unicode « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. printable char in java    stackoverflow.com

Does anyone knows how to detect printable characters in java? After a while ( trial/error ) I get to this method:

    public boolean isPrintableChar( char c ) {

2. toLowerCase with special/unicode characters throws exception    stackoverflow.com

correct me if I'm wrong. If str has a character such as "" in it then running:

throws a null pointer exception. That's the behavior I'm seeing. So what's the deal here? What's going ...

3. How do I detect unicode characters in a Java string?    stackoverflow.com

Suppose I have a string that contains Ü. How would I find all those unicode characters? Should I test for their code? How would I do that? For example, given the string ...

4. How can I get a Unicode character's code?    stackoverflow.com

Let's say I have this:

char registered = '®';
or an umlaut, or whatever unicode character. How could I get its code?

5. finding unicode for non-english characters    stackoverflow.com

I have to print a non-english string in a Java program. I have the string with me. How do I get the unicode of its constituent characters so that I am ...

6. How Can I detect Unknown/Unassigned Unicode characters in my java program?    stackoverflow.com

I want to write a java program to print Unicode characters. I want to detect and not print Unknown/Unassigned CHaracters (which are shown by a rectangular). I have tried "isDefined" and ...

7. How to ensure that no non-ascii unicode characters are entered?    stackoverflow.com

Given a java.lang.String instance, I want to verify that it doesn't contain any unicode characters that are not ASCII alphanumerics. e.g. The string should be limited to [A-Za-z0-9.]. What I'm doing ...

8. ANTLR: Unicode Character Scanning    stackoverflow.com

Problem: Can't get Unicode character to print correctly. Here is my grammar:

options { k=1; filter=true;
 // Allow any char but \uFFFF (16 bit -1)

|    '_' { System.out.println("Found ...

9. Java char is 2 bytes reason    stackoverflow.com

Is there any reason why Java char primitive data type is 2 bytes unlike C which is 1 byte? Thanks

10. How do I use unicode characters in FitNesse fixtures?    stackoverflow.com

I'm testing the workings of a unicode-scrubbing routine using FitNesse, but the unicode characters I enter in the decision table don't make it through to my fixture. The decision table looks a ...

11. Obtaining unicode characters of a language in Java    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way in Java so that I can obtain all the Unicode characters of a particular language (for example Bengali or Arabic)?

12. Why does Java permit escaped unicode characters in the source code?    stackoverflow.com

I recently learned that Unicode is permitted within Java source code not only as Unicode characters (eg. double ? = Math.PI; ) but also as escaped sequences (eg. double ...

13. Unicode characters from Flex to Java    stackoverflow.com

I am using MATE Framework. I am using HTTPService to send data. While sending unicode characters from Flex to Java, I recieve garbage values in Java form. Can something be done ...

14. Java unicode where to find example N-byte unicode characters    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for sample 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte, 4-byte, 5-byte, and 6-byte unicode characters. Any links to some sort of reference of all the different unicode characters out there and how big ...

15. square root character/symbol    stackoverflow.com

I was wondering what the character code of the square root symbol is in java? That is, I want to be able to print a square root sign on screen inside ...

16. Unknown characters    stackoverflow.com

I read the string from file with encoding "UTF-8". And I need to match it to a expression. The first character of the file is #, but in the string the first ...

17. Java: String.toCharArray() with unicode characters    stackoverflow.com

I know that char cannot contain Unicode characters (like char c = '\u1023'). So how would I go about doing

    String s = "ABCDEFG\u1023";
    char[] ...

18. How to get unicode for a character?    coderanch.com

Hi, May be this looks like a simple problem. But I could not get the right hook to get the solution. All I want is to get unicode for a character. We can get unicode format for a input file on the command prompt using native2ascii -encoding [encoding name] [inputfile] [outputfile]. But I want a method to convert a character to ...

19. why java is using unicode characters?    coderanch.com

20. Unicode characters    coderanch.com

Java char type is a Unicode character, and Java Strings are internally made up of chars. I thought that Java char had a size of 16 bits, but if that's true then either (a) Java cannot represent all Unicode characters, or (b) some/all Java chars are bigger than 16 bits. I read that Java uses UTF-16 encoding for its chars. But ...

21. Identify Unicode chars in string    coderanch.com

Guys, I am reading data from an CSV file and this CSV can contains special chars (like "Michle") aswell in some records. I am getting all hte records in csv file in an array of Strings. Can any one tell me how can I identify a string inside this array is of Unicode/special chars. any method in Java to identify this?? ...

22. String with Unicode character    coderanch.com

23. Corrupt Unicode Characters    coderanch.com

I'm trying to internationalize my program, but I'm having some problems. The characters aren't being displayed correctly. This happens with all languages with unicode characters, not just Czech. I've tried typing the unicode characters directly into the .properties file: WELCOMETEXT=Vtejte do EasyForm!\n\n Je to porv co spouatte EasyForm, proto potYebujete nastavit heslo pro aifrovn a deaifrovn. Toto heslo budete muset vkldat ...

24. where are hindi characters in unicode    coderanch.com

25. Unicode character    coderanch.com

Angela, It depends of the encoding your JVM is using. From API: "The default encoding is determined during virtual-machine startup and typically depends upon the locale and encoding being used by the underlying operating system." In some encoding, this sequence does not map to what you need. This example may help you when trying to find the encoding you look for. ...

26. Unicode character    coderanch.com

27. unicode into char    coderanch.com

I thought a unicode value had to be in single qoutes when assigned to a char. For some reason, the following seems to compile and run ok, but only in the range of \00030 to \u00039 . char d = \u0032; /* Compiles ok */ System.out.print(d); char d = \u0040; /* Syntax error on token "Invalid Character", invalid VariableInitializer comes up ...

