primitive 1 « primitive « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Should I never use primitive types again?

Mixing the use of primitive data types and their respective wrapper classes, in Java, can lead to a lot of bugs. The following example illustrates the issue:

int i = 4;
if (i ...

2. How can I generically tell if a Java Class is a primitive type?

Is there any way to take a Class and determine if it represents a primitive type (is there a solution that doesn't require specifically enumerating all the primitive types)? NOTE: I've seen ...

3. Is Java foreach iteration order over primitives precisely defined?

Example code:

    int a[] = new double[]{0, 1, 2, 3};
    int result = 0;
    for (int i : a)

4. Java Primitive Data Types

Why aren't Java primitive data types just called "Java data types"?

5. Quick question about primitives

Edited this question because of my bad examples.. Here is my updated question: Would the following be equal in speed and memory allocation:

int b;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ...

6. How can I draw a portion of my Java2D simulation that doesn't change to an image/buffer so I don't have to redraw it's primitives each time?

How can I draw a portion of my Java2D simulation that doesn't change to an image/buffer so I don't have to redraw it's primitives each time? I have a portion of my ...

7. Finding Highest Order 1 in a Java Primitive

I need to find the highest order 1 in some longs, ints, and shorts in Java. For example, if I had a char that looked like 00110101, I need a method ...

8. When we have wrappers classes, why primitives are supported?

We have wrapper classes in java like Interger, Float.. why it is still supportng primitives which is stoppting java to be fully object oriented language?

9. String primitive type?

Why doesn't Java have a primitive type for String when most of the other data types do?

10. Avoid Primitives in API design?

I am designing an API. It will have a lot of methods which do the same, but have a different parameter primitives.

public void someMethod1(int x);
public void someMethod1(float x);
public void someMethod1(double x);
public ...

11. How to avoid repetition when working with primitive types?

I have the need to perform algorithms on various primitive types; the algorithm is essentially the same with the exception of which type the variables are. So for instance,

* Determine ...

12. dozer custom convertors for primitive types

the below url has an example on dozer custom convertors.. but when i tried that example its giving the exception like this.. Type: null Source parent class: dozerPackage.Source Source field ...

13. parsing primitive types using java.util.Scanner

I'm new to java so forgive the noob question. I have created a swing application that basically has three input strings in JTextFields: loanAmount, interestRate and loanYears and a single submit button with ...

14. Simple question on Java primitives

  float f = 1;

  float g = 1.1;

  float h = 1.1f;
second line has compilation error. While rest of line do not have compilation error.Please suggest. First ...

15. Primitives Types in Java

Why to use primitive types in java instead of Wrapper classes? I want to know that already we have wrapper classes in java, then why we need to use primitive types? ...

16. Objects and primitives in methods

Please advice why primitives being used as method's parameters do a copy of its value while objects are used as is?

17. Sharing primitive data among methods?

Say we have a public method "method," which uses private "subMethod1" and private "subMethod2" in its calculation. These subMethods serve no other purpose than to break down "method" into more ...

18. Does the Java primitives go on the Stack or the Heap?

I just know that the non-primitives (the objects) go on the heap, and methods go on the stack, but what about the primitive variables? --update Based on the answers, I could say the ...

19. Question about Java Primitive Types methods

I'm confused with primitive types in Java and the methods of converting one type to another. If, say, I have an integer and I want to convert it to a string, I ...

20. How do you refer to primitive Java types in Clojure?

I'd like to use reflection to get a method of a Java object from Clojure. One of the argument types is a Java primitive and I don't know how to refer ...

21. Is there a Java JSON deserializer that decodes a string into dictionary of lists or lists of dictionaries of primitive types

I need to pull back from a database JSON documents that are not based on a standard object. Is there a way using JAVA to "deserialize" these documents into Lists & Dictionaries ...

22. How to instantiate Class class for a primitive type?

I'm trying to do this, but doesn't work:

public static Class loadIt(String name) throws Throwable {
  return Class.forName(name);
assert foo.loadIt("int") == int.class; // exception here
How should I do this properly?

