ieee754 « float « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Can java floats be sorted by their byte representations?

I'm working in Hadoop, and I need to provide a comparator to sort objects as raw network order byte arrays. This is easy for me to do with integers -- I ...

2. IBM to IEEE floating point conv

Is there any standard method in java to convert IBM 370(in the form of bytes) to IEEE format.?Any algorithm for the conversion would help.. I tried writing a java code..But i fail ...

3. Java - Convert hex to IEEE-754 64-bit float - double precision

I'm trying to convert the following hex string: "41630D54FFF68872" to 9988776.0 (float-64). With a single precision float-32 I would do: int intBits = Long.valueOf("hexFloat32", 16).intValue(); float floatValue = Float.intBitsToFloat(intBits); but this throws a: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Infinite ...

4. Java float to double - upper and lower bounds?

As most here will know, double -> float incurs a loss in precision. This means, multiple double values may be mapped to the same float value. But how do I go the ...