28. unicode character    coderanch.com

hi unicode character is represented by '\uxxxx'.......where xxxx is a hexadecimal no.i get an error in the following assignment 1. '\Uxxxx' replacing u with U 2. '\u000a' 3.'\u000d' 4.'\u4e' isn't 004e same as 4e, both are hex no..... or is it like the hex no should be rep by 4 digit in unicode no. [ February 22, 2005: Message edited by: ...

29. Get Unicode of a character    coderanch.com

The char data type is in fact a 16 bit unsigned integer. You can just cast it to an int as Paul shows, the type int is more convenient if you want to work with the numeric value. If you want to see the number in hexadecimal form (which is how Unicode values usually are represented) then you can just format ...

30. Valid Unicode character assigments    coderanch.com

Hi, I was looking the other day some mock exams for the programmer certification exam, and found a question asking if the fllowing is a legal assigment: char c1 = '\u000A'; I though it was valid, but I found that is not. But, the following is valid: char c1 = '\u000B'; So, my question is: Why is the first assigment invalid? ...

31. Corrupt Unicode Characters    coderanch.com

I'm trying to internationalize my program, but I'm having some problems. The characters aren't being displayed correctly. This happens with all languages with unicode characters, not just Czech. I've tried typing the unicode characters directly into the .properties file: WELCOMETEXT=Vtejte do EasyForm!\n\n Je to porv co spouatte EasyForm, proto potYebujete nastavit heslo pro aifrovn a deaifrovn. Toto heslo budete muset vkldat ...

32. Unicode characters in command prompt    coderanch.com

I need to display the unicode characters for card suit symbols in a non-GUI poker program. I wrote it in notepad and am compiling/running it from command prompt. The current method I have of trying to display them is assigning the \uXXXX unicode escape to a char variable, but it's just displaying as '?'. Is there anything I need to do ...

33. Java, Unicode, and supplementary characters question    coderanch.com

Hi, I have code like this: import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class UnicodeTest2 { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "\u5B66\uD801\uDC00\u6771"; int codeUnits = s.length(); System.out.printf("code units: %d\n", codeUnits); int codePoints = s.codePointCount(0, s.length()); System.out.printf("code points: %d\n", codePoints); System.out.println(s); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, s); } } It contains 4 code units: the first and the last areo some Asian chars (found it on ...

34. Form Based Authentication fails with unicode characters    coderanch.com

I have set up form based authentication in my application using Tomcat 6 and MySQL 5.0. It works just fine when using English user names and passwords. But, if I use Korean, Japanese, or other Unicode characters, then the login fails. How can I get form based authentication to work with Unicode? Thank you!

35. Unicode Character    coderanch.com

36. Extracting unicode from char    java-forums.org

Hello every one, I am trying to create a small program that askes for a single input, and it in turn prints out what it is. f.ks if a upper case letter is inputed by the user, the printout will state "That is an upper case letter" How then do I get the unicode value from that letter? uppercase 65-90, lowercase ...

37. Unicode Character Sets in Java    forums.oracle.com

I am trying to port code from a PowerBuilder 10.5.1 Build 6021 environment to Java and I am encountering getting the same value for the Euro character in Java and PowerBuilder. I get a value of 20AC (8364 in decimal) in Java which is consistent with ISO-8859-15, but I get a value of 128 in PowerBuilder. This is only a small ...

38. Concatenating two UNICODE chars!    forums.oracle.com

39. how do i make unicode appear as a character    forums.oracle.com

40. Creating Unicode character    forums.oracle.com

41. Unicode line-drawing characters - possible Java bug?    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I am trying to draw a box using line drawing characters in UTF-8. I make the UTF-8 box file in Microsoft Word where it looks aligned. However, when I run my Java program to display the box in a JTextArea, it is all out of alignment like below. Is this a bug in Java that prevents it from displaying ...

43. Unicode character    forums.oracle.com

44. how to delete unicode character from stringBuffer java ?    forums.oracle.com

Hi... I am drawing a String on canvas through Graphics. sorry!!!! Unicode of string is being deleted but the canvas on which String is drawn is not being repaint. while i delete the ACII character of the string ..resulting string is being repainted. so i was little bit confuse .... i have to call repaint method...please tell me..how a repaint() method ...

45. how to conver a dynamic unicode data in char or String    forums.oracle.com

in my first page if user insert any slide name then i am store in database as Unicode formate.After inserting data i will show the result but in form of char. if a user insert abc its Unicode is like this "\u0061\u0062\u0063" but in mysql database its store like "u0061u0062u0063". now i want to convert this inserted data in char but ...

46. How to get Unicode from a char    forums.oracle.com

Aww... there I was feeling good about being able to help someone else for a change. I was induced to look that method up, and was helped thereby since I learnt something. Does that count? (For the record, what I learnt was: some characters have a numeric value associated with them. For instance the roman symbol for ten - a bit ...

47. Unicode: non-Latin characters in identifiers and data    forums.oracle.com

Then I saved the file in Unicode and compiled javac -encoding utf-16le Java_chars.java and got: illegal character \65279 this is x'FEFF', which is the Unicode byte order mark; pointing to the first byte of the source file. Apparently Notepad inserts this at the front. Still, javac should be able to deal with that. -- Save as Unicode big endian and compile: ...

48. Consecutive unicode characters    forums.oracle.com

49. unicode strings turkish characters    forums.oracle.com

i have an application that has to remove punctuation marks before processing i itirate over the string char by char and check each one with isLetterOrDigit and remove when it return false i print the string before processing and Turkish characters are fine they print on my terminal which is set utf-8 but after processing all Turkish characters are removed and ...