23. If Java is a pure OOP Language, then what about primitive data types?

Everything in Java is an object (as what is said). Then what are primitive data types?

24. Discontinuous primitive shapes - can Java2D make them into a Shape class?

I'm trying to make a custom Shape class which looks like a set of footprints. I've constructed an Area by concatenating ellipses and rectangles, and this is the basis for my shape. Whenever ...

25. Is it possible to define custom types in java that work with primitives?

For example the following is syntactically correct code

Double number = 10.0;
Is it possible to define my own class such as Price
Price myPrice = 10.0;
Actually compiles ?

26. Encode two longs into another primitive in java

I have a Tuple object that holds 3 primitives: Tuple(double, long, long). To avoid creating a huge amount of Tuple, I'm thinking using Trove library's primitive MAP, which would take two ...

27. If user passes a primitive type argument to println(), what exactly happens behind the scene?

If user passes a primitive type argument to println(), what exactly happens behind the scene? e.g.

int i =1;

System.out.println("My Int"+i);

//and in

How does it print "My Int 1" and "1", even though it ...

28. Forcing Jackson to deserialize to specific primitive type

I am serializing and deserializing following domain object to JSON using Jackson 1.8.3

public class Node {
    private String key;
    private Object value;

29. Setting a primitive without getting a warning in Java

I have a Java method. For the sake of being a public forum, I'm going to say that my method is called foo

Bar foo(Boolean flag)
   flag = true;

30. Comparing primitive types

I have been asked

Given the definitions of a, b and c below, select the expressions that compile successfully and evaluate to true.
int a = 1;
char b = 'a';
boolean c ...

31. Is a primitive type an object?

The start of the Reflection tutorial @ the Java Tutorials states:

Every object is either a reference or primitive type.
Apart from the types used to box primitive types, ...

32. Where and when the use of primitive data types in Java is effectively appropriate?

Consider the following two segments of code in Java,

Integer x=new Integer(100);
Integer y=x;
Integer z=x;

System.out.println("Used memory (bytes): " +   
In which the memory usage was when tested on my system : ...

33. primitive types

Methinks someone is studying for the SCJP, no??? anyway, this ought to help... long 8 bytes signed (two's complement). Ranges from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807. float 4 bytes, IEEE 754. Covers a range from 1.40129846432481707e-45 to 3.40282346638528860e+38 (positive or negative). Like all numeric types floats may be cast into other numeric types (byte, short, long, int, double). When lossy casts to integer ...

34. Base Address for Java primitives

Hi all, This is ashok here in India. I came accross the following doubt. Suppose i have a class which is having primitive variables. i.e. class X { public int i; i=3; ....... ....... } Please try to understand what i want to convey exactly. In the above situation i want to know about the base address of primitive variable i. ...

35. address of primitive data type

36. Reflections: Method.invoke + complex and primitive args

Method.invoke(Object obj, Object[] args) allows to dynamically invoke a method on an object. But what if the method to be invoked looks like, for instance public void myMethod(Object arg1, int i) {} ? Is it really true that, because int is not a subclass of Object, you cannot dynamically call methods that use complex as well as primitive datatypes for their ...

37. What is the importance of having java primitive types ?

The Java language includes operators for doing math on primitives, but not on the wrappers. The "wrapper" classes aren't really "special" in any way with respect to the language itself; they're just a convenient way to encapsulate a primitive as an object. With JSDK 5, the waters have gotten a bit muddier, as with autoboxing, it seems as though the Java ...

38. Is String a primitive data type???

String is not a primitive type but the language has made some accommodations to make String manipulation easy. The one you mention where you don't need a new() to create a String is one along with the "+" operator. String gets these extras - none of the other Objects do. From a language lawyer perspective I'd argue that either all of ...

