String 4 « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Why String class was designed this way?

Why was the String class designed in a way that instances of this class are pooled as well as immutable? Thanks & Regards, Vidyakar Sharma.

2. Is String s = "foobar" atomic?

Is String s = "foobar"; atomic? Assigning a object-reference should be, but I'm no really sure. Thanks.

3. How Object objects return Strings? (Java)

If Object is the mother of all classes in the hierarchy, how can he implement a method returning an object of a child class (e.g toString returns a String object)?

4. How do i seperate a String so that "cat!" will be "cat !"

I believe this program will work for most instances except one. I added spaces in indexOF() so words like cathrine and dogsuit lammas Would all be accepted as non profane. The ...

5. Trouble in getting proper string input

I am writing a method in Java in which the user is supposed to enter a license plate for a car. The fist two signs must be capital letters, the ...

6. String object instances

Possible Duplicate:
Basic Java question: String equality
String s= "God";
String k= "God";
Will both s and k be considered to be referring to the same String object? ...

7. How can I change a string twice (building on the previous changes) in Java? (code inside)

for example, say I have a string called names and I want to .toUpperCase and then use the .replaceAll function before printing it. The problem I'm having is that only one step ...

8. Creating a String[] from Guava's Splitter

Is there a more efficient way to create a string array from Guava's Splitter than the following?

Lists.newArrayList(splitter.split()).toArray(new String[0]);

9. I want to make a concealed "password" in Java

In Java I want to make such that when I'm typing a String as input the letters of the string do not appear on the console screen. Is there anyway ...

10. String objects and the heap

I am studying for the SCJP exam and I have a sample set of questions that I am working through. One questions answer I am unsure about and was hoping someone ...

11. String cannot be resolved to a type - Java RAD

I've recently started developing in Java (coming from .Net). The IDE I am using is RAD 7.3. After importing a project, which I need to do some enhancements on, I am receiving ...

12. Could I use the DFA to trace strings of a certain Languages?

Generally DFA's are used to check, whether given string is present in a certain language. e.g _ab1c is present in the Language of variables in C. What I am doing? But as ...

13. Thick border of drawn string

Now I feel like I've been looking all over the internet to find out how to add a border on a text, so i decided to ask here, since you guys ...

14. Java: String to asterisk, masking password

I'm creating this simple login code for an ATM machine. You enter username and password and you logs in, that works just great. Since I'm not connecting to a database or an ...

15. Entities Extraction and removal from String

what I want to do is to extract sub-strings from a given string. For example

String str = "Eminem - Not Afraid with lyrics 2010";
String str2 = "Eminem - Not Afraid (HQ)";
String str3 ...

16. fastway to define string with concatination and menuplation

String temp = "";

temp = String.format("%02d", ""+hour)+":"+String.format("%02d", ""+min)+":"+String.format("%02d", ""+sec);
Is this fast way to format the number with concatenation to define the specific leading zero or any another way? Actually I have to ...

17. Java detect if a string is a valid JS script

I want to detect if a string is a valid javasript code for pass it for the evaluation of rhino engine, now i'm assuming that the string is a javascript script ...

18. Making an executable jar that evals Clojure strings

I'm building a Java app that loads Clojure files. I'm having trouble making a single executable jar. I'm using One-Jar, but I get an exception when I try to ...

19. Which is a faster approach when iterating over strings in Java and why?

I was going through this question and one of the answers gave 2 options and said the first one is probably faster. I would like to know why? ...

20. Customize Java 1.6 code to work in Java 1.3

String.format("%,.2f", tranInfo.getAmount()) Note : tranInfo.getAmount() return double type the above Java code work fine in Java version 1.6 in Windows platform. But when i try to customize the code to : String.format("%,.2f",new Object[] {new ...

21. Java - delete certain blanks

How to change the textstring

New York, Apple Tree, Banana , Marc Polo
New York,Apple Tree,Banana,Marc Polo
I have no idea about how to delete certain blanks which is not bewteen two words. Any help? ...

22. can I explicitly invoke EL on a string (java)

I am looking for a way to take a string like: "pleas take this ${date.object}." and a dictionary that has the key "object" and replacing as EL does. i.e. if "object"=>"bag" then I want ...

23. Method to determine if path string is local or remote machine for Java

I want to determine if a file path string is on the local machine or a remote server/ network location. Is there any Java API to determine the above behaviour ?

24. Java String - include part hidden by 'offset'

I have a Java String object with the value: "c:SAMPLE". Its offset=2 and count=6 so the actual string is "SAMPLE". How can i build a new String that will be equal to ...

