image « float « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Convolution Filter - Float Precision C Vs Java

I'm porting a library of image manipulation routines into C from Java and I'm getting some very small differences when I compare the results. Is it reasonable that these differences are ...

2. How to "float" an image in a cell - iTextPDF

I am trying to create a formatted PdfPCell where my text is on the left and an image(QRCode) is "floated" (in the css sense) to the right. My current code ...

3. Ghostly Floating Image???

So here I sit not sure what to do. I know that in the DHTML world I can add a hidden layer to a page and slap an animation in there and make it float all over the page. Is there a way to do this in JAVA? I'd like to display that little lady in the bathing suit that's on ...