1. How do I read text from a serial port? stackoverflow.comI am trying to read data off of a Windows serial port through Java. I have the javax.comm libraries and am able to get some data but not correct data. ... |
2. Reading string more efficiently stackoverflow.comI'm getting pretty big input string into my method, but what I actually need is just first line of that string. Is it possible to extract just the first line of ... |
3. Reading Ontology with Jena, feeding it with RDF triples, and producing correct RDF string output stackoverflow.comI have an ontology, which I read in with Jena to help me scrape some RDFa triples from a website. I don't currently store these triples in a Jena model, but ... |
4. want to read issuer String from users public key stackoverflow.comI want to read issuer String from users public key with bouncy castle... is there any one have some code or something from which i can get help... |
5. apache commons - reading a multi string arguement stackoverflow.como.getValue() return the value for the option ; But for a multi arg input say -h this is a heading , the function returns only the first string 'this' , how to ... |
6. Reading String in java stackoverflow.comI've been working on this code for school to create a course, users, students, and teachers but I ran into a snag while creating a course. What I want to do is ... |
7. Why is not "Ellie" == "Ellie", when one of them was read from the user? stackoverflow.comThe following question is from a quiz I took a few weeks ago and got incorrect, but the answer wasn't provided: Consider the following code, which contains no compile errors: |
8. Java reading in sections of a string stackoverflow.comSo I'm trying to write a program where it reads in parts of a string per each line. For example the user can input:
which comes across as ... |
9. string reading coderanch.com |
10. Reading a String coderanch.comWhenever you enter any value through command line. its in a form of string and Storing (String[]args) -----> there... so, if you want to print these words...just write.. System.out.println("The Values are "+args[0]); If you enter more then one values just put a loop in your code, like for (int i=o;i |
11. reading strings with readLine coderanch.comok guys, more problems (woohoo) I'm trying to read some input that the user will give me using readLine method from the bufferedReader class, but it skips over it and won't let the user actually enter any data. so the code is BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.println("Passenger name: "); newName = bReader.readLine(); System.out.println("Age of passenger: "); newAge = System.in.read(); ... |
12. Reading from String coderanch.comHi, I have a program that reads lines from a file. I save the lines to the String rivi. The problem is that one line contains 2 short Strings, one double and one integer. I need them separately, so how do separate them from that String? For example, I have a String longString that contains the following data: sukunimi etunimi 12345 ... |
13. String Reading coderanch.com |
14. cant read the contents of the printed string coderanch.comObject obj[] = new Object[1]; obj= query.list().toArray(); for (Object x: obj) { System.out.println(obj[0].toString());} //[Ljava.lang.Object;@1fd6bea //[Ljava.lang.Object;@1fd6bea //[Ljava.lang.Object;@1fd6bea hi- i commented out the output to the console. as you can see that doesnt help me. up above query.list()[from hibernate] return type is List. i looked everywhere and i cant figure out how to stop it from sticking it in a array element all ... |
15. Reading a String backward coderanch.comIn my very last method ( int BTD) I am trying to read a string input form right to left when the input for the integer starts with one ( in this case a negative number , since I am testing for binary ) . Basically I am doing the Twos Complement method on the negative number turn it into ... |
16. reading string from a Writer object coderanch.comA Writer has no means of getting at the 'contents' of the Writer so there isn't a way to get it. The Writer is usually backed by some sort of Stream, sending the data it gets to some other source, so there may actually be no 'contents' of the Writer - it may pass directly through the Writer through the backing ... |
17. reading and writing Strings with accent marks coderanch.comI'm reading in Spanish words from a text file, with characters like and . Then I'm separating them into groups and writing them to new text files. The Strings with accent marks look fine in the input text file and look fine in the output text file. However, some of the logic in that separates them in the groups is ... |
18. Reading string in console window coderanch.comHi, We have developed stand alone application using java swing. Then we have converted application jar file into exe format (say sampleApplication.exe) for running on windows flatform. While running the sampleApplication exe, it will write some string (say Hello this is sample application) in its console window. Now my another java application has to call the sampleApplication exe and has to ... |
