primitive 2 « primitive « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Binary I/O - error storing mix of objects and primitives

@wpafbuser1, jverd Yes, I ran it via command line. The class file I used is part of the attachment in the bug report. (CLI generated) I was wondering about the difference in file sizes. I understand that when you use NB, the class file is stored separate from the java source (in Project_Name\build\class\), and when you run it via cmd, you ...

2. Question with long primitive

They're both the same value. There is no "L" in the actual numeric value, that's just a way to tell the compiler that a hard-coded constant is a long value. I don't understand your problem with it, since adding 1 to either is the same since it's the same value. Do you mean you typed this code: long x = 9223372036854775807; ...

3. primitive type v object

There are two families of types in Java--primitives and objects. Primitives (byte, char, short, int, long, float, double, boolean) are simple values and do not have methods or member variables. There's no type hierarchy that you can extends. Objects have member variables and methods and are part of a class hierarchy rooted at Object. Classes can be extended and their behavior ...

4. Primitive v/s Non-primitive data type

5. Is String class or primitive?

6. 2d object with multiple primitive types

I've done some research and tried a few options and finally decided that I want a two dimensional object to handle several different types of primitives. My current plan is to just put them all in a 2d String array, then parse them to whatever type I need when I need to do calculations with the integers or doubles. But I ...

7. copy primitive from parent to child

8. Question about primitive data types

9. problem with primitive data types range

10. Primitive data type problems

we know that byte, int these are primitive type. for byte there is a class in java.lang named "Byte" which wraps the byte type. but when i am wrinting "byte.class" , it is showing the output "byte". but i was expecting that it will show the output like "class Byte" with big B. why it is not showing?? If anyone explain ...

11. passing primitives to a method

13. Primitive Type

14. primitives and wrappers

BIJ001 ... you are an excellent observer and I thank you for your effort and time. However, there are some issues about your code: 1. okay() needs to check which parameter is the wrapper and which is the primitive because I get two classes and I don't know which is the primitive and which is the wrapper. Also they both could ...

15. Primitives

Without Autoboxing int i; Integer j; i = 1; j = new Integer(2); i = j.intValue(); j = new Integer(i); this is fine . With Autoboxing int i; Integer j; i = 1; j = 2; i = j; // Type mismatch error j = i; // Type mismatch error I'm using JDK 1.5 . why I'm getting a compile time ...

16. Method Overriding - covarent returns not applicable for primitive datatypes

Hello jverd, Thanks for your reply, Well @ the thing "There is no inheritance--no IS-A relationship--among primitives." I agree with you. But when we see that the byte->short->int->long sequence all this will fit in the right side, in this case i wanted to know that if it would have caused problem; if we would have given covariant type returns for primitive ...

18. Primitives Issue in SCJP..

HI, I have just started preparing for SCJP 1.4..I am studying Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates ,All in One Java 2 Book.. I see a section where primitves are explained..and i felt some confusions ... char c = (char) -98 //Legal The character is unsigned 16 bit so,how it can be negetive..And again when i am doing a println for any ...

19. primitive data transfer types transfer from a pc 2 a mobile

public class Client1 extends MIDlet { private StreamConnection streamConnection = null; private OutputStream outputStream = null; private DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = null; private InputStream inputStream = null; private InputStream inputStream2 = null; private DataInputStream dataInputStream = null; private DataInputStream dataInputStream2 = null; private String connectString = ""; private Display myDisplay = null; private Display display; TextBox t = null; StringBuffer b = ...

20. Primitive operations Doubt

21. is string primitive data type?

If you google your question you will get the answer. A String in Java is an object and not a primitive data type. It is completely immutable. Once created it cannot be changed. Calling any method that performs operations on a String and returns a String is ultimately returning a whole new String object.

22. How Many Java Primitive Types?

"...expressions in the Java programming language that operate on boolean values are compiled to use values of the Java virtual machine int data type." Odd... wouldn't it save a few bytes of memory (3 to be exact) to use a byte? Not that one generally creates a large abundance of boolean's (in the source code, that is) Message was edited by: ...

23. any Java built in function to get the Class type corresponding to primitive

Are you telling us that the String in question is unknown and you have no idea what type it SHOULD be? If that's the case I would submit that you have a deeper problem. Since you're using XML you should be able to determine which element you're dealing with and based on that have some idea of what it should be. ...

24. Getting the class of a primitive type or void

25. Combining Primitives Into One Shape

When I was reading through the Java3D manuals, I could've sworn I saw something about being able to take two Primitives (a Box and a Sphere, for instance), position them to intersect, and derive a new shape based on that intersection. The two welded together, or the Box with a Sphere-shaped chunk taken out of the side, or just the volume ...

26. Compatible primitives

Hi everyone, I need to see if two classes are primitive compatibles. For example, if one class is int.class and the other is Integer.class, then they are compatible. To do that, I compare (ignore case) the simple names of both classes, and hanlde int and char specially. Is there a better way ? Thanks

27. Primitive types example