39. Primitive types

The int is either held in a local variable -- i.e., a slot in the stack frame of the method -- or as part of a heap object, if it's a member. The Integer is an object, allocated on the Java heap. The reference to the Integer (the second variable "i") is held in one of the same two places, depending. ...

40. Why did Java allow to use primitives in methods?

Although that essay is reasonable, it ignores the main reason that primitives were retained: the desire for Java to have a syntax similar to languages in the C family. The Java folks basically set out to create Smalltalk with C++ syntax. Although I'm sure that efficiency concerns played a role in shaping the final product, the main reason that Java has ...

41. Help for Primitives

Hello All, Actually I was going through JavaDocs 1.5 for java.lang.Class description and found this statement in very first paragraph. "The primitive Java types (boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, and double), and the keyword void are also represented as Class objects." any one of you, if possible please explain me the gist of this statement. Thanks in Anticipation Pratik ...

43. Primitives class type

I have a function that expects two things: f (Class type, Object o) { ... } Now I can pass in a boolean wrapper class like this: // compiles fine Boolean b = new Boolean(true); f (Boolean.class, b); But I can't pass in a boolean primitive: // failed to compile boolean b = true; f (boolean.class, b); Why? I understand that ...

44. primitive type "introspection"..

I've searched the API for something that will do this easily and can't find a straight-forward way to do it. If you can get a wrapper class for the primitive then you can call getClass().toString() on it, to tell which type you have. It would be nice if the java.lang.Number class had a getInstance() method for each of the java primitives ...

45. Primitive type

46. Primitive Converstions

Hello, this is about a conversion from int to byte and int to double. Why does iftest1a work and iftest1b doesnt? What must be done to get iftest1b to work properly? class IF { int i=3; public void ifdo(double a) { if (i < a) System.out.println("i < a"); } } public class IFtest1a { public static void main (String args[]) { ...

47. Primitive Types!!!

In Java, there is an import distinction between primitive data types and objects. They are very different. When you wish to store an integer, you need a variable of type int. This always uses exactly 32 bits of memory. Example: int i = 3452; If I want to store a String (BTW In Java, Strings are objects, not primitive data types), ...

48. question on primitive type ranges

I understand that for example a byte type contains 8 bits and can hold from -128 to 127. My question is this: 0111 1111 = 127 Why can't a byte store a 1 in the most significant spot(1111 1111)? I think now that Im looking at it...that this would make it a negative number? What IS the value of 1111 1111? ...

50. Adding primitives to Lists

51. Primitive types

52. address of primitive data type

53. primitive types

Hi Arun It is true that a long is compose of 8 bytes, but if you give an integer value to a long variable, is taken as a literal, so x is taken as an integer (4 bytes) and that is why you can assign x to a float. If you want x to be taken as a long, you should ...

54. Behavior of primitive types when incremented beyond their max limit

Hi, Could you please explain the following? class Test { public static void main(String a[]){ [B]byte b = 127 + 1; //1 [/B] [B]int i = Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1; //2[/B] System.out.println(b + " " + i); } } On compilation, i get a compile time error only at line 1 but not at line 2 as i had expected. Please explain ...

55. primitive types assignment

Indeed, a float is only 32 bits (4 bytes) while a long is 64 bits (8 bytes). But float is ofcourse a different kind of number - a floating point number instead of an integer. The limits (minimum and maximum values that it can hold) are different. The range of float is even larger than that of float, even though it ...

56. primitives and objects

"You never pass the object. All objects are stored on the heap. Always." I was reading "camp fire stories" . The quote was cut from "pass by value" article. All objects have a reference on the heap (a number).So how are primitive values stored in ram? I put a primitive value to a method and its not changing the value when ...

57. Difference between Primitive & non-primitive data types?

Hi Amol, everything in Java is an object except primitives data types. So primitives are not objects! There are 8 types of primitives data types in Java. The are defined by the language specification, that is, you cannot add/create your own primitives data type (while, you can create new objects) Data types are used to represents numbers (both integers and floating ...