19. How to read follwing String coderanch.comconsider a nested pair of splits.... an outer doing a split(",") to separate each of the key value pairs... for each token an inner doing a split("=") to separate each key and value then do a put (key, value) now watch out..... some of your strings(values) have single quotes. They are already inside a string so the single quotes will be ... |
20. String Reading Problem coderanch.com |
21. Unable to read the string properly coderanch.comTnx Paul for the quick reply. I see what you saying. So basically when I'm reading a string of some text file, and if that text has 02\13\2010 then the string reads it like 02\\13\\2010. If that's your point then what's the way that I can replace that character to "/" and get my resulting output as 02/13/2010. I tried it ... |
22. How to read a blank String forums.oracle.com |
23. read string only the last four digit forums.oracle.com |
24. reading tab string forums.oracle.comWhen you type in the command line, your computer's command line interpreter (CLI) is reading the input and passing it to Java as a string variable. Different CLI's do it differently, as this forum thread explains: http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t295909-passing-tab-char-in-command-line.html If none of the suggestions work for you, consider adopting some convention to represent a tab character in your input, and then in your ... |
25. (String) System.in.read(); ??? forums.oracle.com |
26. Question about multi-line string (hard to explain without reading the post) forums.oracle.com |
27. Not reading a string forums.oracle.comI'm trying to teach myself java so I thought up this little program. It sets the value correctly but for some reason they strings don't match. /** * @(#)BasicMove.java * * BasicMove Applet application * * @author * @version 1.00 2010/7/5 */ import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class BasicMove extends Applet { TextField input; String input1; int xPos = 0, yPos ... |
28. Reading String input? forums.oracle.comRequired or not, it is what it is. Nobody was questioning specification requirements; albeit the JLS does make mention of addresses of objects. I come from a C background and the concept of memory addressing is how I describe it. Terminology tends to bleed over if you use multiple languages. Regardless, you are wanting to debate about semantics. Let us not ... |
29. Reading a user-defined String with restrictions forums.oracle.comif (!Character.isLetter(userName.charAt(0))) { validName=false; System.out.println("Your User Name is Invalid. It must start with a letter!"); } if (userName.indexOf(" ")!=-1) { validName=false; System.out.println("Your User Name is Invalid. It must not contain spaces!"); } if ((length <= 3)||(length >= 9)) { validName=false; System.out.println("Your User Name is Invalid. It must be between 4 and 8 characters long!"); } Some of the variables haven't actually ... |
30. Problem with reading a string from the stdin forums.oracle.comIf you do what it says (compile the file again specifying -Xlint:unchecked as an argument) then the compiler will supply more detail. As the message says. If you can't understand the more detailed messages it would be a good idea to post the actual code that is the cause of the problem. |
31. Reading a string from a txt fie forums.oracle.com |
32. Problem reading a string:Plz help forums.oracle.comI have checked the file.. this problem occurs where there are multiple spaces between tokens of a line...if I remove others and keep one space it works.. Now I want to implement a check in program i.e. where there is SPACE or NULL, I should not process it but It does not work Please help Edited by: kimskams on Sep 30, ... |
33. Reading a strings forums.oracle.comHi everybody... I have a file with some data, more or less like this...: ncols = 50 nrows=100 x=-72 y=-12 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 123 134 129 153 145 165 147 156 124 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 123 497 134 489 129 153 756 165 147 156 124 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 -9999 123 134 129 153 145 ... |
34. Reading strings forums.oracle.com |
35. Problem in String reading forums.oracle.comso what you think, is it fixable? Yes. There are two issues here you need to keep totally separate in your mind: 1. Using the correct encoding to read text into memory. 2. Using an appropriate font to display Turkish characters. When a font lacks a glyph for a particular character it often displays a ? in its place. So it ... |
36. Reading strings forums.oracle.com |
37. Reading Strings forums.oracle.comIf i use BufferedReader i am facing the following problem: one of the strings in the CSV file is having a '/' in the middle. BufferedReader assumes this to be the end of the line and hence retrievs the line only upto that. the remianing portion of the line becomes another line. Suppose the line in the input text file is: ... |
38. Can I read strings from Adobe Flash Player show to java application forums.oracle.com |
39. Reading a string forums.oracle.com |