type « enum « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Naming enum types    stackoverflow.com

If you have a set of related words (e.g. Row & Column or On & Off), how do you find the collective word that describes those words? Specifically, how do ...

2. Java: Dynamic type casting using enums    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to do something along the lines of:

public void setContents(Object[] values)

        //A. this works

3. Java - how to design your own type?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to design your own Java Type, similar to an extensible enum? For instance, I have user roles that a certain module uses and then a sub-package provides ...

4. Java: How to modify value of current enum inside of its type definition?    stackoverflow.com

I defined an enum type that implements an interface as follows:

public enum MyEnum implements MyInterface
    val1, val2, val3;
    private MyEnum() {}
    private ...

5. Simulate a class of type enum    stackoverflow.com

how can I do to simulate a class of type enum in java <5.0 ..??

public final class Week {

    private static final Day[] _week = {Day.MONDAY, Day.TUESDAY, Day.WEDNESDAY, ...

6. Finding Java Enum types from code values?    stackoverflow.com

We use code values in our database, and Enums in Java. When querying the database, we need to take a code value and get an Enum instance. Is it overkill ...

7. Java Enum Types - Self Printing Enums    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to write a java function that takes as a parameter an enum type (part of a console based menuing system). This function will then print all of the string ...

8. java enum type instantiation    stackoverflow.com

Are there any objects created respective to each of the enum constants ARROGANT, RASCAL, IDIOT?

public enum Manager {
and if ...

9. javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: No validator could be found for type - for enum type    stackoverflow.com

I have an entity class which uses an enum type for one of the properties, and I am getting the following exception when I try to persist the entity:

javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: No validator ...

10. Where to use enumerated types    stackoverflow.com

I have to create my own calendar class (I know one already exists, but we are required to write our own, so I cant use any of the methods from the ...

11. Adding enum type to a list    stackoverflow.com

If I need to add an enum attribute to a list, how do I declare the list. Let us say the enum class is:

public enum Country{ USA,CANADA;}
Iwant to do:
List<String> l = ...

12. Java cast Long to Enum type issue    stackoverflow.com

I had a little problem with casting Java long type to Enum type and can't find a solution how to do that. Here is what I'm using :

public enum DataType {

13. Confusion with Enum type    stackoverflow.com

Why is it that when I define an enum, I pass it a list of field names, and then somehow those field names (e.g. Days.MONDAY) end up referring to field values? ...

14. how to get the enum type by its attribute?    stackoverflow.com

i have write a enum class in java and i want either get the attribute by type and get the type by attribute.but it seems impossible.

public enum AreaCode {
area1(7927), area2(7928), area3(7929);
private ...

15. Enum Type inhteritance    coderanch.com

Hi, Start to use JDK 1.5 recently, and notice that I couldn't do certain things with enum, hope someone give me a pointer. Let me explain what I was trying to do: I have two kind of types: ItemType and NodeType both has two fields, Id, and Type. I defined a interface Long getId() and String getType() I was hoping defined ...

16. JDK 1.5 and Safe Type Enums    coderanch.com

Hello there, I've been reading some documentation including JSR for the new Safe Type Enum feature in JDK1.5. Our group is considering the development of our own Safe Type Enum pattern or the adoption of the new JDK1.5 feature. As it is stated in the JSR for this new feature: "The proposed enum facility requires no JVM changes. It is implemented ...

17. Benefits of enum types    coderanch.com

How would this introduce more lines of code? Compare: public class SomeEnum { public static final int CRAZY = 0; public static final int MAD = 1; public static final int INSANE= 2; } public enum SomeEnum { CRAZY, MAD, INSANE= 2 } Looks like 6 lines in both examples. And in calling code I also can't see any difference, since ...

18. type safe enum    coderanch.com

Hi All, why it gives error like this ?? i couldn't find run: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 at MyUsingTypeSafeEnum.calcTotal(MyUsingTypeSafeEnum.java:63) at MyUsingTypeSafeEnum.main(MyUsingTypeSafeEnum.java:43) Java Result: 1 i want an output like this: My football team scored 26 Your football team scored 12 My Team Won! ____________________________________________________________________________ public class MyUsingTypeSafeEnum { // Note that FootballScore is now enum type public enum FootballScore ...

