read « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How many characters can read by using the readline() method in java?

I using readLine() method for reading the text, but i am not aware of how many text can read that method. Ex.

String str = in.readLine();
how many texts can read and store ...

2. How can I read international characters from console

How can I read international characters from console in java?

3. Reading a single char in Java

How can a char be entered in Java from keyboard?

4. JAVA: Read char from String to a certain char

Is there a method or way to read and keep reading chars from a string, putting them in a new string until there is a certain char. Keep reading from < to ...

5. Why can't we read one character at a time from

The program below prints each character written on standard in, but only after a new-line has been written (at least on my system!).

public class Test {
    public static ...

6. Why doesn't StringReader.Read() return a byte?

I was using StringReader in a Data Structures assignment (Huffman codes), and was testing if the end of the string had been reached. I found that the int value that ...

7. Read only 1 char

Possible Duplicate:
How to read a single char from the console in Java (as the user types it)?
How can I read only one char in ...

8. Read a character at String in java?

I have a word

, I want to search this word in string, ie.: "777 unspecifieduser 330" I want to know this string have "unspecified" word or ...

9. Java reading in character streams with supplementary unicode characters

I'm having trouble reading in supplementary unicode characters using Java. I have a file that potentially contains characters in the supplementary set (anything greater than \uFFFF). When I setup ...

10. Reading Char using Scanner

I'm trying to write an educational, simple, calculator with no GUI. But I can't seem to know how to get the operation symbol from the user .. I need to get ...

11. Unable to read single character in Java

I wrote this code based on an example I found:

do {
    System.out.print("¿What kind of envelope do you want? (A)Mini B)Midi C)Maxi): ");
    cadena =;

12. Trouble reading character in String (Java)

I have some trouble in getting Java to read the first character in a String. I have here included the code up to this point (the code beyond this is, ...

13. how can i read the chinese/japanese characters in java?

i am doing scraping project in java.i want to convert the chinese names to english that only doing this project.My problem is when i give the input(excel) it converts chinese ...

14. should be simple....reading char...

I've read from files before using the File class and readLine() methods but how do I read the file one character at a time?? I need to read in a large file, compare every character in the file count how many times it occurred, etc.... I can't seem to find anything that will do a readChar(), all of them have some ...

15. How to read characters from a string ?

16. How do I read (right to left) from a string one character at a time?

String myString = "1234567"; int character = 0; for (int i = (myString.length()-1); i >= 0; i--) { character = myString.charAt(i); // method returns a char, // but autoconverts to an // int primitive, // since int wider than char switch (character) { case 7 : //doSomethingIfCharEquals7(); break; case 6 : //doSomethingIfCharEquals6(); break; // etc, etc. } }

17. Read from character statement

1. How to convert the integer statement (1) to character statement ('Y')? This is quite easy. First you need to understand what the Integer.parseInt method does. Look it up in the API docs and you will find it converts a certain type of variable into an int (look in the java.lang package). Now you need to change your code so that ...

19. Problems while reading locale specific characters in Java

Hi, We are facing problems in reading locale specific characters from a file. We are using the Buffered Reader to read the file, but the locale specific chars in the file are read as some wrong characters. for Example the char: is read as by the Buffered Reader. We are using the Jdk1.3. Could you please help me in ...

20. Help Reading and storing characters

21. How to read a letter instead of a character from a given sentences

Ur question is not clear. But,What I understood is that u want to read character know? Then u can go for this below method charAt public char charAt(int index)Returns the character at the specified index. An index ranges from 0 to length() - 1. The first character of the sequence is at index 0, the next at index 1, and so ...

22. Read a single character entered

Hi, I've only been doing java for a few days now so cut me a little slack :) I'm making a "guess the random number" game and at the end I want to have the user input if they'd like to play again with a simple 'y' / 'Y' or 'n' / 'N' If I could just be told at least ...

23. How to read a Char character ?!

24. Reading characters without showing up on the screen?

Hey guys, I am trying to read a character in Java without having it show up on the screen. It is possible with the hsa class, but i absolutely hate ready to program, and I do not want to use it. Is there any way to do that with Standard Java libraries? Thanks

25. Scanner reading accented characters

26. Reading characters into a string

27. Reading single chars

You're talking about the difference between binary files (like .exe, .wav, .ppt) and text files. DataInputStream expects the file to be in a specific format that reflects the structure of a Java object in memory--the kind of file that would only be written by a Java program. Its readChar(), readLine() and readUTF() methods may read text, but they do it in ...

28. reading a non-english character

29. How do read character by character?

Hello Everyone, This is Jack....I'm new to Java and I'm messed up about this problem: After many days I finally managed to learn to read from a file. However when I read from a file it reads it a string and also I need to use readLine(); For Instance if I have a text file which I'm reading from and it ...

