display « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Calculate the display width of a string in Java    stackoverflow.com

How to calculate the length (in pixels) of a string in Java? Preferable without using Swing. EDIT: I would like to draw the string using the drawString() in Java2D and use the length for ...

2. Displaying ± symbol in Java    stackoverflow.com

How to get the character ± in a string?

3. How to display whether two String objects changed or not?    stackoverflow.com

I want to display whether two String objects changed or not. How do you think following code? I guss it is not so bad. But I wonder if another approach might ...

4. Need to get a multiline string to display in a textbox Java    stackoverflow.com

I have a requirement in my project. I generate a comment string in javascript.

Coping Option: Delete all codes and replace
Source Proj Num: R21AR058864-02
Source PI Last Name: SZALAI
Appl ID: 7924675; File Year: 7924675
I ...

5. Increment counter and display as zero padded string in Java    stackoverflow.com

Are there any existing utilities like Apache Commons StringUtils that make it easy to increment an integer, but output it as a zero padded string? I can certainly write my own utilizing ...

6. Displaying a string    bytes.com

You code just created four String objects and did nothing more. If you want to print something, you need to use System.out.println(). i.e. System.out.println(ouput); By the way, do not write the ...

7. How can I display a string in an input field?    bytes.com

I want to display the string,str in a textbox.However, when I run the JSP file I have only the first word that is displayed.. How do I display the entire string? ...

8. periodically display diff string in the same position in the command console    coderanch.com

hello all: in my program, i want to PERIODICALLY display some string in the SAME POSITION in the windows COMMAND CONSOLE. certainly, it is easy to solve the "periodically" problem by using the Timer class, but what hamper me is how to display them in the SAME position within the windows command consle. so let us make the complex request simpler, ...

9. Problem while displaying ' using MessageFormat    coderanch.com

package test; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ResourceBundle; public class Test { private static ResourceBundle msgBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Props"); public static void main(String[] args) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); copyAndFixQuotes(msgBundle.getString("Code"), 0,msgBundle.getString("Code").length(), sb); System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(sb.toString(), new String[]{"one","two"})); } private static final void copyAndFixQuotes( String source, int start, int end, StringBuffer target) { for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { char ch = ...

10. Displaying others variables in a String    coderanch.com

12. YoYo goes up and down on a string but the yoyo doll doesn't display it appears broken in Internet Ex    coderanch.com

Write an applet that implements Runnable that simulates a yoyo going up and down on a string. Reduce flicker by only repainting the string and yoyo in the background color. import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class YoYo extends Applet implements Runnable { int x = 140; int y = 150; private int sleep = 100; Thread yoyo; int oldy; int increment ...

13. problem in the displaying two strings    dbforums.com

14. Displaying variables in a string?    java-forums.org

Hello everyone. im obviously new to java but im having some trouble displaying some predefined variables i have. I am supposed to write a simple program to compare 2 numbers and then display the larger number following the text "is larger"...this is my code thus far. It gives me trouble in the line where i have to display the variable number ...

15. how to display "" this string    java-forums.org

16. How to display Output String in asterix?    java-forums.org

17. String Display problem    java-forums.org

18. Display string inside <>    java-forums.org

19. Using the return statement to display a string    java-forums.org

public class Elevators { public static void main (String[] args) { ElevatorController eastelevator = new ElevatorController(); ElevatorController westelevator = new ElevatorController(); ElevatorController northelevator = new ElevatorController(); eastelevator.move_up(); westelevator.move_down(); ElevatorController.stop_elevator(eastelevator); northelevator.move_up(); ElevatorController.stop_elevator(westelevator); ElevatorController.stop_elevator(northelevator); } } class ElevatorController { public static String stop_elevator(ElevatorController elevator_name) { elevator_name.report_elevator_name(); String stopper = " is stopping!"; return stopper; } public void move_up() { System.out.println(this + " moving ...

20. Displaying String from Stack    forums.oracle.com

21. Fastest way to display String    forums.oracle.com

22. Why String display ???????    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I am read a string from mail body (Outlook ), and the body of the mail content is split in to a word and stored this word in to a text file, what is my problem is after i write to the file, some of the word is display like ???????? .(sequence of question mark symbol) Why the word ...

23. Display section of string following comma    forums.oracle.com

24. Strings displayed as ????    forums.oracle.com

i'm building an email notification engine!!! it went great but i was surprised that emails that contains arabic characters are displayed as "?" . so i tried to make a test on a console application to print out arabic chars and i got the same result "?"... i'm using the same font in VB.Net and it is working fine with arabic ...

26. to display unique strings    forums.oracle.com

28. Masking a String with only last 2 digits displayed    forums.oracle.com

But replacing a single regex for which it is not in 2 seconds clear what it does with Java code which IS self-documenting: perhaps. I tend to think from the perspective of debugging in these cases. It is easy to step through X lines of code and see what happens at each step, it is difficult to debug why a regex ...