value « float « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Floating point operations is slower when small values are used?

I have the following simple program that multiplies two different floating point numbers many times. As you can see, one of the numbers is very small. When I calculate the time ...

2. floating value truncation java

Hi i want float value of 3 fraction digits after digit,i dont want to round of the value for example: float f=2.13275; i want f as 2.132 not 2.133 how can i do it ...

3. How do I introduce a float value in this Java code?


public class CheckbookBalancingCalculator {
    public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {
        String statementbalance, depositstotal, checkstotal, feestotal;

4. Float and Double for monetary values

I have experimented what is wrong with float and double types, in Java System.out.print(1-.6) prints .4 and the result is a bit unexpected (0.30000000000000004) in case of System.out.print(1-.7). It would be ...

5. parse float value 1000000.1 into String in java

In my web application I have a version field that take float input values. But when using values like 1000000.1 (or larger) for the version it displays like 1.0E7. i tried ...

6. Maximum value for Float in Java?

The following question indicates that the minimum value of a Double is -Double.MAX_VALUE. Is this also true for Float (i.e., -Float.MAX_VALUE)?

7. How to decide whether the given value is float or double in Java?

What is the data type for the number 9.6352 in Java? Actually if I postfix the number with 'd' or 'f'. then it will be quite easy to decide. But if I leave ...

8. Float value weirdness...

Thanks for the quick reply: the issue is this value is going to be displayed as currency, how am I to deal with it rounding up if all I know about the input is that it's decimal is .4? Do I need to write my own work around for forcing the value to round down? Thanks.

9. Getting float value from string

I've a string say for example "C2A6AB4B". This is a little endian representation of a float number. How do I get the float out of it using java code? here is my futile try: public class Hextofloat implements Serializable { private float number =0; private String hexmsg = null; private int temp=0; public float hex2float (String hexMsg){ for(int i=8;i>0;i=i-2){ temp=Integer.parseInt(hexMsg.substring(i-2,i).trim(),16); number ...

10. Question regarding Float.MIN_VALUE

11. float values

12. Swapping two float values with no temp varaible

public class Swapping { private float number1 = (float) 0.0; private float number2 = (float) 0.0; public float getN1() { return number1; } public float getN2() { return number2; } public void setN1(float n) { number1 = n; } public void setN2(float n) { number2 = n; } public void swapIt() { number1 -= number2; number2 += number1; number1 = (number2 ...

13. iterate through float values

14. Letter 'e; in assigning value to float

The notation N.NEM is called "scientific" or "exponential" notation. The E is a separator. The numbers to the left of the E are called the "mantissa", and the numbers to th e right are the "exponent". The value of the whole expression is the product of the mantissa times ten raised to the power of the exponent. Since 10 to the ...

15. Float addition giving wrong value

No. This is not even a java problem. computers have a hard time holding the EXACT float value you want... but they get pretty close. I don't have the spec handy (and you don't REALLY want to read it anyway) but there is an IEEE standard on how floats are stored. generally, when using floats, you're going to do your math, ...

16. float value

17. float value ?

b / a is a long by int division, so the result is a long. For any mathematical operator, the following are the result types: - if one of the operands is double -> double - else if one of the operands is float -> float - else if one of the operands is long -> long - else int (never ...

18. Need help on a problem to find a float point so small it doesn't change the value of input.

I'm trying to solve a problem of finding a floating point (let's say F) so small that when it adds to the user's input, the value is still equals to input. (F + input = input). I know a float value min and max is: 1.4E-45 3.4028235E38 I tried to program it but it loops for over 30mins now LOL. I ...

19. double and float value in java

AB is correct in his last statement; you should use BigDecimal if you want exact rounding. float and double cannot exactly hold the values 5.02 and .1, because of the limitations of binary numbers. Therefore, you get tiny rounding errors. Java deals with this by providing a class called BigDecimal. BigDecimal takes some time to fully understand, but it gives you ...

20. Displaying floating point value

Hello there :) I have float variables which I need to display (and thus convert to string), and I'm looking for what would be the right way to format the output nicely. I want it to have only one digit after the separator, and not have anything if there is no decimal value. So 25.37000 would output 25.3, and 37.0 would ...

21. increment a float value

22. Adding two float values

Take a look at the keyword strictfp. here is a small description to start off:- With the creation of Java 2, the floating point computation model was relaxed slightly to make certain floating point computations faster for certain processors, such as the Pentium. Specifically, the new model does not require the truncation of certain intermediate values that occur during a computation. ...

23. Floating point operations is slower when small values are used?

I find that "java -server" gives the same times for both the small and the big value, whereas "java -Xint" and "java -client" exhibit the unsymmetry. So should I conclude that my CPU floating point unit treats both values the same, but the client/server compilers do something ...what? Based on the evidence so far it would seem fair to conclude that ...

24. Maximum float value?

25. Things about Float.MIN_VALUE

I don't know if this is a bug or intended behavior, here is the symptom. =================================== Float a = new Float(1.0f + Float.MIN_VALUE); Float b = new Float(1.0f); (a, b); // returns 0, which means a = b ? WHY? =================================== Float a = new Float(0.0f + Float.MIN_VALUE); Float b = new Float(0.0f);, b); // return 1, which means ...

26. Checking float value out of string

hi there I have string like 1 cc-core-1-x-nyser32-gw-1 ( 6.241 ms 6.153 ms 6.180 ms 2 * * * I am parsing these string from file line by line and processing them. I split the string like str=line.split(" "); I need to pick up the float value out of the whole string. I can't hard code with position like str[4] or ...

27. trimming a float value