separator « decimal « Java Data Type Q&A

1. In Java, why does the decimal separator follow the Locale's language, not its country, and, more importantly, how does one override it?

I'm working on an international project and have observed that, in Java, the choice of the decimal separator is based on the Locale's language, not its country. For example:

DecimalFormat currencyFormatter = ...

2. java decimal separator

Is there a way to configure Java's decimal separators with JVM parameters? I'd know how to do it in code level, but unfortunately this time I cannot touch it. I have now: "1,322.03" and ...

3. Decimal separator in NumberFormat

Given a locale java.text.NumberFormat:

NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
How can I get the character used as Decimal separator (if it's a comma or a point) in that numberformat? How can I modify this ...

4. Change decimal and thousands separators in excel using apache poi

Does anyone know if using apache-poi library you can change the decimal and thousands separators for Microfost Excel? I need to export in excel some data from an web application, and ...

5. how to change default decimal separator

I wrote in my original post, that I need to use % formating. It is because - there is quite a lot (say hunderts of kilobytes) of code that uses with String.format - there is quite a lot of configuration files that contain % formating - configuration must be backward compatible with older releases of application According to my knowleadge the ...