precision « decimal « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java decimal precision question

I have a problem which I have to print with long decimal places. such as 1/3 = 0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333 (very very long) when using C, we can use printf("%.30f", a); but I don't know what to do ...

2. How to increase decimal precision

You cannot "increase the precision" of float and double. However, your most likely don't really mean that you want to increase the precision - you just want to know how to print a float or double with more decimal digits. You can use class DecimalFormat to format numbers with the desired number of digits, or use printf(...) with an appropriate conversion ...

3. Precision and scale of a decimal value

How do we check the precision and scale of a decimal value in Java? In java decimal means a double value for a precision of 1 , and a scale of 7 , I am checking it this way : if (aDouble > 9.999999) { The max value of a double with precision 1 and scale 7 is 9.9999999, the reason ...

4. Decimal Precision

It sounds like your problem occurs when inserting data into the database. So why are you showing on related code that just parses a string into a double and prints out ? You need to show the code that inserts the data . I would think however that if you properly used a prepared statement and the setDouble method than the ...

5. java decimal precision

i seem to be having an annoying problem right now. yesterday, my code had no problems getting 1.2 as 1.2, but today, it keeps changing 1.2 to be something like 1.2000000000547 (+/- some zeros) i don't get why this is happening and i don't know how to fix it. and yes, this inaccuracy changes everything as i'm trying to create a ...

6. How do you set the decimal precision of a float?

Hello, I am new to Java and have run into a problem. I am trying to truncate an array of floats and save them to a file. I want to save two decimal places with 0's ie: 0 as 0.00 For example: I have a number 0.9772128 and I want to convert it and store it as 0.98, the following code ...