japanese « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Problem trimming Japanese string in java    stackoverflow.com

I have the following string (japanese) "??????" , the first character is "like" whitespace but its number in unicode is 12288, so if I do "??????".trim() I get the same string ...

2. Japanese String in Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm a newbie in Java so please bear with me if this is a very easy problem. I have a JUnit Test where I have a hardcoded Japanese word assigned directly ...

3. How can I detect japanese text in a Java string?    stackoverflow.com

I need to be able to detect Japanese characters in a Java string. Currently I'm getting the UnicodeBlock and checking to see if it's equal to Character.UnicodeBlock.KATAKANA or Character.UnicodeBlock.HALFWIDTH_AND_FULLWIDTH_FORMS, but I'm not ...

4. Camparing Strings in japanese language    forums.oracle.com

5. Japanese string converting is showing as garbled text    forums.oracle.com

So your code says: 1. Encode the string to bytes using Cp037. 2. Assuming that the bytes are in the encoding Cp930, convert them to a string. Naturally that just produces a mess. I have no idea why you would even consider such an idea. The example you posted doesn't contain any Japanese characters. It contains something else entirely, as you ...