25. Why does Java's main method use String[] instead of String dot dot dot

An array parameter declaration causes a syntax error where the invocations happen. Yet the main method uses String[] instead of String... How can I understand this inconsistency?

package domain.test;

import ...

26. Java Make String to SHA1

I am trying to convert a String to a SHA1 hash! This is my code

public static void SHA1(String x) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException

    MessageDigest sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
    SHA1 ...

27. Java String transform (e.g. hello world --> Hello World)

Possible Duplicate:
Capitalize First Char of Each Word in a String Java
What would be the easiest way to write a function that makes the following ...

28. Using StringUtils methods runs faster than Java methods?

I want to know if the methods from StringUtils from Apache Commons Lang library runs faster than Java String methods. I know this is micro-optimization, but it's necessary because methods will be ...

29. How do I copy a stack in Java?

I have a stack A and I want to create a stack B that is identical to stack A. I don't want stack B to simply be a pointer to A ...

30. The program do not stop(to receive string) at expected point

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Power1Eng {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        double x, prod = 1;

31. NullPointerException (when String is initialized)

Following is a snippet that throws java.lang.NullPointerException.

else if(jRadioButton2.isSelected()) {
             // chrome selected

32. String questions

I have a problem and a question with using Strings. The problem I am having is reading a line in a text file. Let's say in my .txt file I have the ...

33. How to get today as a string in Java 5?

For example for today I want string as "Sunday". I know how to do this in Java 6:

String day = Calendar.getInstance().getDisplayName(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.LONG, Locale.getDefault());
But this doesn't compile in Java 5. Any idea ...

34. Input String (Java)

In my current program one method asks the user to enter the description of a product as a String input. However, when I later attempt to print out this information, ...

35. Java String import

i have one doubt that when we use ArrayList or HashMap in java we have to import the import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.HashMap; but when we use String it do not require the ...

36. I need write validDate() function in java

I need a function to check a date with boolean. I have a String variable that stored one date. I stored date format is that "yyyy/mm/dd". I need to check if ...

37. Trying to calculate GPA

here's my code so far(it's been updated):

import java.util.Scanner; 

public class gpa {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      double gpa=0;

38. Suffixes for Strings

How would I add something to the end of a string, like an integer? Example:

int i = 0;
String string = Integer.toString(i);
string = string + suffix;
I tried using the plus sign to add ...

39. generating unique string for each java object instance

I need to write a function which returns a string which should be unique for each state of the object. i.e. if any of the instance variables are changed, then this method ...

40. Java : is it possible to get only the first characer of the string

I have a for loop inside java .

for (Legform ld : data)
The output of ...

41. How to filter points from a strings?

I have a string

String ="...blah..." 
I want to filter this string from 3 dots in the front and 3 in back to have like follows
String = "blah". 
Whats the ...

42. superscript in Java String

Does Java String supports superscript in a String? If yes then how can I use it, I have searched the web and also the API but not able to figure out ...

43. String representation in Java

A String is represented as objects in Java. Accordingly, an object contains values stored in instance variables within the object. An object also contains bodies of code that operate upon the ...

44. linked-list type comes from string in java

Is there any way to create a linked-list which type is comes from a string in java. Such that;

String str = "Integer"
.... some process with str ...
LinkedList<resultOfProcess> lnklst = new LinkedList<resultOfProcess>();
// ...

45. Java: String.equalsIgnoreCase(. . .) not working

I am developing a small application in Java. The following if condition never becomes true, does any body be knows the actual reason?

public int foo()

String sTitle = "title";
if (sTitle.equalsIgnoreCase(MyCustomObject.sTitle))

46. a couple of doubts about String in Java

  1. what is the difference between: String a[] and List<String> a?
  2. Is String a[] correct? or for defining array of strings we should use String[] a always?
  3. When we declare String[] a, do we ...

47. String reference in java

class test
    public static void main(String args[])
        test ob=new test();

48. generate table in java

I am trying to create table in java by taking in user input. So for the three the table should look like: I am looking for any idea on how to ...

49. String Concatentation

I have the following code and the return is confusing me. I am new to java and not exactly sure why it is returning the way it is. Any help would ...

50. String SomeLongString = JavaAPIMethodFor (String[] strings, String delimeter)

String SomeLongString = JavaAPIMethodFor (String[] strings, String delimiter);
Or this could work as well:
String SomeLongString = JavaAPIMethodConvertingArrayWithDelimeter (String[] strings, char delimiter)
I wanted to join strings into a larger string, but this is ...

