1. change most significant bit of an 8 bit binary to 0 and get the decimal value of first seven bits only stackoverflow.comI have a binary number and i want to get the decimal value of only the seven bits and not include the 8th bit. How do i go about this in ... |
2. 16bit binary to decimal problem coderanch.comI am trying to convert a string binary value to it's decimal value. the code I have below keeps on generating a zero (0) every time I run the application? I can go through my logic on paper and get the correct value, but I am at the end of my rope on why my code is not generating the correct ... |
3. Decimal number: How many bits are used in binary output forums.oracle.com |
4. Decimal to 32 bit IEEE float forums.oracle.comThe thing is that we are able to code completely and get a precise decimal value out of the 32 bit IEEE float point. But now the problem comes how to convert a float value back to the 32 bit IEEE float? Is there a standard how to tone down a value? Like ok take example of a value: 576.81702 How ... |