the assgnment I am working on. It changes the comission of a sales assistant according to the code of the product. I've done one that reads the float value, and then change the commissioon according to the value of the sale. But with this one I need to change the commission according to the ...

61. convert String to ASCII value

ok.. i have a string called s String s = "abc"; and i want each character of this string to be converted into ascii value, if those ascii values are as following, 'a' = 'asciia' 'b' = 'asciib' 'c' = 'asciic' so, i want the final string answer as following, String finalAsnwer = "asciia"+"asciib"+"asciic"; i hope this is clear for you. ...

62. Default value of String upon construction

63. How to get string value

When you get errors, please post the full text of the error message and the code. I have no idea how you coded it? If you add a method to a class, you need an object to call one of its methods unless the method is static. But toString() is not static.

64. Use the value of a string as a variable/atribute

Only interpreters keep the identifier names during runtime (e.g. most have an "eval" funtion/method); compilers don't pass their symbol tables (where the identifier names are stored) over to the runtime; in fact it may even be impossible to do so. Maybe a Properties object or a Map can be a solution? kind regards, Jos

65. running string value as code

And I imagine that the conditions are read from a file. I think that something like this can be done with Groovy or another scripting language, but I don't think that it can be done with core Java. It seems to me (and I am no expert here) that you may have to create and parse some script of your own ...

66. Is thie legal if a string value is ""

67. How to get String assigned value

Hi, As String is immutable and we know that the value of string is not changable. eg: String abc= new String(); abc = "INDIA"; system.out.println("1st abc : "+abc); abc=abc.toLowerCase(); system.out.println("2nd abc : "+abc); As we know as string is immutable the value for the 2nd abc gives us india.As 2nd abc creates a new instance object stores in new memory location. ...

70. Getting value from string using the key

I then pass the value based on the token position,( eg the userID would be the 6th token) but when a new parameter was added in my string, my application failed, because the position where things are in the token has changed. So, that was the wrong way of getting the values, I need another way to to get the values ...

71. Determine which value of string is greater

Did you read the docs for parseInt and try to understand the suggestions presented, or did you just copypaste and hope for the best? parseInt takes a String like "123" and returns an int. "aa[ i ]" cannot be turned into an int. The String that's stored in index i of the String array aa (assuming aa is in fact a ...

73. Getting value from an string(special way)

74. Is there a way to reference a variable name by the value of a String?

I realize my title may not be expressing the question accurately so... In perl I can do this: $varname = "nIterations"; ${$varname} = 27; which is the same thing as $nIterations = 27; Is there a way to do this in Java? eg I want something like String varname = new String( "nIterations" ); How can I refer to a variable ...

75. populating the values of a final Set

77. Trouble with String values

Except for Strings the situation is a bit more complex than that because Strings are cached/pooled by the JVM to save memory and increase performance so using == MAY yield true when comparing 2 Strings with the same value. This often confuses inexperienced people when they first run into a situation where it doesn't give the expected result (and sometimes experienced ...

78. just a simple question about Strings and numerical values

It maybe somewhere in the JLS, but I would simply point you to this: []. Especially this: "When operators of equal precedence appear in the same expression, a rule must govern which is evaluated first. All binary operators except for the assignment operators are evaluated from left to right". Your operators are all + operators, therefore they have the same precedence ...

79. seprating value from string

Okay? Have you actually read the API docs behind that link, and posiibly investigated the Class further through other resources? Or are you waiting for others to do this for you? Read those API docs. With SimpleDateFormat you can parse this String to create an actual Date object which you can then compare, or even better, place into Calendars and actually ...

80. String value incremented?

81. String values

I have a question regarding strings. I'm trying to find the value stored in position by this statement position = str.indexOf ('t'); From what I know this will return the index of the first occurance of the specified string. I am unsure how to find and know the value that is determined in these cases. Can somebody point me in the ...

82. Create an Object according to the value of a String

I want to make a program to make JFrames with graphical interface (like a small IDE). It has two JFrames (a toolbar and an empty frame). The toolbar has a lot of buttons, each button with a class name as your Text. When the user hits JButton I want to read your text (a class name) and then create a new ...

83. set local variableName from string values

84. Find the value of a sum which is a String

Hi I need to find the value of a sum which is a String , such as 3+(8-6)/2 for a small program I am making. I don't want to reinvent the wheel but could't find a class which already does what I need. I would be very grateful if anyone could direct me to a class which does what I need ...

85. Can you listen for a string value to change?

Your Observer must have an update() method. You understand that you have to implement the Observer interface, right? And you understand that to do so, you have to provide that method right? Have you looked at that method's signature? It provides you a reference to the Observable. You just cast it to whatever your class is and call the get method ...

86. String values

87. Is there any native method for converting String value to Hungarian notat..

It was never very useful. It was intended to be but always was a major source of problems, and only got worse when the Win API turned into the Win32 API and things that used to be 16 bit became 32 bit without their names changing (the names couldn't change for backwards compatibility reasons). And that's the biggest problem (apart from ...

88. Is value string or object?

I have a method that needs to deal with a variable called "value" of type Object. value could either be a string or an object. What technique could I use to determine whether value is a string or object other than the following code? try { // This fails if value is an object rather than a string label.setText((String)value); } catch ...

89. Using a String value in an include...

90. good delimiter for a string value

Hi : I am trying to store list of string values together as a string in a database. User can type in any string values and am trying to capture all the user typed strings as a concatenated string in the database. I cannot use any delimiter that is visible in the keyboard as user can type in that value. Can ...

91. Changing values in a string

92. Calculating the numeric value of a string

arkagt, No offence mate... but you're the blind leading the blind... and they're allready got enough to worry about... You're welcom to look, learn, read, study, wonder, puzzle... but please refrain from commenting upon that which you know not If my co-op gave me c__p like that I'd fire him, and he knows it.

93. read string and return the values

Hi Dears, I am getting input as single string in Input ( publec splitValue(String Input, Container container)). you can see sample text below. Just for clarity i given in different lines. Whenever I find + symbol in string and if we find ' ' (space) at 6th position from + symbol i want to return the values like return '+' return ...

94. Calling a Fuction based on String value

95. Class instantiation from a String value

Hi all, How can I instatiate a class from a string value? I have a csv file which I'm reading and want to instantiate the appropriate class depending on the first field of the file. So if my String = "ClassOne" i want to instatiate ClassOne etc. I could have a switch statement, but there will be lots of classes so ...

96. how to get back value for an object to string

97. getting a perticular value from the string

There are multiple ways of doing it but since your input string is so 'static', what's the point? Based on the information given the number you look for is always going to be the first 2 digits efter the first occurence of "". But if you want to make it harder for yourself you can use a SAX parser, a DOM ...

98. How to get ASCII value of string

99. input a string value

100. how to convert a string to its asc value