quote « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java MessageFormat - How can I insert values between single quotes?    stackoverflow.com

I'm having a problem using the java.text.MessageFormat object. I'm trying to create SQL insert statements. The problem is, when I do something like this:

MessageFormat messageFormat = "insert into {0} values ...

2. How To HTML Escape Curly Quotes in a Java String    stackoverflow.com

I've got a string that has curly quotes in it. I'd like to replace those with HTML entities to make sure they don't confuse other downstream systems. For my first attempt, ...

3. Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes    stackoverflow.com

I have a string vaguely like this:

that I want to split by commas -- but I need to ignore commas in quotes. How can I do this? Seems like a regexp ...

4. In Java, is there a way to write a string literal without having to escape quotes?    stackoverflow.com

Say you have a String literal with a lot of quotation marks inside it. You could escape them all, but it's a pain, and difficult to read. In some languages, you can ...

5. Split string with quotes, reusing method that parses arguments to main    stackoverflow.com

in small program I'm writing, I have to parse a line of user input. Basically what needs to be done is to split the line into an array of strings in ...

6. Tokenizing a String but ignoring delimiters within quotes    stackoverflow.com

I wish to have have the following String !cmd 45 90 "An argument" Another AndAnother "Another one in quotes" to become an array of the following

{ "!cmd", "45", "90", "An argument", "Another", "AndAnother", ...

7. How to enter quotes in a String?    stackoverflow.com

I want to initialize a String in Java, but that string needs to include quotes; for example: "ROM" I tried doing String value = " "ROM" ";, but that doesn't work. How ...

8. Java String quote delimiter    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way in Java to use a special delimiter at the start and the end of a String to avoid having to backslash all of the quotes within that ...

9. Getting rid of quotes in a string    stackoverflow.com

Hi I have a string with quotation marks

String s = "\"hello\"";
and I was wondering how to get rid of the quotes in the string s. Is there a method that ...

10. java replace issues with ' (apostrophe/single quote) and \ (backslash) together    stackoverflow.com

I seem to be having issues. I have a query string that has values that can contain single quotes. This will break the query string. So I was ...

11. Java String.replaceAll doesn't replace a quote with escaped quote    stackoverflow.com

Having a hard time replacing a quote with an escaped quote. I have a string that has the value of 'Foo "bar" foobar', and I am trying to replace the quotes ...

12. Split string on spaces, except if between quotes (i.e. treat \"hello world\" as one token)    stackoverflow.com

How do I split a String based on space but take quoted substrings as one word? Example:

Location "Welcome  to india" Bangalore Channai "IT city"  Mysore
it should be stored in ArrayList ...

13. passing quoted string argument to java in script in msys    stackoverflow.com

I have been trying to run some java programs from a bash script in msys on a windows machine. Specifically, I am automating some tasks using WEKA on command line. I ...

14. Get a string in between two quote marks    stackoverflow.com

EDIT, let me clarify a little bit. I can't really use any side tools because I am using Webdriver to parse the page, after I get the source I throw the ...

15. Can't read string with quotes around it in my bean method - Please help?????    coderanch.com

I have a JSP where the user enters a string that is then placed within a column of a table of a database using a JDBC connection. I have found that the user can enter a string with quotes around it and it enters the table fine. I can then query that column fine and place all the values of the ...

16. Entering a string without quotes    coderanch.com

17. Quotes in strings    coderanch.com

18. How to replace a single quote in a string with two single quotes    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a string as String comments = don't do canada. I want to replace this single quote with two single quotes. I tried like char c; for(int i=0; i

20. How to include quotes (") inside String?    coderanch.com

I'm trying to generate a String that will be enclosed by quotes (") on each end but I want the quotes to be part of the string. Conceptually, I'm trying to do something like: String str = ""This is a string""; so that System.out.println(str) would produce the output: "This is a string" (quotes are printed). I tried something like this: Byte[] ...

22. Removing single quotes from the string    coderanch.com

23. String, quotes and args    java-forums.org

24. checking for quotes in a string    java-forums.org

25. Escaping quotes within a String    forums.oracle.com

\' = ' \" = " = \ I don't know what you mean with the first example. that being a simple append, if it's not regular expressions, it shouldn't need the \\\\" to get a "... or is it regexp? Cuz for the second example, it's just how they have to handle regular expressions. The \\\" in the string escapes ...

26. making a quote mark in a string    forums.oracle.com

27. is it possible to use single quotes in a String    forums.oracle.com

Eg for query: select code from gm_code where sub_code in(?); when we pass those two value to this query.. it have to execute like the following select code from gm_code where sub_code in(' a ' , ' b'); but it is not executing..... can you give me some suggestion to resolve this problem.. Thanks in advance..

28. is it possible to use single quotes in a String    forums.oracle.com

Yaa.. We can use Single quotes within a String because String object stores the string which is inside the double quotes. Example: String s = "Exam','ple"; It works Fine and displayes ... Exam','ple. If you want to display double quote inside a string use Escape char "\" Ex: String s = "Exam','ple\""; Output would be ..... Exam','ple".

29. Parsing a string with "quote" as pattern    forums.oracle.com

30. MessageBundle, MessageFormat and simple quote problem.    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I'm using a ResourceBundle for my application. Some of the String of the properties file pass through a MessageFormat to set the {x} field. But sometime, when the String contains a simple quote character, the {x} fields after the simple quote are not set anymore. I found a solution: I just have to "double" the simple quote. I thinks it's ...

31. String Quote question    forums.oracle.com

32. How to split string ignoring stuff in quotes    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I was wondering if there was a simple way to split a set of comma-separated strings like this: Frakie said: "This is first", I said this: "This is second", She replied "Me, myself, and I" In essense, the harder part is to ignore the commas between quotes. I usually just pull out stuff in quotes, and replace quoted stuff with ...

33. Removing "quotes" from Strings    forums.oracle.com