51. Java front back a string

Basically i'm looking to take a string and just alternate between front and back for instance lets say i have the following string android That would then be outputted like this adnidor It would alternate ...

52. Javap Asciz Strings

Little question about the output generated from the javap command regarding the constant pool. When Javap prints the pool it defines string constants as Asciz strings, which I understand means null terminated ...

53. There is a library for String normalization in Java?

Yes, I know that there is a similar question, but I want a different thing. I want to normalize punctuations, spaces, quotes, hyphens, etc., but not touch in the letters. There a lot ...

54. String objects created by a method

I'm doing a few mock test for my Oracle Certified Java Programmer certification. One of the question I found in a test is this one:

public String makinStrings() { 
 String s ...

55. Dealing with incorrectly encoded UTF-16 (?) in Java

I'm doing some work on the common crawl dataset (a large web crawl) and I keep seeing a strange encoding schema I just can't work out how to deal ...

56. Can I use string delimiters in StringTemplate? If not, what's a good template engine?

I need a simple template engine, that only does variable names replacement (I don't need other features), and can be configured to use delimiters that are strings, not characters. E.g.

new Template("Hello ...

57. String analysis and classification

I am developing a financial manager in my freetime with Java and Swing GUI. When the user adds a new entry, he is prompted to fill in: Moneyamount, Date, Comment and ...

58. Doing minus operation on string

I have a small problem with the minus operation in java. When the user press the 'backspace' key, I want the char the user typed, to be taken away from the ...

59. Java String Counter

60. string searcher

I'm writing a program that asks for a sentence and a search word. It prints the number of times the search word appears exactly in the sentence, and the number of ...

61. Generate barcode from a string in java

@JosAH Thank you, that is what I also do, the string or bytes I get as return value when I read a barcode with barcode reader, I use it as unique ...

62. setWidth string

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, name + "\n" + String.format("%-40s", "Gross Amount:")+ "$" + String.format("%10.2f", gross) + "\n" + String.format("%-40s", "Federal Tax:") + "$" + String.format("%10.2f", fed) + "\n" + String.format("%-40s", ...

63. URLto invoque the methode(string arg) on serive web

What have you tried so far to solve the problem? Please try researching the topic. Try using keywords like "Web Service", "invoke", "java". I found the following article on invoking a ...

64. help on strings

You can identify in your existing code where (the only time) the string is assigned to. And you have the API docs that describe how to get user input. I can't ...

65. String Question

Hi, I am writing a new file from information thats from another program.I can't figure out how to: write the input (String) that gets displayed in the JOptionPane to the file. ...

66. string builder

StringBuilder builder1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(0); StringBuilder builder3 = new StringBuilder(100); System.out.println(builder1.capacity()); System.out.println(builder2.capacity()); System.out.println(builder3.capacity()); 16 0 100 can any of tell me that why it give 16 ...

67. cannot access a string

70. Getting range between two String

Hi all, I am trying to find out the String range between two String codes. I think it possible to get the values between two integer values,but how get the values ...

71. problem in Runtime.exec(String s)

hi buddies i am using Runtime.getRuntime().exec("backup.ini"); this will execute this script file. inside the file look like this tar cvf test.tar /home1/backup this will store all the files from /home1/backup to test.tar but while executing through GUI (RMI call) its giving error. its working but not completely. but samething if i run from simple java application(server itself) it works fine. i ...

72. re: code works until add this function to idl: string getClient1Name();

I have a counter object that has at most two clients connected to it. I do not want the same two clients in the regClients String[]. Since restriction is that we only want two registered clients we can just check position one of array. Note array starts from position 0. When I add function getClient1Name(), results in error All other code ...

73. String to BCD

Hi, I want to convert a String array to Binary Coded Decimal. For example I have str = "12345" I need a byte array with BCD equivalant with a 0 left padding if the string contains odd number of digits. the byte array should contain byte[0] should contain the equivalent of "01" byte[1] = eq "23" byte[2] = eq "45". Thanks, ...

74. Strings

75. on process exec (String[] cmdarray)

how do i use this method? for example i have an exe file visual.exe which needs 3 arguments: visual -din arg1 -cout arg2 -dout arg3 how do i run this from a java program? i tried doing this: Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime (); Process p1 = rt.exec ("visual -din" + arg1 "-cout" + arg2 + "-dout" + arg3); p1.waitFor (); but ...

76. StreamResult to a String?

77. String compression

Hello folks, I am hereby wanting to compress a string .For example, i am having a string like aaaaaaaaadddddddddggggzz So compressed string can be 9a9d4g2z Now i need to develop an algo for the same.It is quite simple that i need to count occurence of each alphabet.But since we have 26 alphabets, we need to have 26 cases for the same ...

