operator « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Way of processing a string of plus and minus operations    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a java method that takes a string of plus and minus operations, eg "+1+2+3-5" and I want it to return an int of the answer. I'm trying to do this ...

2. = operator in java    stackoverflow.com

can somebody explain me why it's possible to do:

String s = "foo";
how is this possible without operator overloading (in that case the "=") I'm from a C++ background so that explains...

3. Most elegant way to apply an operator found as a string in java?    stackoverflow.com

Potentially dumb: Assuming I have a string containing an operator what's the best way to apply this operator ? What i tend to do is :

if(n.getString(1).equals("<<")) {
  result = tmp1 << ...

4. XOR operation with two strings in java    stackoverflow.com

How to do bitwise XOR operation to two strings in java.

5. == operator with Strings    stackoverflow.com

The code below should not print "Bye", since == operator is used to compare references, but oddly enough, "Bye" is still printed. Why does this happen? I'm using Netbeans 6.9.1 as ...

6. How can I convert strings to operators in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I have "+" and I want to use it as "if(1 + 2 == 3)"

7. what is the style recommendation for the Java string concatenation operator "+"?    stackoverflow.com

What is the style recommendation for the Java string concatenation operator "+"? Edit: Specifically, should it be used or not?

8. == operator does not compare references for String    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
String comparison and String interning in Java
I understand how String equals() method works but was surprised by some results I had with the ...

9. use of assinment operator with String    coderanch.com

hi to all, problem is as follows.. String ad="hi"; String ac=ad; //1 ad="bye"; System.out.println(ad+", "+ac+", "+ad); at line commented '1' , why 'ac' is assingned with value of var. 'ad' insted of refernce of string object "hi"? before running program i was expecting o/p as : bye, bye, bye but actual o/p is, bye, hi, bye plz help me understand it ...

10. Strings to operators?    coderanch.com

Just for fun, I've decided to make a simple calculator as an exercize. And this got me to wondering the following. In making a calculator, one needs two strings to hold the input, then convert these strings to integers (I'm making a very simple calculator). But is there a way to take a number-style string containing a sign for an arithmetical ...

12. Question reg. == operator on Strings    coderanch.com

I remember reading that String literals are stored in a Pool and thus reused, consider the following snippet: public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello" == "Hello"); String qw = "Hello"; System.out.println("Hello" == qw); Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter a String ="); String as = in.nextLine(); System.out.println("Hello" == as); System.out.println("Hello".equals(as)); } If I enter Hello as the input, result is: ...

13. String Pool Vs String new operator    coderanch.com

String str1 = "how are you"; String str2 = new String("how are you"); Whether String Str1 will refer string poll for Str1 exists in the pool or not. If exists, then this will return the reference, If not exist, will it create new object like new operator ? String str2 never refer the string pool because it is created by new ...

14. string operators    java-forums.org

16. Relational Operators for Strings    forums.oracle.com

hi i wanted to know if there is some way to get relational operators for strings like you have for numbers (!=,<,>,ect). i already know of the .equals() what about the string equivalent of != ? or < and > i was thinking .codePointAt() with int relational operators could work for but thats clunky and still doesn't fix the problem of ...

17. using OR operator with string    forums.oracle.com

18. Making a String an operator    forums.oracle.com

This is a common feature of truly interpreted languages and almost never available from compiled languages. Java falls somewhere in between, but on this it's with the compiled crowd. There was a thread a few years ago about compiling code into classes and then loading them in using custom classloaders. It was able to do this sort of thing, but got ...

19. Switch-like operator that works with string    forums.oracle.com

20. Curiosity on string using cond operator, why 1st string operand disappears?    forums.oracle.com

I wondered if that was what you were getting at - but couldn't tell with all that code! The additive and multiplicative operators have a higher priority than the equality operators. And all (except assignment) are higher than the lowly ternary operator. http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/operators.html So a+b!=c?d:e is effectively (a+b)!=c ? d : e "1st operand+"+o evaluates to a ...

21. Why String class need not use new operator to create object    forums.oracle.com

Hi, i am having a doubt in core java... For every class v r creating object using new operator...but comming to String class v need not explictly declare the new operator to create the object. For instance : class MyClass { public void hai() { System.out.println ("Hai"); } } when v are using this class v create it like this . ...

22. Difference between creating String object with new operator & literal pool    forums.oracle.com

Hi, Can anyone please help me to understand what's the difference between following string object creation - 1. String s = new String("hi"); 2. String s = "hi"; what i know is in first case a new object will be created and will be in heap memory and in the second case object will be in string literal pool which is ...

23. Error - && operator is undefined for the arugument type java,lagn.string    forums.oracle.com

{code } package SelfLearning; public class Customer { String firstName; String LastName; String MiddleName; public Customer() { } public Customer(String firstName, String lastName, String middleName) { super(); this.firstName = firstName; LastName = lastName; MiddleName = middleName; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return LastName; } public ...

24. Ternary Operator - String Alternatives    forums.oracle.com