58. primitives and garbage collection

59. What happens if the argument you want to pass is an object instead of a primitive?

To be more precise, you do not actually pass an object into a method. nor do you pass a primitive. with primitives, you pass a COPY of the VALUE. nothing that changes the value inside the method will effect the value outside the method. With objects, it actually works the same way. That is becuase your variable does not hold an ...

60. Facing problem with primitives... pls advice

Hi all.. Am facing a problem with the primitive types .. Am trying to develop a mini program on implementing RSA Algorithm to encrypt and decrypt files. I hav mentioned the steps what i did .. 1. I read the file content into a byte array and get those int values and do RSA encryption and get a key . 2. ...

61. In java, what primitives means...

The Java platform supports multithreading at the language level with the addition of sophisticated synchronization primitives: the language library provides the Thread class, and the run-time system provides monitor and condition lock primitives. At the library level, moreover, Java technology's high-level system libraries have been written to be thread safe: the functionality provided by the libraries is available without conflict to ...

62. Method Overriding - covarent returns not applicable for primitive datatypes

Hello Everybody, I have small question; regarding Overriding the methods having the covariant returns of primitive data types... Covariant returns: When super class non static/non final function is returning an class type; then in Subclass while overriding, the returned may be replaced with the subclass of parents return type. now we can represent this as, return_type_overriddenfn = return_type_overridedfn /* That is ...

63. Primitive Data Types

Nope. A primitive variable contains real data, just a few bytes of the value. For example, an int is four bytes that directly translate to the number you put there. Every primitive gets its own memory space. An object reference variable - referring to one of the wrapper classes or any other object - contains a "pointer" to an object. It's ...

64. Error in book? range of numeric primitives

Here is a strange problem page 50 of SCJP by Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates Table of range of numeric primitives For float & double the minimum range and maximum range has got n/a while in another book the range has 1.4E-45 to 3.4E+38 for float and 4.9E-324 to 1.7E+308 for double By the way I know this might said strange ...

65. What is primitive data type?

because that's what they are. Java, in a sort of carryover from C/C++, has about a half-dozen primitive types. int, char, double, etc. they are not true 'objects' in that they don't have methods, member variables, or anything one would normally associate with objects. a String IS an object. in fact, everything in java that is not a primitive is an ...

66. primitive

Originally posted by sumaraghavi ragha: what is the difference between a primitive and a literal? One can't really say what "the difference" is, because they are not closely-enough related concepts. It's like asking what's the difference between a bus and a dog. The word "primitive" applies to the subset of Java data types that don't involve objects. This is a concept ...

67. literal suffixes for certain primitive types

On long literals: because the number of digits you have written won't fit into an int. Because 1L is better than (long)1. On float literals because 1f or 1.23f is better than (float)1.23. On double literals: only worth doing if there is no decimal point, because 123d is better than (double)123. One of the few places where Java is case-insensitive, but ...

68. Primitive return type in java

Gretings dear ranchers , i'm sorry if this type of questions already exists public int testReturn() { char c = 'c'; return c; // char is compatible with int } i'm aware that if the return type of our method is primitive value than we can return any primitive value that can implicitly converted to primitive type that was declared on ...

70. a very primitive problem

Greetings, the file compiles okay, but it won't run. I included the jar files in the classpath and i cant understand why it won't run. Thanks. code: // $Id:,v 1.3 2002/02/18 15:33:00 pcharles Exp $ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001, Patrick Charles and Jonas Lehmann * * Distributed under the Mozilla Public License * * * ***************************************************************************/ package ...

71. Doubt in Paramater Passing (Primitives to Wrappers)

Hi Folks, I have a problem in the following code: class customer { public static void main(String[] args) { customer inst_test = new customer(); int i1 = 2200; int i2 = 2200; int i3 = 12; int i4 = 12; Integer I3 = new Integer(2); Integer I4 = new Integer(2); System.out.println( I3 == I4 ); inst_test.method( i3 , i4 ); inst_test.method( ...

