1. Extract div content from htmlsource in string (Java) stackoverflow.comi'm trying to extract the content of an special div-tag(defined by his classname) out of a string that contains html source. I think the regexp-features of Java are not as easy ... |
2. Can you extract the value of strings from an IBM PHD java heap dump? stackoverflow.comI have a PHD format heap dump from an IBM jvm and I wish to examine the values of some strings. With the Sun JVM's binary hprof dumps this is possible, ... |
3. Extract only some part (duration) from a string stackoverflow.comI used the following command to find the duration of an mp3 file: $ ffmpeg -i audiofile.mp3 2>&1 | grep Duration Duration: 01:02:20.20, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 128 kb/s How can extract the Duration time ... |
4. Extracting an "encompassing" string based on a term within the string stackoverflow.comI have a java function to extract a string out of the HTML Page source for any website...The function basically accepts the site name, along with a term to search for. ... |
5. Extract digits from a string in Java stackoverflow.comI have a Java |
6. Extract Strings from Java Classes stackoverflow.comI want to extract all Strings (texts, written in " ") in hundreds of java classes, to get them to a translator for a multilanguage platform translation. Does somebody have ... |
7. What is the best way to extract the first word from a string in Java? stackoverflow.comTrying to write a short method so that I can parse a string and extract the first word. I have been looking for the best way to do this, can anyone ... |
8. How do I extract a single digit from a string of digits? (Java) stackoverflow.comExample: String number = "1234567890123456"; How do I store the second to last digit by itself in a int type variable? Detailed:
9. Extracting a part of string in java stackoverflow.comI am having the following data in a text file:
10. Matching and extracting data in string stackoverflow.comCan someone help me (and change the title, I couldn't think of one)? I need to look for a command with Pircbot and I need it to be able to read ... |
11. How to extract a part of string stackoverflow.comMy java program generates a set of lines as output like
The answer is displayed between << >>.
I just want to extract the answer 9. How ... |
12. How to extract portion of string coderanch.com |
13. Extracting the contents of the String coderanch.comi'll write the code if i can send you the bill :-) Usualy you show us what you've done so far and where the problem is. Then we help you to solve this problem. We do not write code for you. We do not solve homework. Take a look at java.util.File class. It offers what you want to do for free ... |
14. Extracting portions of a string coderanch.comHi everybody, I need to extract individual portions out of a string that I read in from a text file. I have a string like the following: May, April F 255-2190 1 5 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 5 5 and I need to extract the name, last name, gender, phone, etc. I can successfully read from the ... |
15. extracting numeric values from string coderanch.com |
16. Extract values from a string coderanch.comExactly what I would like to do. but I need to Put each value in a new Variable as following af after I have split it. String Val1=One String Val2=Two String Val3=Tree String Val4=Four String Val5=Five the mention Split-object will put all the values in a array . How do I extract the each value and put them in to a ... |
17. program to extract the full string based on requirement coderanch.comHELLO ALL , I HAVE A FILE WHICH CONTAINS "MRN 09DE588004180289E0" as a value . the requirement is based on the entry of only MRN it should provide me the next 13 digit number . i have used a bufferedreader and reading through the file but in the condition it seems to fail .earlier i had given a while loop , ... |
18. Extracting a string with particular pattern from text coderanch.comHello, I was wondering if there is a 'proper' way in Java to extract a sub-string (from a string) that matches a particular pattern. I want to extract a postal code from a full address string. Postal code is A1A 1A1 format (where 1 is numeric between 0 and 9 and A is alphabetical A to Z). The address example could ... |
19. extract strings coderanch.comHello, I have a file that I have put in a String and I want to extract spcific strings . Here are one part of my file: -------------------------------- f57395a75e4f \ r \ n Content-Disposition: form-data; name = "message_type" \ r \ n \ r \ n treatment_request \ r \ n -------------------------------- f57395a75e4f \ r \ n Content-Disposition: form-data; name = ... |
20. Extracting certain values from a string coderanch.com |
21. Extract item from a string java-forums.org |
22. Extracting the text between two strings java-forums.orgHi friends... I have a doubt in extracting the text between two strings. for example: Begin THE EXCEPTION WAS HANDLED end Now, How i need to find if the line has 'Begin' at the start and 'end' at the end of the string. after that, i need to extract the text 'THE EXCEPTION WAS HANDLED' alone,and store it somewhere. How can ... |
23. how to extract specific line from a string forums.oracle.comprivate int GetNumericValue(string sVal) { int iFirst, iCharVal, iEnd; int iMult = 1, iRet = 0; char[] aNumbers = "1234567890".ToCharArray(); iFirst = sVal.IndexOfAny(aNumbers); iEnd = sVal.LastIndexOfAny(aNumbers); if (iEnd < 0) return 0; string subStr = sVal.Substring(iFirst, iEnd - iFirst + 1); iEnd = subStr.Length - 1; while (subStr.Length > 0) { iCharVal = int.Parse(subStr[subStr.Length-1].ToString()); iRet += iMult * iCharVal; iMult *= ... |
24. i need to extract a portion of a string forums.oracle.comI appologize for not giving clear details. Yes, at this point I assume that the "-" is always going to be only once in a given string. But if there are multiple dashes, I still want the last right string to the last "-". And the number of characters after the last dash varies. In my example it was 4 but ... |
