1. Java double comparison epsilon stackoverflow.comI wrote a class that tests for equality, less than, and greater than with two doubles in Java. My general case is comparing price that can have an accuracy of ... |
2. Java: Double Value Comparison stackoverflow.comDo we need to be careful when comparing a double value against zero?
3. Why is Java's Double.compare(double, double) implemented the way it is? stackoverflow.comI was looking at the implementation of compare(double, double) in the Java standard library (6). It reads:
4. What should be the epsilon value when performing double value equal comparison stackoverflow.comHere is the output for the below program.
My question is, what should be an epsilon value? Is there any robust ... |
5. why do comparison of Double references return false? stackoverflow.comWhy String return true but Double return false ?
I have ... |
6. Comparing doubles in Java gives odd results stackoverflow.comI really can'get my head around why the following happens:
This however works as expected:
7. Java - Double Comparison stackoverflow.comHow can I do something like:
in Java?
8. Comparing two numbers stackoverflow.comI have this program piece:
9. Cause of comparing long slower than comparing double stackoverflow.comI wrote a little program to calculate the first 18 triples |
10. How to compare two double values in Java stackoverflow.comPossible Duplicate:A simple comparison of two double values in Java creates some problems. Let's consider the following ... |
11. Comparing a double against zero stackoverflow.comI'm new to Java and I've been trying to implement an algorithm for finding the roots of a cubical equation. The problem arises when I calculate the discriminant and try to ... |
12. compare three double numbers coderanch.comYou can't do it in one statement. Compare one statement to another and store the greatest value in a temp variable. Then compare the temp variable to the third variable and store the greate value in the temp variable...etc, until you've gone through all of the values. Math.max() is a useful method for this comparison. |
13. Strange result from double comparison coderanch.comHello, I have a simple comparison of two double numbers. The same comparison when put in println function gives the correct response (see in the output) but the same comparison if assigned to a boolean value gives a wrong response; I tried to compare numbers inside if condition, in a boolean variable, in reverse for (i.e: gone > MAX_MOVE) but every ... |
14. Double comparison coderanch.comHi, I have requirement to check following value1 = "99999999999.00" value2 = "123122.55"; double d1 = Double.parse(value1) ; double d2 = Double.parse(value2) ; if(d1>d2){ sop("Big") } else{ sop("small") } Expected output is Big but giving me small. I tried to print their values & its making 9.99999991E something when I use double parse option. Can someone help me in comparing these ... |
15. Compare monetary doubles coderanch.comHi all, I want to compare 2 values to two decimal places, basically monetary values. I know about precision issues with straight up double comparison using ==, so to check are two values equal (to 2 places) I do the following: ... private static final BigDecimal PLUS_ZERO = new BigDecimal("0.00"); private static final BigDecimal MINUS_ZERO = new BigDecimal("-0.00"); public boolean compareMoney(final ... |
16. comparing doubles with less than or greater than coderanch.com |
17. Regarding comparing two double values. forums.oracle.comActually what I was saying was that you can't store, say, 1.2 accurately in a binary floating point number for the same reason you can't express 1/3 as a decimal number, and that converting a the nearest float value to 1.2 to BigDecimal won't trim off all those extra decimal places unless you specify the number of places the conversion rounds ... |
18. HOW TO COMPARE 2 DOUBLE NUMBERS forums.oracle.com |
19. Comparing two doubles forums.oracle.comHi, I'm working on a root finder function (something like Bissection or Newton) and I'm facing one doubt Use doubles to perform the algorithm or use BigDecimal? doubles give me faster computing but at some point I must compare the results with zero.For example I'm getting -1.0 0.25 -0.4375 -0.109375 0.06640625 -0.0224609375 0.021728515625 -4.2724609375E-4 0.0106353759765625 0.005100250244140625 0.0023355484008789062 9.539127349853516E-4 ... (one line ... |
20. Direct double comparison forums.oracle.com |