encoding « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Simple properties to string conversion in Java    stackoverflow.com

Using Java, I need to encode a Map<String, String> of name value pairs to store into a String, and be able to decode it again. These will be stored ...

2. How to minimize question-marks when encoding a String as Latin-1?    stackoverflow.com

When encoding a java String to Latin-1 (ie. charset ISO-8859-1) I currently convert the German symbol ? ('\u03B2') to ß ('\u00DF') before performing the encoding. I'm trying to avoid a ...

3. Weird String.getByte(Encoding) problem    stackoverflow.com

I am trying this:

byte[] b = String.getBytes("ASCII") and get an UnsupportedEncodingException Exception

String fName = new String(b,"ASCII");

- got the same when used

byte[] b = String.getByte("ISO8859_1");
String fName = new String(b,"ISO8859_1");
Appreciate any help. edit: getByte ...

4. How to handle string encoding in java?    stackoverflow.com

I was really discouraged by java's string encoding. There are many auto conversions in it. and I can't found the regular. Anyone have good idea? for example: In a jsp page, it has such link

And ...

5. How to replace � in a string    stackoverflow.com

I have a string that contains a character � I haven't been able to replace it correctly. String.replace("�", ""); doesn't work, does anyone know how to remove/replace the � in the string??

6. "Fix" String encoding in Java    stackoverflow.com

I have a String created from a byte[] array, using UTF8 encoding.
However, it should have been created using another encoding (windows-1252). Is there a way to convert this string back to the ...

7. What kind of utf8 encoding is being used in members of String class in Java?    stackoverflow.com

String class has a constructor:

 new String(byte[] bytes, Charset charset)
and a method:
 byte[] getBytes(Charset charset)
Given that I define my charset as follows:
 Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
What kind of encoding I will ...

8. Java String.codePointAt returns unexpected value    stackoverflow.com

If I use any ASCII characters from 33 to 127, the codePointAt method gives the correct decimal value, for example:

String s1 = new String("#");
int val = s1.codePointAt(0);
This returns 35 which is ...

9. How to parse a string that is in a different encoding from java    stackoverflow.com

I have a string that I have read in from a Word document. I think it is in "Cp1252" encoding. Java uses UTF8. How do I search that string for those special ...

10. Encoding of string in java    stackoverflow.com

I am actually confused regarding encoding of string in a language. I had some of these questions .... Please help me if you know the answer to them.... 1) What is the ...

11. Converting string encoding in java    stackoverflow.com

Related to this question: "Fix" String encoding in Java My project encoding is UTF-8. I need to make a query to a DB that uses a particular varchar encoding (apparently EUC-KR). I take ...

12. Creating queryable strings    stackoverflow.com

I'd like to store strings also in a more queryable format to the database, forcing it to lowercase, replacing the accented letters with their latin counterparts (ä -> a, ö -> ...

13. Can't get bouncycastle to correctly tag constructed octet string in der encoding    stackoverflow.com

I have the following requirements. I have an asn1 type that needs to be encapsulated in a constructed octet string (octet string tagged as 0x24). This structure is then signed in ...

14. How to get encoded version of string (e.g. \u0421\u043b\u0443\u0436\u0435\u0431\u043d\u0430\u044f)    stackoverflow.com

How to get encoded version of string (e.g. \u0421\u043b\u0443\u0436\u0435\u0431\u043d\u0430\u044f) using Java? EDIT: I guess the question is not very clear... Basically what I want is this: Given string s="blalbla" I want to get ...

15. Shorten an already short string in Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for a way to shorten an already short string as much as possible. The string is a hostname:port combo and could look like "my-domain.se:2121" or "". I know regular compression is ...

16. Inconsistent toByteArray results    stackoverflow.com

System.out.println("hello world".getBytes("UTF-8")); occasionally returns a different value, why is that?? Sorry I'm still a noob at java

17. Strings transcoding in Java    stackoverflow.com

I've found a piece of code recently, which does the following:

String s = ... // whatever
s = new String(s.getBytes(myEncoding), myEncoding);
For me it appears to be absolutely non-sense. Is it possible that under ...

