convert « double « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Convert a double to a String in Java and vice versa without losing accuracy

A String representation of a double is written to and read from a file by a C# application. The C# application converts the double to a string using the following fragment:

value.ToString("R", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
The ...

2. How do I convert a String to Double in Java using a specific locale?

I want to convert some numbers which I got as strings into Doubles, but these numbers are not in US standard locale, but in a different one. How can I do ...

3. How to convert a .WAV audio data sample into an double type?

I'm working on an application that processes audio data. I'm using java (I've added MP3SPI, Jlayer, and Tritonus). I'm extracting the audio data from a .wav file to a byte array. ...

4. Java: Converting a double to a String

I have a double whose value is 10,000,000.00 (ten millions). I have to convert it to a String. When using the method "toString" I am getting the String "1.0E7" which is correct following ...

5. Java Double to String conversion without formatting

I have the number 654987. Its an ID in a database. I want to convert it to a string. The regular Double.ToString(value) makes it into scientific form, 6.54987E5. Something I dont ...

6. How to convert String to Double value in jasper Reports?

How to convert String to Double value in jasper Reports? I am having two fields in .jrxml file like below

<field name="secRate" class="java.lang.String"/> 
<field name="secPrice" class="java.lang.String"/> 
i need to subtract both the ...

7. Convert String to double

I am working on an assignment in which I have been given the task of creating an arraylist of books. In my utility, I have a 3 arg constructor (String ...

8. Convert very small double values to string (with scientific notation) (Java)

I'm trying to print a small double number like 6.67e-11, but using Double.toString() returns 0. What can I do to make it print 6.67e-11 (or something similar) instead?

9. In Java, I want to convert a short[] to a double[]

I am using a short[] array:

short[] buffer = new short[bufferSize];
I have a method that takes as a parameter type double[], so I cannot pass it as-is. I need to make ...

10. String , char double convert going along string

so say if i had a string like "3+3-1*2/3=" how would i go through the string looking at each character and if its a number turn it to a double then if ...

11. convert value string to double

since i pass my value to another class...i need to change my double value to string..

if((e.getSource() == jBook)) {


12. error in converting string to double?

i'm working on a program using Jarowinkler method to compare strings..... jaro winkler method gives the values ranging from 0 to 1 based on the similarity of the strings. i have ...

13. How to convert List of Double to List of String?

This just might be too easy for all of you, but I am just learning and implementing Java in a project and am stuck with this. How to convert List of Double ...

14. Convert Double to String value preserving every digit

How do I convert a double value with 10 digits for e.g 9.01236789E9 into a string 9012367890 without terminating any of its digits ? I tried 9.01236789E9 * Math.pow(10,9) but the result ...

15. Conversion of a string into Double

I want to convert the string as a double value String =i*i+2; for (int i=0;i<100;i++) { double y= String ;// some polynomial equation ... } or (2) Pass that string as an _expression to the the double value example for (int i=0;i<100;i++) { double y= i*i+2 ;// where i*i+2 is an _expression (which has been derived from a string) ... } ...

16. How to Convert an HTML PARAM into a Java Double

This is the HTML: Applet Test Page


Applet Test Page

This page launches a 300 x 200 pixel applet named: App.class


18. converting a double to a String

hello all I have a ResultSet (rs) from a jdbc query that contains 500 rows I'm looping over it and for each I need to get a double out of it, manipulate it, and convert it into a String what's the most efficient way to do it? currently I use rs.getDouble() do the manipulation use the static method Double.valueOf() to convert ...

19. Converting double to string

20. Converting a double value to a fraction

First split the double into two parts, the integer part and the fractional part. Then take the fractional part of the number and create a third number which is a power of 10 where the exponent is the length of the fractional part of the original number. The fractional part of the number is is the numerator and the power of ...

21. Converting a string to a double

Hi. I'm sure this is rather simple to do , but I'm having one of those days I am bringing back a value from our DB (DB2) which is of the string type. The value happens to be 001000 when it comes back to me. I have converted this value to a double which makes it 1000.0; This works, however, I ...