25. Could we extract the name of a variable as a String using that variable??? forums.oracle.comI would like to have a group of boolean members among which only one at a time could be "true". We could do this using hashMap. But i tried to write my own class. The problem i met is i cannot extract the name of the boolean variable as a String. Is there Any way we could do this?? |
26. Extracting Text from a String forums.oracle.comI have a sorted array. The sorted array consist of URLs. I will using binary search to search for a match inside this array. Whenever something like this "http://[\s]*yahoo.com/" is passed in, I need to extract out the yahoo.com and perform checking with the array to determine if there is a matching one inside the array. If not, then I will ... |
27. How to extract fields from string when fields are separated by a separator forums.oracle.comHi, I have a string : line = "100|0|111|222|444" Each number is separated by "|" character. I want to extract each number into an integer array. How do I do it? I know there is a interface or class where we can register the separator("|" in this case ) and then get each field using next() method. Can you please tell ... |
28. Extracting from a String forums.oracle.com |
29. Trying to extract String using pattern forums.oracle.com |
30. reg ex to extract required part of string forums.oracle.com |
31. How Can I extract each part of a string ?? forums.oracle.com |
32. Extracting operands and operators from a string calculation forums.oracle.comStringTokenizer is probably too simple, it requires a specific character as delimiter. StreamTokenizer on the other hand has support for a number of different character classes. It might get you started. If this is a homework assignment in an algorithms class, I suggest you investigate Finite State Machines. These are actually very easy to code if you base them on a ... |
33. extract x amount of words from a string forums.oracle.comStill not quite sure what you're after, but if you want to see if the target string starts with a candidate substring, just use the startsWith method. if (example.startsWith(sub)) ... or, you can still use the indexOf method, just check for a return value of 0, meaning the index of was at the beginning of the string. if (example.indexOf(sub) == 0) ... |
34. Extract information from string forums.oracle.com |
35. extracting letters from a string forums.oracle.comTrust me I know this isn't a free homework site. On another note I have no ambition to be a computer programmer either. As of right now I'm trying to figure out how I take the ints that the user entered and place the values in the substrings (as the ints will be different each time). You guys may think I ... |
36. How to Extract certain Strings from an existing String? forums.oracle.comI was trying to get something similar but the dirtiest yet most reliable method is to use the split() method of a String. The parameter of the split method is the character or string that you want to use to split up the string, returning a list of Strings before, between, and/or after the delimiter. For your situation, I guess my ... |
37. extracting string inside double quote forums.oracle.comHi, In perl this is really easy, but I can't get it to work correclt in java. I'm trying to extract a string that is in double quotes following a keyword... String: SRCH base="o=answer" filter="me" attrs=ALL I want to extract the first quoted value after "SRCH base=" In perl I used: / SRCH base=\"(.*)\" /i In java I'm using: " SRCH ... |
38. How to to extract a string after every comma seprator forums.oracle.com |
39. Extract a value from a String. forums.oracle.comWhy not just treat it as XML, and use an XML parser to get it out? Manipulating XML as a string like that is asking for tricky bugs. Also, hard-coding the position of where you think the substring is going to be is a bad idea. It only takes a bit of rogue whitespace, or a missing encoding instruction, to screw ... |
40. Extracting a value from a String forums.oracle.com |
41. Extracting data from a string forums.oracle.comThere are several ways you can do this. Your choice of implementation depends on your criteria for extracting the string. i.e. if your string always starts "His name is" then user substring. If you need to look at each individual word and extract a word based on context then look at using string.split(" "); or the StringTokenizer class. Both will allow ... |
42. Extracting a specific word from a large string forums.oracle.comhello... i have written a code that generates the output of a standard "ping yahoo.com" command..from this string i want to extract only the ip address...follow the sample code... String p="ping yahoo.com"; Proceess ps=Runtime.getRuntime.exec(p); inputStream in=ps.getInputStream(); StringBuffer bf=new StringBuffer(512); int d; while((d=in.read )!=-1) { bf.append(char(d)); } String mf=bf.toString(); System.out.println(mf); it outputs ip addresses with some other strings and i want to ... |
43. How to extract parts of a string ? forums.oracle.comHi I am facing one problem and trying to solve it for a long time without any success. Hence I am requesting your help ... Suppose I have the following XML input from the client socket - |
44. extracting 'intergers' from a string forums.oracle.comis there a simply way to do this? basically I'm comparing playing cards within their respective arrays. I know there's like a charAT() function that can extrac characters? I could alway type cast it to an int and compare. But I thought I saw a simply way of extracting integers within strings, I don't know. Really tired lately, so maybe I ... |
45. Extract a String from a list? forums.oracle.comYou need to call iterator.next() within the loop. Currently, you keep getting a new Iterator, and are calling toString() on the Iterator. By the way, you need to use code tags to format your code properly. Put { code } before your code and after your code, without the spaces. You also probably need to call indexOf on groupNameString, instead of ... |