72. Why primitive types don't need a new keyword for creation?

Hi, Just a question that popped into my mind while working with Java, and may sound silly. Why are primitives not objects? //right way int i = 10; //why not?? int i = new int(10); I understand we have a wrapper for every primitive type to convert them to Object, but why is that the language was designed not to create ...

73. How does one wrap a primitive manually?????

Since Java 5.0, all wrapper classes have a static method called valueOf that takes a matching primitive; for instance, Integer.valueOf(int), Long.valueOf(long). In Java 1.4 and before, only Boolean had that method; for all others you have to use the constructor; for instance, new Integer(int). One hint: use valueOf instead of new if you can, because valueOf can return cached values.

74. about .class for primitive types and void

The C language has been called "high level assembler", because there's almost always a one-to-one correspondence between a language construct and specific assembly instructions. Since the first C++ compiler was a special preprocessor for a C compiler, C++ is pretty much the same way. The dot operator does indeed translate into a very specific kind of dereferencing. But Java is different; ...

75. not cleared Primitive type?

Hi Friends In java as you know in primitive types the left most bit represents sign of a number for ex:Byte contains maximum number up to +127 if you type cast 128 to byte it will give you -128 because it will take two's complement of 128 and it will give you-128 my doubt is if we assign positive numbers to ...

76. Supidly basic question about primitives

Just to confirm my own understanding, I can't parse a primitive (e.g an "int") to another primitive type (e.g a "double") without first of all wrapping that "int" into an Integer? In fact, apart from arithmetic functions I cant do very much with an int (or any primitive) at all? Cheers, Matt.

77. primitive Storage

78. primitive question

class Reservation { private Integer id = null; public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { = id; } } // create instance / field "id" will be null at this point Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); // check if reservation's ID is set if (reservation.getId() == null) reservation.setId(new Integer(1));

79. Finding primitive polynomials

This code should find primitive polynomials[cannot be factored in a field where their coefficients are 0 and 1]. The problem is the first and the last degree are shown but the middle coefficients are coming to 0. I am not able figure out the problem properly. The same logic worked in C using unsigned longs. import java.util.*; public class Poly { ...

80. what is primitive data type ?

Edward Chen wrote:In java, what is primitive data type ? Could we say, those primitive type is defined in Operating System or assembly language ? why people say Java is not pure OOP just because it has primitive data type ? Thanks. Primitives in Java are: boolean, char, float, double, long, integer, short and byte. You can say that those types ...

81. Anomaly in primitive assignments in Java

I took a gander at the JLS for Assignment Conversions which specifically talks about assignment narrowing conversions. Other than stating that the variable must be of the integral types* it is pretty silent about why double can't be narrowed to a float. My guess is that a double expression will almost always fall outside the representable values of float because they ...

82. doubts about primitives types

83. primitive types in java

I believe one of the primary reasons for the Wrapper classes is the case when you need to treat a primitive like an object. Prior to Java 5.0 you had to manually put a wrapper around a primitive you wanted to store in collections like ArrayList. They only store objects and prior to 5.0, this wrapping was not done automatically ("autoboxing"). ...

84. Initializing primitive types

Hi Friends, JVM or the Java Compiler initializes the Class level fields with the default values and we know this. For example, an int has 0 as the default value. But where actually this initialization happen. I am only able to think about objects, for which corresponding class constructors would be called.. Who initializes the primitive types ? where does it ...

85. size-of primitive in java

Those are the sizes of primitive variable types in bits as they will look like from inside your Java program. For a boolean, in principle only one bit is needed. But note that a particular JVM implementation might use more memory for primitive types on the underlying platform. For example, on some processors working with 32-bit integers is more efficient than ...

86. Primitives vs objects Doubt

Can anyone tell me advantages and disadvantages of using primitives and objects in an application. Like performance issues, memory management, handling errors and lot more. I started learning java since 1 and half month and right now I am working on J2EE. I have fair knowledge about C so I was using primitives most of the time while I was working ...

