string « decimal « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Matching decimals in strings using matcher()

I have a question regarding the matcher. Currently I am trying to read a string and store all the digits into an array. My question is, how do you try to ...

2. Java: String containing 2 decimal to int/double/anything

Silly question but couldn't find the right answer on Google (or didn't know what to search :) I have a string containing this number: 3.0.1 How can I convert it to an Int/double/float/whatever ...

3. How can I transform a GPS point from DDD MM.MMM (string) to decimal (latitude & longitude)?

I need to transform a GPS point from DDD MM.MMM (string) to decimal (two values: latitude & longitude) with Java. For example, I have this String:

String a = "N 39° 28.941 W ...

4. Java escaping chars that already exist in the string

I need to escape chars that exist within a string but the escape chars are part of the escape code ie.

    Map<String, String> escapeChars = new HashMap<String, String>();

5. Java decimal to binary without api's and strings

I must write a program in java (homework) that gives the input (x), the input in binary, tells if the input is a palindrome and tells if the binary from the ...

6. String.getBytes("Cp1047") get wrong values for 25 and 15 for packed decimal value.

Retrieving string from DB2 (Z/OS) (JDBC) that does contain packed decimal value. When I am trying to get bytes using String.getBytes("Cp1047"), I am getting correct bytes for all Excpet for 15 and 25. Rather it is resulting in swapped values for these, i.e, it is getting 25 for 15 and vice versa. What could be the wrong? Or should I read ...

8. Generating String using Hexa Decimals

Hi all, I'm not very good at Java. So, please bear with me if this turns out to be a very silly question. I have a series of hexa decimal values. How can I generate a String using these hexa decimals? e.g. 41, 42, 43, 44, 50 Using these I should be able to create a String "ABCDP" Also I need ...

9. How to print numeric string as decimal