30. reading a char

31. Reading sequence of characters in Java-----HELP!!!

I need help with this program here..Im new to Java and struggling to get this to's the problem.. The program monitors a possibly infinite stream of characters from the keyboard (standard input). If it detects the sequence "www" it outputs a "0". If it detects the sequence "wow" it outputs a "1". DO NOT detect sequences within sequences. The program ...

32. the best way to read characters from a single line?

my problem is i have is that 0-5 characters are on one line i need to split this up as each single letter stands for a word i.e - f = football. i need to separate each one. also a person can have up to five hobbies (the letters stand for likes or dislikes) so i also need to think about ...

35. Read last char of a String

36. Reading characters from the Scanner class

I have this program where I ask the user to enter a word (from the standard input) and rather then reading the whole word using [method to read a string], I want to read character by character and then put every character into an arraylist. There is no method nextChar() in the Scanner class, so I would like to know ...

37. reading characters from stdin

39. Reading char fail

40. Unable to read a char from a string

void write (String[] domains) { String line = (""); int index = 0; // Open the file and write to it. try { BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("parsed.txt")); while (domains[index] != null) { line = domains[index]; writer.write(line); writer.newLine(); index ++; } // close the file. writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex){ System.out.println("Error opening or writing to: parsed.txt"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } ...

41. Reading filenames with characters other than a-z

Hi! My problem is that I'm writing very simple integration that only transfers files around. Problem is that some directories and filenames have for example scandinavien characters. Examples: D:\lhtev\lht.xml Problem is that when I read files/directories via following code while in the D:\lhtev folder: File dir = new File(fname); String[] chld = dir.list(); if(chld == null){ System.out.println("Specified directory does not exist ...

42. Read Output Containing Chinese Character from Exec

I have created the following code: Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ipconfig /all"); InputStream inStream = new BufferedInputStream(proc.getInputStream()); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (; ; ) { int c =; if (c == -1) break; buffer.append((char) c); } String outputText = buffer.toString(); The actual output after executing the command containing a line of Chinese characters. What the variable "outputText" contained is ...

43. Problem in reading special characters

44. Reading char without pressing enter

45. Reading a string containing special character from a result set

String page2 = rs.getString(1); System.out.println(page2); } rs.getString(1); is a string value eg. 'Rebekah \n Govender' that is being set in a stored procedure. The output of my program is :'Rebekah \n Govender' , i need for it to read the special characters, and produce this output : Rebekah Govender Without using a result set , it works fine. eg. String page2 ...

46. how to read char from console

Hi can any body help me.. I want to read char from keybord. withought pressing ENTER. am not sure how i can do it. I can't use code]BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader ( )) ; char key ; key = (char ) ; [/code] cuz i have to press ENTER every time to read char. Thanks in advance. Come ...

47. Problem reading chars 128-159

48. reading encoded characters

I used openLDAP to store digital certificate. As client I use java program. java program read the .der(ASN.1) encoded file and store the certificate in the server. But I have problem when I reading certificates entries and create the certificate back.Out put from the server is ASN.1 encoded string. How i can create the certificate(.cer or .der) file from that output. ...

49. problem while reading special characters in java

Hi i am faving the follwing xml. no i ma trying to parse this XML using java program and jdom parser. when i try to read ...

50. read ASN.1 DER encoded characters

51. Reading character length

52. How to read End Of Line character in java

How to read End of Line character in java.I am getting the correct format in editplus and wordpad after opening the file by line by line. When i open the file with notepad i am getting the output as lines seperated by carriage returns. I have to show the output in notepad also line by line. How can i do this ...

53. Reading Character Help

The compiler will tell you if there are any syntax errors in that code. It does that a lot better than we would. And running it will show you what happens when you run it. It does that a lot better than showing us the code. If what happens is different than what you want to happen, then tell us about ...

54. How do I read a character from console?

//Scanner ahsanScanner = new Scanner(; //System.out.println("Please enter an upper case letter: "); char inputLetter = 'W'; //Convert inputLetter into integer int uppercase = (char)inputLetter; // Calculate output letter int offset = (int)'a'- (int)'A'; char outputLetter = (char)((int)uppercase + offset); System.out.println("You entered the upper case letter " + inputLetter); System.out.println("The lowercase for the uppercase letter you entered is " + outputLetter); System.exit(0); ...

55. Reading one character at a time

public static char readChar() { int ch; char r = '\0'; boolean done = false; while (!done) { try { ch =; r = (char) ch; if (r == '\r') { System.out.println("Not a character. Please try again!");; done = false; } else {; done = true; } } catch ( e) { done = true; } } return ...

56. reading unicode value of a character

57. My problem is reading a character from console using BufferReader object

My code is:----------- class A{ BufferReader bf = new BufferReader(new InputStreamReader(; public Char userChoice(){ System.out.println("Enter char"); Char us = (Char); return(us); } do{ char ch = userChoice(); System.out.println("character is "+ch); }while(ch!='n'); } My problem is when I run this peice of code it works fine and userChoice() method reads value for first time but for next iteration it doesnot read value ...