19. How do I make this if-else block accept the enum types in Java?    java-forums.org

public class Undergrad{ ...... public enum LetterGrade { EPURE, DPURE, DPLUS, CMINUS, CPURE, CPLUS, BMINUS, BPURE, BPLUS, AMINUS, APURE } ..... public float getGPA(){ int totalCredit = getTotalCredits(); LetterGrade gradeValue; float totalGradeValue; float creditAmount; float totalGrades; int counter; while (counter < credits.size()){ gradeValue = (LetterGrade)grades.get(counter); creditAmount = ((Integer)credits.get(counter)).floatVal if((LetterGrade)gradeValue == EPURE){ totalGradeValue = 0; } .......else.....} This isn't my whole code, ...

20. Setting values from One Enum type to another enum type.    java-forums.org

Hi, Can you please let me know how to set value of one class/interface enum value to another class/interface enum value. Here is the requirement: Enum A - 1, 2,3, 4, Enum B- 11,22,33,44 Getting Value from Enum A and it has to be assigned to Enum B. Is there any casting required. I am seeing error as: The method setAccountNum(B.Enum) ...

21. Enum Type    forums.oracle.com

Also, yes it does smell bad. The big problem is basically having 1000's of nodes, each having around 100 different variables that need to be set on them. There is a good default set to use for each, but it COULD be different for one specific guy. It is a big problem. Eventually the flat file will become a database, but ...

22. % operator in Enum Type    forums.oracle.com

Dear fellow developers, Below is code calculating your weight on different planets using Enum type, from the book of Sun on Java Tutorials. Can anyone tell me what does "%" mean in "%s", "%f" and "%n"? How does all three managed to get in the for-each loop without being declared explicitly before it? public enum Planet { MERCURY (3.303e+23, 2.4397e6), VENUS ...

23. tutorial and enum types    forums.oracle.com

24. enum data type defined..    forums.oracle.com

public enum Planet { MERCURY (3.303e+23, 2.4397e6), VENUS (4.869e+24, 6.0518e6), EARTH (5.976e+24, 6.37814e6), MARS (6.421e+23, 3.3972e6), JUPITER (1.9e+27, 7.1492e7), SATURN (5.688e+26, 6.0268e7), URANUS (8.686e+25, 2.5559e7), NEPTUNE (1.024e+26, 2.4746e7); private final double mass; // in kilograms private final double radius; // in meters Planet(double mass, double radius) { this.mass = mass; this.radius = radius; } private double mass() { return mass; } ...

25. enum types that work both ways...    forums.oracle.com

Hello; I'm working with a piece of software that works with a network protocol that has a set of enumerated commands. There is one class for each command that handles all tasks associated with that particular command. Is it possible to make an enum class that could... 1. Return an int (command #) when given a command name 2. Return a ...

26. enum data type help    forums.oracle.com

(Sorry I reposted because I realize the title of the other was inappropriate...) Hi anyone can help me with the understanding of "enum" modifier? I created a class that uses enum data type and placed the data type in the constructor. class EnumTest { private enum Type {A, B, C}; private Type t; public EnumTest (int x, Type t) { ........ ...

27. Overriding an enum type?    forums.oracle.com

Hi, in fact this is what I was doing at first with a single type of files, then I went for an enum because I seemed nice at the time. In particular it allowed to switch nicely on the field name. Also is is in fact the most correct data structure in this particular case. However I'm bumping in this issue ...

28. Using enums and datatypes? Please see.    forums.oracle.com

29. Is JDK 5.0 Enum Types allergic to digits ?    forums.oracle.com

If you want to check a whole string at once, after the user is done entering it, yes. If you want to validate char by char, which is sometimes appropriate, then the OP's solution or my simplifcation of it is the way to go. I posted the simplification on the assumption that the OP wants to validate char-by-char and without having ...

30. Wrapping enum type    forums.oracle.com

31. How to know if the type of class is Enum    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I have a problem in determining the type of class whether it is an enum or not for example i have an enum called Gender = {Male, Female} i have a class called Person and it has a field called gender of type Gender when i get that field type using Java Reflection APIS, it returns a class of type ...