math « decimal « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to save decimal in java

Having the following code in Java: double operation = 890 / 1440;
System.out.println(operation); Result: 0.0 What I want is to save the first 4 decimal digits of this operation (0.6180). Do you know how ...

2. How to get the numbers after the decimal point? (java)

 double d = 4.321562;
Is there an easy way to extract the 0.321562 on it's own from d? I tried looking in the math class but no luck. If this can ...

3. Floating-Point Arithmetic = What is the worst precision/difference from Dec to Binary?

as all know decimal fractions (like 0.1) , when stored as floating point (like double or float) will be internally represented in "binary format" (IEEE 754). And some decimal fractions can ...