22. problem with converting to double

I am having a problem with this program I am writing and I was wondering if anyone can help. Here is the part that is getting an error: eof = false; while (!eof){ name = br.readLine(); if (name == null){ eof = true; } else { sWeeklySales = br.readLine(); weeklySales = Double.parseDouble(sWeeklySales); if (weeklySales >= 2000){ commRate = 5.0/100; numEarnComm = ...

23. converting an input string to a double

24. how to convert double as a currency

Originally posted by meera rao: I am storing all the currency values as double. When i calculate 2 double numbers, I don't get an output with 2 decimal places. Can somebody help me convert it into 2 decimal places. I know one option using NumberFormat. Are they any other ways of doing this If you are doing any arithmetic operations with ...

26. Converting a double value in scientific notation

I'm retrieving a value from a backend service that is of data type double, but it is returning the value in scientific notation format (1.383739E8, for example). How can I take that, and convert it to its actual whole value? Is there some sort of formatter? If so, how do I use it? Thanks for any help! dannymac21

29. converting a double value

Hi All, In a method after doing some number crunching we get an int or a double based on specific conditions. We then set this value in an output object's String parameter. The way this output's object value is used in another routine is it has separate criteria based on whether the value is an string or double. Normally from the ...

30. Reading string value from mianframe and converting in to double using PacketDecimal in java

Hi, We are reading the string value from mainframe and converting using PacketDecimal class and getting the double value in java. so when converting from PacketDecimal to Decimal, amount vlaue is getting reduced for some values. But for some values it is working fine. (-2717.79(mainframe) -->-2717.79(java). We observed the problem when the amounts are with combination of 2 and 5. Ex: ...

31. convert String->double->String

32. converting object[] to double?

33. converting object to double?

34. Conversion to a Double

I want to convert a String Object to a Double object. I am doing this using Double.parseDouble((String)Object ). It works fine for certain cases for eg: if my String Object is 206120206 it converts to a double in the form 2.06120206E8 however for 091910091 it converts it in the form 9.1910091E7 I want the entire number in the output with the ...

35. How to avoid exponential in STRING to DOUBLE conversion

1. I am reading a string value from a textField 2. Convert it into a Double using Double.valueOf().doubleValue(); 3. My application is failing since the previous step returns a exponential value. 4. I tried DecimalFormat but this returns a string value which i cant use for further manipulation. All further manipulations are based on datatype DOUBLE of textfield ...

36. String conversion in to double

37. String conversion in to double

38. convert time to double

39. Problem with the converting Object to Double in the output

Hi, I have the following arrays findVar{int} and radius{double}.They are assigned values from a Stack Stack Savestack private static int FIND_PARMS = 5; private int[] findVar = new int[FIND_PARMS]; private double[] radius = new double[FIND_PARMS]; /******Code*************** findVar = (int[]) Savestack.get(i-24); for (i = 0; i < FIND_PARMS; i++) { outputFile.print(findVar[i] + " "); } radius = (double[])Savestack.get(i-23); for (i = 0; ...

40. short [] <-> double[] conversion query

41. Convert from string to double

import java.util.Scanner; import*; public class Ice_Cream_Menu { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { System.out.print("\f"); String X = ""; String filename; filename = "Prices.txt"; File file = new File(filename); Scanner inputFile = new Scanner(file); Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; final int total = 30; double prices[] = new double[total]; String product[] = new String[total]; for(int r=0; r

42. How can you convert a List to a List?

Hi Fubarable, Thanks for your reply. If you could have a look at my class and maybe you will be able to help by seeing the whole thing. Java Code: import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; public class ReadFile { List allElements; private static final String ADDRESS_FILE="D:\\faith.csv"; /** * @param args * @throws FileNotFoundException */ ...

43. converting a string to the corresponding value of type double

Hey, im a really noob at this, but I need some help with this question. I've got to complete this in order to progress to my second year although im not doing programming and will not need it in the second year. The question is as follows: "Write a method called convertDouble as follows: public double convertDouble (String value) { ... ...

44. Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to double

Hi I am using a HashMap and am getting the following problem. I'm trying to modify an entry in a HashTable by doing the following: double value = hashmap.get(stringName); // Error here: Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to double hashmap.put(stringName, new Double (amount + value)); // amount is a double Can you someone tell me how I get around this ...

45. problem converting double to string

So you're saying that your formatter uses commas for decimal places, since that's the standard of your country, but you want to use periods instead. I don't see a simple way to change the decimal separator, but you can specify the Locale used to format the numbers. Look at the NumberFormat class' getInstance(Locale) method. You should be able to set the ...

46. Problem converting char from string to double

47. help needed (converting string to double)

48. Conversion to double value

50. converting from string to double (formula)

Hi All, I have a formula stored in properties file (i am doing some android dev) and retrieveing that formula using following stmt double c = 35.0; String res = this.getResources().getText(R.string.celsiusfahrenheit).toString(); The returned value of string res is (1.8*c)+32 How do i make the above stmt to substitue value of c into above equation and returned me the result value. thx ...

51. convert string to double and return back to string

I am try to convert string to double and again come back to string but am am not getting value what ever am provide. for example String initialNumber=999999999999999.9999"; String to double and store in DB; Retrive to DB as a double and convert in String; i got the round of value like 1000000000000000000 Please help me........ Thanks in advance

52. How to convert string to double?

53. Converting Double to String without exponent

Hi all, I am reading some values from Excelsheet using apache POI library. I have large numbers that need to stored into database as string and not numbers. hence, while reading the excelsheet values, i convert these number.. and the are received as double. While converting double into string I noticed that some values are represented in exponential form.. I would ...

54. Converting a double to String

Hi all, I want to convert a double with a big value (let's say: 99999999 or 99999999.32) to a String. To convert the value I use Double.toString(double value); My problem is that if the value is that big, the double value is converted to a string where the double value is displayed with scientific notation. Does anyone know how can I ...

55. Convert String to double

56. Convert "double" to "String"

To OP, I am confused: you have been a member here for more than 9 years, you have over 500 posts, and you have over 200 dukes and you do not know how to convert a double to a String? Then, when people replied, you asked them to test with a specific number instead of telling them why or just showing ...

57. converting string to double

59. Hexadecimal to double conversion?

Hi all, The question arises in the described scenario: 1. The values are retrieved from a DB2 table 2. The values stored in the DB2 table come from another datasource - IMS hierarchical database.(The background is the values are fetched periodically from the IMS DB and written into the DB2 table 3. The data corresponding to one of the fields, retrieved ...

60. Converting a double to binary

IEEE representation is the format that the IEEE specified for floating point numbers. They are used almost universally wherever floating point mathematics is used. I wonder, if you don't know that format, then what exactly did you expect as the output of the method you searched for? What data type? What content?

61. Convert an Hex String to Double

62. convert double to hex string

63. Converting double values

64. Need to know the best practice for converting string to double

I have a string and want to convert to double if it is a valid number, else want to keep as it is. There can be couple of ways doing it and I want to know which one is best if I have lots of strings, specially from performance point of view. 1) Use Double.parseDouble(myString) and catching Number format exception to ...

65. Converting String to Double

66. convert from object to double

Hi, I am implementing a bucket sort algorithm for a class I'm taking. I've inserted some double values into a LinkedList, but I'm having difficulty getting them back out of the linked list, because the get function returns an object. Using .NET, i used key = System.Convert.ToDouble(B[index].get(j)); Can someone help me find a similar method in java? Thanks in advance for ...

67. Converting a double to a string?

69. converting double to String

70. convert Double[ ][ ] to String [ ][ ]

71. converting String into double

user13797408 wrote: Hi, I want to convert 30.10 String Value into double. I need to get the value as 30.10 as double only. I tried but I am getting 30.1 only. Please suggest me. Thanks in advance.. Don't do it. A short read of the documentation will tell you why (and why several such methods in many similar Java classes have ...