78. invoking a string

79. how to make a class object from a string representation of the same

i have the name of a class whose object i want to make in the form of a string i.e. String s="S1"; i get this name after some prosessing. so what i want to do is to create an object of S1 which is actually one class that i have implemented.plz hlp. it is urgent.thnx in advance.

80. class [Ljava.lang.String

81. Encrypt/decrypt string without JCE?

Hello All, I'm developing an applet for IE with Microsoft VM plugin, I want to encrypt data inputted before writing it to a text file. JCE cannot be used here, so I would like to have a solution/source code which implements cryptography algorithsm (such as DES). Could you please help? Thanks a lot.

82. How does String str = "str" work?

Not quite that simple. Literal strings are cached, so the actual byte code will first check if an object matching the required string is in the cache and if it is then str will reference that object. If it isn't then a new String object will be created and added to the cache and str will then reference the new object. ...

83. How to System.out.println the string reference

Returns a hash code for this string. The hash code for a String object is computed as s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1] using int arithmetic, where s[i] is the ith character of the string, n is the length of the string, and ^ indicates exponentiation. (The hash value of the empty string is zero.)

84. How to compress String?

Remember String is unicode, so it's using 2 bytes of memory for each character. You could just use char[] and save half. At least until you want to turn them back to string for output. There are some simple techniques that work with strings with certain characteristics. For example I used to work with mainframe records with lots of repeated spaces ...

85. trouble with string

i'm developing a home app (swing standalone app and database) in my laptop (for a long time...) my environment: winXP home SP2 eclipse 3.1 with all updates using visual editor for eclipse hibernate 2.1.7 MySQL 4.1.10a-nt java version "1.5.0_06" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_06-b05, mixed mode, sharing) my app is nearly finished, ...

86. Generating a String based on a Regular Exprssion

Hi, I need to generate a String based on a given regular exression. Currently, relying on a trivial approach to keep on generating a char sequence randomly until it gets validated against the regular expression (using the java.util.regex APIs). Suggestions for any other optimized approach/ method/ APIs available which can help ? Regards, Amit Srivastava.

87. string encrypt/decrypt API

JCE is already in place with JDK to take care of your encryption and decryption.But I do not think is has any direct function to do this. You can use symetric approach if you need to encrypt/decrypt a string.Using the JCE you can create symetric key and then with the help of cipher and the key you can decrypt and you ...

88. Using Strings we can't Modify the content,Explain it

Hi Sirisha, try this: String s = "Hello"; s.substring (0,1); System.out.println(s); It will print "Hello", not only "H". Because the String object made in the first line and reference by s is "Hello" and will never change. If the second line was s = s.substring (0,1); the object from the first line also would not be changed. Instead a new string ...

89. Design Patteren implemented in String?

"Design patterns," generally, are a way of describing the relationships between classes. It makes little sense to ask what design pattern a single class implements, just as it makes little sense to ask what sound a single hand makes in clapping. If you explain to us where you got the idea to ask this question, maybe we could help you to ...

90. ByteArrayOutputStream to String

Maybe use a different encoding, that does support Japanese. Also remember that the Windows / Unix command line also does not understand some character sets like Japanese. I even had a Linux command line that didn't recognise the "" character. If you print to System.out you may never get it to work. Does it work in a JLabel, or a JTextArea? ...

91. User Agent String???

92. what is getValue(String) in custom tag?

93. send and receiving string

94. regarding strings

96. res.encodeUrl(String someUrl)

97. Textbox String

I created a servlet that creates a html form with a textbox and a submit button. The form posts to the same servlet which in turn reverses the string entered in the textbox and creates the same form as before only now with the reversed text in the textbox. If the user presses the submit button again the reversed text should ...

98. in form GET method query string problem

99. String Functions

Here's a snippet of code i did for just this type thing.....I was sending a usernameTo|usernameFrom|date|time string sent to delete multiple emails from a prog.....this will give you an idea of "splitting" them up after that just run them into a hastable with either a loop or anything that flips your cookie. I was building a query (as you can tell) ...

100. Strings

how about this one?public String getParam(String queryStr, String paramName){ //breaks a querystring into tokens of name value pairs. //If we find the name, we know the next token is the desired value... String returnVal= ""; // or null if you want. StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(queryStr, ",="); boolean notFound = true; while (st.hasMoreTokens() && notFound) { if (st.nextToken().equals(paramName)) { returnVal = ...