empty « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Comparing a string with the empty string (Java)    stackoverflow.com

I have a question about comparing a string with the empty string in Java. Is there a difference, if I compare a string with the empty string with == or equals? ...

2. Is concatenating with an empty string to do a string conversion really that bad?    stackoverflow.com

Let's say I have two char variables, and later on I want to concatenate them into a string. This is how I would do it:

char c1, c2;
// ...

String s = "" ...

3. Why is there no String.Empty in java?    stackoverflow.com

I understand that every time I type the String literal "", the same String object is referenced in the String pool. But why doesn't the String API include a public static final ...

4. Why is a cell value returned as an empty string even though it has content?    stackoverflow.com

I wrote a Java method that uses POI HSSF API to convert an Excel file to my data structure. The code worked just fine for a while. But now there are suddenly ...

5. Initialize all String members with an empty String    stackoverflow.com

I want to set all String members of an object to an empty string if they are null. Pseudocode:

foreach member in object {
    if (member instanceof String and member ...

6. Java empty strings    coderanch.com

Not sure if this falls in basic or intermediate..I saw this piece of code at work and was wondering about it.. if (groupId = null) groupId="" ; This is she can do groupId.length() without it throwing a null pointer exception instead of just checking for null. I was just wondering if its a good practice to do that. Thanks.

7. better way of representing an empty string...    coderanch.com

Hi, Just wanted to know if there is any difference between the following usage of an empty string 1) String empty = ""; 2) String empty = SomeInterface.emptyString; Now, in SomeInterface interface... public static final String emptyString = ""; What happens in my program when i say String abc = ""; String xyz = ""; compared to ..... String abc = ...

8. What is "empty String"?    coderanch.com

Hi, all: Puzzles come again. Which correctly create an array of five empty Strings? A. String a [] = new String [5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; a[i++] = ""); B. String a [] = {"", "", "", "", ""}; C. String a [5]; D. String [5] a; E. String [] a = new String [5]; for (int ...

9. Empty string    coderanch.com

Hi, Welcome to JavaRanch! There are two different kinds of "empty" you might be talking about. One is zero-length; i.e., the String might be "" . The best way to test for this is to use the length() method -- i.e., if (s.length() == 0) ... The other definition is that there's no String object at all -- s might be ...

10. "Empty" String v's String.length() = 0    coderanch.com

My question uses a regex code example from S&B page 498 but is not about regex. S&B state that m.group() can return an "empty string" (page 508) so since (1) prints 0 why don't (2) and (3) give the same result ? Execute the code >javac GBTestR1X1 "d\*" ab34ef I have the feeling that it's somewhat obvious and should thank you ...

11. Java: Preserve empty string    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

13. How to find empty string from a cell.    java-forums.org

14. How do i not return empty strings?    forums.oracle.com

15. handling empty input string    forums.oracle.com

16. Entering an empty string    forums.oracle.com

17. Empty input strings    forums.oracle.com

18. Is there a proper way to set an empty String?    forums.oracle.com

Erm.. I want a String to be nth, empty. But setting it to null, still results in an output null. I can use "", but is there a proper way to do it? Oops my bad I meant something like : String str = ""; str = str + "abc" output will be abc. But is there a proper way to ...

19. (new Locale("us")).getDisplayCountry() returning empty String    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am attempting to resolve an ISO 3166 country code (like 'us') to a country name (like 'United States') using the following code {code}import java.util.Locale; public class CountryNames { public static void main(String args[]) { Locale locale = new Locale("us"); System.out.println("getDisplayCountry is>" + locale.getDisplayCountry() + "<"United States". Is this the right approach to resolving country codes to country names? Please ...

20. Empty String    forums.oracle.com

21. How To Avoid empty string    forums.oracle.com

22. Possible to initialize a String as empty?    forums.oracle.com

23. determine if a string is empty?    forums.oracle.com

24. A weird empty string problem    forums.oracle.com

Jes, Righto... That's a bit clearer but I still can't see anything wrong... To repeat JJ's suggestion... what is in input? is what you expected? Also, the parseInt really should be wrapped in a try catch block. I presume the expected machine operation goes something like: 1. user enters an amount, which you store in "input" 2. user presses a command ...

25. add empty line into string    forums.oracle.com