calculation « double « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Calculation problem in Java

I'm having slight difficulty in performing a calculation in Java. Here is what I'm trying to do - ((0.053800 * (500000/1000)) + 4) * 0.85 In my java application, it returns 26.264999999999997, which ...

2. java how to make user friendly percentage output from double

I have the following code:

float fl = ((float)20701682/(float)20991474);  
And that gives me fl = 0.9861948. I would like to convert 0.9861948 to 2% since 2% has been downloaded.
I'm downloading ...

3. Double calculation producing odd result

I have 2 numbers stored as Double, 1.4300 and 1.4350. When I subtract 1.4350 - 1.4300, it gives me the result: 0.0050000000000001155. Why does it add 1155 to the end and ...

4. double calculation

5. double length calculation

Hello, I am trying to find the length of the double let say (123456789123456789123456789.1234567890) which is dynamic. I am trying to use the DecimalFormat class to find the length of this double as below. double value = 123456789123456789123456789.1234567890; DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("####,####,####"); String str = formatter.format(value); int strLen = str.length(); It would be great, if any one help me to ...

6. double calculation

7. double calculation problem

8. double datatype calculation

9. incorrect answer with double calculation

10. Java simple calculation involving double

11. double calculation error?

12. Weird arithmetic result involving double calculation

downloadTime3 ends up with the correct result, 295.0429916381836, but downloadTime4 ends up with a completely bizarre negative result: -216.9570083618164. Can anybody explain to me why a) the answer is different and b) it ends up with a negative answer when all positive values are used ?? I'm using Java 5.0. Many thanks, Simon

13. Java String to Double (calculation?)

haha.. i guess i just have to use regular expressions and composite design in java.. daaaaaaah.. a long night of coding awaits... thanks.. but.. if anyone thinks of a way to get round this, that would help! I wonder what the difference is between the return in that first method and the string...?

14. sum "product of double type" calculation not percise

} } I get the result as below sum 0 = -5.199999999999999 sum 1 = 8.0 sum 2 = -3.0 sum 3 = 6.699999999999999 sum 4 = -2.3 sum 5 = 3.3 sum 6 = -1.2999999999999998 how come? It suppose sum 0 = -5.2 sum 3 = 6.7 sum 6 = -1.3