difference « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Difference between various string comparisons in Java    stackoverflow.com

Is there a difference between these ?





if(myString == ""){

I have a string, I don't know is it empty or has some emtpy spaces I just wan't to stop it to be ...

2. What's the difference between String and new String?    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java?
What's the difference between these two statements:
String a1 = new String("abc");
String a2 = ...

3. Difference between String[]a and String...a    stackoverflow.com

Whats the difference when we write String[]a in main method and String...a?

public static void main(String[]a)
public static void main(String...a)

4. Difference between String and AttributedString    stackoverflow.com

I am quite confused here. Today I came across this concept of AttributedString. But I am not able to find the exact difference for String and AttributedString. And more ...

5. what is the difference between main(String... s) and main(String[] s)?    stackoverflow.com

class Test{
    public static void main(String... s){

class Test{
    public static void main(String[] s){

6. What is the difference between these two ways of initializing a String?    stackoverflow.com

String obj = null;
obj= new String("Samuel");


String obj = null;
Is there any difference between these two ways of initializing a String?

7. What's the difference between String s = "something"; and String s = new String("something");    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
difference between string object and string literal
When initializing a String object there are at least two ways, like such:
String s = "some string";
String ...

8. What is the difference between new String("ONE") and String one = "ONE" in java?    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
Java Strings: “String s = new String(”silly“);”
I was going through some of the string examples and I am confused: What is the difference between String ...

9. Difference between String s = "Marcus"; vs String s2 = new String("Marcus");    coderanch.com

String s = "Marcus"; It is a string literal. String s2 = new String("Marcus"); A new instance is created as you have created the string with the new operator. But again if you have created a new string like String s1 = "Marcus" First it searches if the string "Marcus" is there in the string pool,(in this case,as it is already ...

10. difference in System.out.println() vs. assigning a String    coderanch.com

Hi Justin- When you use the System.out.println() method, the method parses the paramaters and calls the toString() method of the paramater object when required. When you declare a String literal (or a String object) this is not done. Therefore you need to append the toString() to the object such as loop.next().toString() whenever the value returned is not a primative type or ...

11. Difference between String variable and String Object ???    coderanch.com

try this: String s1 = new String (); String s2 = ""; System.out.println ("s1.equals (s2) \t" + (s1.equals (s2))); System.out.println ("s1 == s2\t" + (s1 == s2)); System.out.println ("s1 =\t" + s1); System.out.println ("s2 =\t" + s2); What the question 'Object of class' vs. 'Variable of data type' concerns: In my language I use it interchangable, but the language-lawyers might tell ...

12. String difference    coderanch.com

Sanjaya is referring to the String literal pool. Consider the statement "String str2 = new String("HELLO");". The Java compiler sets up every String literal like "HELLO" in your source program in a special memory area called the "String literal pool". If your program used the literal "HELLO" somewhere else, there would still be only one String like this in the pool. ...

15. what is the difference between String name="Java" and String name=new String("Java")    coderanch.com

To save lots of object creations and heap space (memory where objecs are stored)A concept called String pool in java is used. Because String once created are immutable,when ever a String is created in java it is placed in the String pool [you can assume as HashMap]. Example: String s="java"; This object s is placed in String pool. String another = ...

16. Difference between String s = "java" and String s = new String("java");    coderanch.com

You've actually got the first one backwards! In the first case, "==" returns false, because you're comparing two, distinct, newly-created String objects. "equals()" returns true, because those two String objects have the same contents. In the second case, you're comparing two references to the same String object; it's created when the class is loaded and used twice in the code. The ...

17. difference between changing the String after putting in Set or changing Set in Object    coderanch.com

Amandeep Singh wrote:example- Is it a kind of risky thing to do or pretty safe to do this ? It is risky, but it is acceptable in some cases. It is risky because the ContData doesn't have full control of its internal state, hence won't be able to ensure that its operations are consistent. So in the perfect world, ...

18. what is the difference between these.... String[] String... String    coderanch.com

foo(String... args) is called when you provide zero or more Strings, or a String array. foo(String[] args) is called when you provide a real String array. foo(String args) is called when you provide exactly one String. That leaves two overlaps: one String and a String array. For these cases, the most specific method is found. Applied to varargs, it says that ...

19. Difference in Creation of String Objects    coderanch.com

For the most part, the various pieces (methods, variables, and objects) of Java programs live in one of two places in memory: the stack or the heap. For now, we're going to worry about only three types of things: instance variables, local variables, and objects: * Instance variables and objects live on the heap. * Local variables live on the stack. ...

20. difference between two string object    coderanch.com

21. What is the difference in String a = "abc" and String a = new String("abc")    coderanch.com

Thanks Wouter, I came to know the exact difference between these two type of instantiation.. So, String a="abc"; its a costly one since object always persist in heap... If many string literals are created like this, Program will be running out of memory... Second format is best comparing to first one... Constant literal table can be cleared only if JVM is ...

22. Difference between String s    coderanch.com

Difference between 1.string s="raja"; and 2. string s=new String("raja"); what i read is , only one instance and one reference created for first case. Two instances and one reference created for second case. Object created in constant memory for first case. Object created in heap memory for second case. My question is in general how many objects for both.

23. Difference Between String s = new String("Computer") and String s = "Computer" ???    coderanch.com

Ok, let me get it clear this time. equals() - It has been overridden in String class to actually compare the contents of the String object. So if you have String c = new String("Computer"); String c2 = "Computer"; System.out.println(c.equals(c2)); //This will print True So you can see that equals method is comparing the contents of the String and not just ...

24. Difference between String    coderanch.com

I need the difference between string s="abc" and string s=new string("abc"); How many objects created for both . The following i got from google , is it correct. String s "abc"; is the simple case it will create one string object and one reference variable. "abc" will go into the pool and s will refer to it... String s new String("abc"); ...

25. Difference between String and String[] element    java-forums.org

ArrayList fruitList = new ArrayList(); fruitList.add(new Apple()); //all of these are extensions of the class Fruit fruitList.add(new Orange()); fruitList.add(new Pear()); String wholeString = "apple orange pear"; String[] fruits = String[5]; //extra size just to be safe for testing fruits = wholeString.split(" "); //splits the string up by space characters String element = fruits[0] //assigns "apple" to the String element System.out.println(fruitList.contains(new Fruit(element)));//returns ...

26. difference between String object and final String object.    forums.oracle.com

String is a class. When you instantiate it you get an Object. You knew what the OP meant by final String Object. You chose to be a d!ckhead, and that's your choice. It's also my choice to point out when I think you're being a fucknut in the hopes that you will choose your battles. Some of these people are newbs ...

28. difference between two strings    forums.oracle.com

First thing you need to do is precisely define what you mean by "difference." What if you have "fine Hi how are you?" "Hi how are you? I am fine" or "Hi how are you? I am fine" "Hi how are you? fine I am" ? (Note that I don't actually expect you to answer those questions here. These are quetsions ...

30. difference between String a="abc" ans String a=new String("abc")    forums.oracle.com

In terms of the String object that you get back, they'll be the same, meaning they have the same content. Because of string pooling though, they are different in terms of if they give a new object or a reference to an existing one. The first one may give a reference to an already existing String in the pool with the ...

31. Difference in String joining    forums.oracle.com

Another interview question? Adding strings with + gets compiled into instantiations and invocations of StringBuffer or StringBuilder, invoking append() on it, and then calling toString on it. That is, unless the stuff you're adding is all immutable at compile time, in which case the concatenation happens at compile time and the class just has a big string. .concat(), I presume, creates ...

35. difference between String and final String    forums.oracle.com

36. String assignment differences    forums.oracle.com

37. Scanning strings for differences    forums.oracle.com

I've been given an assignment for my Java class using recursion. The problem is this... "Write a recursive method that returns the number of places where the two passwords have different characters. The passwords can have different lengths." Of course this is only about 1/100 different methods I have to code, but it has me lost. How should I go about ...

38. what is difference between string s="abc" and string s=new string("ab    forums.oracle.com

When you say: String a = "abc"; then the JVM arranges for "abc" to be in that pool, and then produces a reference to it when executing that code. When you write: String a = new String("abc"); then the JVM still arranges for "abc" to be in that pool, and still provides a reference to it, but that reference is then ...

39. difference between 2 statements s1=new String("abc"); & s2="abc";    forums.oracle.com

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41. Difference between two strings    forums.oracle.com