87. How to store method return type in primitive

class Hello{ /* int m1(){ System.out.println("m1()"); return 99; } int a=m1(); { System.out.println(a); }*/ int m1(int a,int b){ //How Assign return type of method m1(). System.out.println("m1(int a, int b) "); return a+b; } double m1(double a,double b){ System.out.println("m1(double a,double b)"); return a+b; } //int i=m1(int a,int b); it gives error. } public class Test{ public static void main(String arg[]){ Hello h1=new ...

88. Do not use primitive types for method arguments?

I used "codePro Tools" and did not filter any rule. I'm Trying to filter the good rules from the senseless thats why that one came up. PDM is good but the only thing i get is the parameter should be final... can I post some other results here or you thing its of topic?

89. Swaping Primitive Data types in java

Hi all, I wants to swap primitive data types in java, as java uses pass by value for primitive data types , i used wrapper class and passed to the swap function still i am not able to swap the values can you please help... Below is the code segment for the same.... public class Sample { void swap(int a, int ...

90. Writing a method for different kinds of primitives

Hi, i have to write code that does some math operations that work on int[] as well as on long[] float[] and double[]. Is there any way to have the code written only once and not for each primitive type? Example: void printSum(final int[] arr) { int sum = 0; for(int i=0; i

91. Not just another Primitive Data Type Question ? Why Priimitive ? Varargs

Question 1: So the 8 primitive types are as i read... byte,int,char,short,long,float,double,boolean I was reading the book Core Java (An excellent book.. especially for C++ Developers) anyways is it safe to assume that Primitive data types are those data types whose base class is not an Object class. (those which have not been derived from object class)? Since the Superclass of ...

92. primitive data type in Java

In C++, using '&' we can change the variable of any type including int,float etc. In Java, Can we change the variable, say of type int, using pass by reference. I know that in Java only objects are called by reference. But still I want to know if there is any alternative to that. Also If we can't change the int ...

93. Primitive Type/Wrapper Type

Oh wait I mixed up the question, sorry. You would use a primitive type if you are putting it inside a class as part of a larger whole (such as you storing other values with it). You would use a wrapper object Long if you intent to only use the id by itself and want to put it into a collection ...

94. Primitive data type

Hey guys i'm new at all this and this question i'm about to ask sounds really silly, but any help would be great, Iv'e been giving this assignment but i'm stuck on the last segment of code I also have to print a line of somthing the trouble is i'm not really 100% i know what this programme is doing thanks. ...

95. Drawing graphics primitives

Hi, I'm doing a program to draw graphics primitives (lines, rectangles, etc...) with my own implementations. I think that the best approach would be to implement my own Graphics2D class, but that would be a lot of work and a lots of abstract methods that I don't know how to implement. So, to make this a little bit easier, I'm extending ...

96. primitive Data types

97. Primitive data type and class

98. Counting Primitive Operators

Hey, I was just trying to figure out how to count the primitive operations on pseudo code here is the code :- Algorithm 1. ArrayMax(Arr) Input: A 1-D numerical array Arr of size n 1) Let CurrentMax = a0 2) For i = 1 to n-1 3) If ai > CurrentMax Then CurrentMax = ai 4) End For Output: CurrentMax From ...

99. Primitive stuff in SCJP..

HI, I have just started preparing for SCJP 1.4..I am studying Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates ,All in One Java 2 Book.. I see a section where primitves are explained..and i felt some confusions ... char c = (char) -98 //Legal The character is unsigned 16 bit so,how it can be negetive..And again when i am doing a println for any ...

100. Primitive Strings?

Hrmm..... About 2 weeks ago I was posting about maps, and my goal was to basically emulate an associative array.... Anyway, all works fine and well when it's a primitive string (errr..... I'm assuming that's the right term? Hrmmm might just be entirely wrong lol), but when it's a string object, the map maps the value with the object, not a ...