pdf « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. JasperReports PDF. & character causing trouble    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to create a pdf document with JasperReports. Everything works fine, except than when an & character appears, some tags are not interpreted, and appear in the final document. ...

2. How to render Asian characters in a PDF using xhtmlrenderer    stackoverflow.com

I was wondering what steps were needed to render Asian characters using the java based xhtmlrenderer (flying saucer) library? I am wanting to render the following:

Without any font ...

3. Exporting a JasperReport to PDF, Characters Missing    stackoverflow.com

I have a Java application that is generating JasperReports. It will create as many as three JasperPrints from a single report: one prints on the printer, one is serialized and saved ...

4. Issue with special character in pdf text in java    stackoverflow.com

I have a text which is copied from a pdf and and created an HTML manually. But in html some characters such as "-" is showed as รข??. I want replace ...

5. org.apache.pdfbox: Getting the character and its bounding box at a specific x,y position    stackoverflow.com

I'm using the package org.apache.pdfbox to do a number of things with PDF documents and I'd like to get the character and its bounding box at a specific x,y position (in ...

6. iText, