1. How to decode a string on runtime in java? stackoverflow.comI'm creating email client, when i receive emails from blackberry server it sends file name as "=?utf-8?B?anBlZ2F0dGFjaG1lbnQuSlBFRw==?=" but the original filename was "jpegattachment.JPEG", and sometime I get the plain text when ... |
2. How do I decode a DER encoded string in Java? stackoverflow.comI'm trying to read a custom extension from a digital certificate. I know the value is a GeneralString encoded in DER. Is there an easy way to correctly decode it and ... |
3. How to decode UTF-8 encoded String using java? stackoverflow.comActually i'm having String in UTF-8 encoded form in the mail. I want it to decode it. I use Java mimeutility.decode text. But it doesn't decode properly. Example String =?UTF-8?B?0J/RgNC40LLQtdGC?==?UTF-8?B?0JfQtNGA0LDQstGB0YLQstGD0LnRgtC1?=When ... |
4. Java: prevent auto-decoding of encoded String stackoverflow.comI have an encoded String like this:
and want to split it on the "/".
In the last part, there is a encoded "/" as "%2F".
The result is
5. Detect (or best guess of) incoming string encoding in Java stackoverflow.comI was wondering if there are known methods to detect (or give a best guess of) the encoding of a particular string in Java. I know that you always need some additional ... |
6. Java decode string escaped by Actionscript stackoverflow.comI have an environment where strings are percent encoded by Actionscript |
7. How to decode a String with '& # 39;'? coderanch.comHi All, I have a question. Right now one of the field in our database, the Comments field, which is coming from other online systems, has encoded characters in it. For example, it's possible to have '& # 39;' in the Comments field instead of \'. Or '& QUOT;' in the Comments field instead of \". How can I decode them ... |
8. How to decode a String in Java? coderanch.comHi All, I have a question. Right now one of the field in our database, the Comments field, which is coming from other online systems, has encoded characters in it. For example, it's possible to have ''' in the Comments field instead of \'. Or '"' in the Comments field instead of \". How can I decode them back to \' ... |
9. String decoding coderanch.comI'm getting inputs to my program as strings, like this: =12+69*98 and i have to compute these values. I tried to do this by getting the string and divide into sub strings and then to combine those with required opcodes. (i create an ArrayList to do this) (I took the integer values of those substrings) but combining those strings didn't work. ... |
10. javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: When Decoding an Input String coderanch.comHello, I have been given the following class for encrypting and decrypting password strings. I can encrypt ok but I receive errors when I try to decrypt. The error is as follows EncryptionHelper.encrypt...byte array length: 18EncryptionHelper.encrypt...string interpretation: [B@b179c3 Encrypt len = 44 EncryptionHelper.encrypt...return value: [B@67ac19 String decoded = [B@53ba3d Lent=5 testt Controller.main...exception, illegal block size: javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple ... |
11. String charset encoding decoding forums.oracle.comYou have a fundamental misunderstanding. Your String 'infile' contains UNICODE characters encoded as UTF-16. Java Strings always contain UNICODE characters encoded as UTF-16. Bytes can be converted to a String by specifying the character encoding of the bytes but you cannot convert a String from one character encoding to another because Strings are always UNICODE characters encoded as UTF-16. |