18. Puzzling question about string encoding    coderanch.com

I have posted in the 'servlet' board, but the lack of reply kinda made me think here is a more appropriate place: Hi all, I am working on a project that requires Chinese support, and I have encountered with something I can not explain. In my servlet, there's something like this: code: doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { ............. String inputTextChinese ...

19. Strings encoding    coderanch.com

20. Getting String encoding    forums.oracle.com

To clarify: In Java character and String types are stored in UNICODE, so the actual codes should always be consistent whatever languages you're using and you shouldn't need to know what coding is used. Indeed I'd regard it as bad practice to write code which depends on the specific codes, there are plenty of classification tests in the Character class. When ...

21. Java charset and string encoding    forums.oracle.com

Picture the following scenario. A server (running on Windows) sends an object to a client (running on Linux), over a socket connection. This object contains, among other things, a search path in the form of a string. Now, at some point the client takes this string and transforms it into bytes with the getBytes()-method and sends the byte[]-array back to the ...

22. string encoding..please help    forums.oracle.com

gcameo wrote: How do i choose the right encoding scheme, so it appears alrite? First you need to stop spinning wildly and understand some basics. You have an array of bytes. That is all that has been established here. You are assuming that that array contains a sequence of bytes that corresponds a character set. That isn't necessarily the case. But ...

23. Change encoding of a String    forums.oracle.com

Hi, Is there a way to do this? I have two different scenarios: 1. I know the encoding of the strings. They come from an XML-file encoded in ISO-8859-1. And I need them as UTF-8. 2. Strings that I myself created in my Java code. I need them also as UTF-8. I'm not sure what encoding is used in the Java ...

24. Java string encoding problem    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I ran in the following problem. I store some text in a MySQL database (table encoding is "latin-swedish"): some characters are from Italian, and you can find something like "" or "". Now, when I render the content to screen, everything goes well (and inside the table characters are stored properly. When I write those characters to a file ...

25. what kind of encoding is this string?!    forums.oracle.com

basically, it should contain this kind of data (simple text strings) "mix" "label" "artist" "remixer" "producer" "comment1" "comment 2 for you" "genre" "lyrics" and maybe some more data... and i guess the AAAA are just padding values?! i tried base64, gzip, rot13 ... none worked. how can i determine what is inside this long string and how can i read it ...

26. Encoding of a string    forums.oracle.com

I have a database Mysql in UTF-8. I do a query to catch a field of a table and the deposit in a string. But when I show on screen this string, strange characters appear in the special characters. Is a problem of encoding. In php there is a way to detect the encoding of a string, and depending on the ...

27. encoding a String    forums.oracle.com

29. string length encoding    forums.oracle.com

31. hi,encoding String value?    forums.oracle.com

hi, [code][ PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(res.getOutputStream(), "UTF8"), true); the above line working well, i can able to convert to UTF-8 encoding. how to convert string values to URF-8 . any one can convert the following lines to UTF-8 StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); out.write(writer.toString().getBytes()); /code] thanks siva

32. String encoding for mobile applications    forums.oracle.com

Hi , I am doing project in mobile applications. I have some requirement about string encoding. Now I am doing this as String x="Sav Moi!"; System.out.println("before replacing value is :" + (URLUtil.urlEncode(x.trim()))); then I am getting out put as Sav%C3%A9+Moi%21. So I need to replace + symbol with %20 so I wrote it as System.out.println("after replacement value is :" + (URLUtil.urlEncode(x.trim()).replaceAll(" ...

33. Cross-platform String encoding problem.    forums.oracle.com

Unfortunately, this doesn't fix the root problem i have (this program was just a prototype test). The problem is that a system I talk to has a bug whereby a stream of EBCDIC encoded data is built into a Java String without specifying the correct encoding to apply, i.e, the data already exists as a String object, and not an array ...