number « double « Java Data Type Q&A

1. convert very small double to a String

I have a very small number and I want to convert it to a String with the full number, not abbreviated in any way. I don't know how small this number ...

2. double to string formatting

I have a Double value xx.yyy and I want to convert to string "xxyyy" or "-xxyy", if the value is negative. How could I do it? Regards.

3. Minimum values and Double.MIN_VALUE in Java?

Can anyone shed some light on why Double.MIN_VALUE is not actually the minimum value that Doubles can take? I understand why it's a useful number, but it seems a very unintuitive name, ...

4. Java default number to string behavior

I have two projects in my eclipse workspace which are having similar tasks. Both projects have a special part where I convert a double to an String. I both projects I did ...

5. need help coverting string to type number(20,3)

I have a field name varaince in a table set to type Number(20,3) in oracle..... I get number as string from the webpage and convert it to Double so I can write ...

6. Java Double value = 0.01 changes to 0.009999999999999787

Possible Duplicate:
Why not use Double or Float to represent currency?
I'm writing a basic command-line program in Java for my high school course. We're only ...

7. Java Glitch? Subtracting numbers?

Is this a glitch in Java? I go to solve this expression: 3.1 - 7.1 I get the answer: -3.9999999999999996 What is going on here?

8. how to convert double number into an exponential format

Are you using J2SE5.0? If there is a 5 in your version (or a 6), you want to use the formatting options. Look up the java.util.Formatter class in the API for details. If you are using older versions you would have to use NumberFormat and DecimalFormat classes, which are much more awkward to use. CR

10. Double problem - small numbers

In my program there is a calculation if done by calculator comes out to be 0.1465747 for example. In the code this value is stored as a DOUBLE. How come this number now changes to 0.0? I have noticed other numbers like 0.812344 stay the same? Any help? What is float? Will that store 0.0002231 for example?

11. Number format exception while converting String to double

Did you understand why you were getting a Numberformatexception? When you do a takes a string so the compilation is ok. But during runtime when the number is actually converted, it doesn't get converted to a double because the the format of the number you have passed is not a double but rather a String because of the $.

13. turning string numbers into doubles

Im trying to lift a number out of a string and turn it into a double. The first part is done, but I'm having some difficulties with the part after the '.'. I go over all chars in a for-loop. When I have checked it is a number and that the '.' has already passed, this piece of code should do ...

15. creating a random double number

16. format number of digit for a double value

17. Calculator - how do you enter double digit numbers with buttons?

Okay. I got that, but now, the text that was previously in the text field doesn't clear when I click the button. (If I enter 1 + 2, the text field shows 3, but if I try entering 1 again, it turns to 31 instead of clearing the 3 and showing just the 1.) How do I make it so it ...

18. formating double number

19. Number format trouble --(double value taking scientific form)

I am working on a application in which it involves reading from a file and adding the numeric values and store in the database and retreive in another screen. I am using the datatype double to store the amounts. But when the program inserts the value in the database the insert script generated by the program looks like the one below ...

20. How to tell if a number is a double?

The reason I need to do this is to find the median of a set of numbers. My though process (maybe naive) is: 1. get the count of number in the set; 2. halve the count; 3. if the half is a double then the central number was "split" down the middle so that number is the median; however if the ...

22. Formating Double Numbers

[] Go through a few threads, I saw one with a 'solution' that won't work. Most of them are good though. db edit And if you had read the API for DecimalFormat, you would have known that what you tried wouldn't do what you wanted. The grouping size is a constant number of digits between the grouping characters, such as 3 ...

23. Random Double Number (Identifying lower and upper limits)

After you get your random number, you can apply upper and lower limits by using the MOD operator. For instance, let's say you want a random # between 0 and 5, and myRandom holds the value returned by Math.random(), do this (as one example on how to do it) int inRange = ( (int) (Math.random() * 1000.0) % 6) ; inRange ...

24. Converting 30 digit number into double,displaying in non-scientific format

Hi All, I have a String containing value of "1234567891011121314151617181920";(30 digits max in string) I want to convert this into a number and display it in Excel with the help of POI and i dont want to get those green corener cell warnings. But after doing Double.parseDouble(), the number is being formatted into xEx format which is undesired in this case. ...

25. Double.NaN compared as Number

Quote from the [JLS|]: If either operand is NaN, then the result of == is false but the result of != is true. Indeed, the test x!=x is true if and only if the value of x is NaN. (The methods Float.isNaN and Double.isNaN may also be used to test whether a value is NaN.)

26. Double data type changes the display of numbers if reached 8 digits

hello! Please help me find out to handle this case.. I have a field to be filled-up with numeric data - a Double data type. I have an instance that I should input 25000000.59 and then there's a compute function upon it's onchange. Then after its onchange, the number is the converted to 2.500000059E7... What should I do with this? But ...

27. Best way to determine if a number is evenly divisible by a double?

Since Math.IEEEremainder will still not return precisely 0.0 in many cases (e.g. Math.IEEEremainder(1.0, 0.1) = -5.551115123125783E-17), I still cannot simply compare the remainder to 0. I must determine if the result is sufficiently close to be taken as 0.0 (allowing for the imprecision in double). What is the best way to check if the result is "very close" to zero (i.e. ...

28. Print out the whole Double number

From doubleToLongBits: Bit 63 (the bit that is selected by the mask 0x8000000000000000L) represents the sign of the floating-point number. Bits 62-52 (the bits that are selected by the mask 0x7ff0000000000000L) represent the exponent. Bits 51-0 (the bits that are selected by the mask 0x000fffffffffffffL) represent the significand (sometimes called the mantissa) of the floating-point number. That gives you 52 bits ...

30. Double numbers

31. Converting a very large string number to double - losing digits

I have a large number (24 digits) stored in a string that I'm trying to convert to hex. In order to do so, I'm taking the string and converting it to a double. The double displays in scientific notitation. When I format the the output, I lose numbers (the number changes). ============== Here is the code: ============== String myString = "202241130303000001000001"; ...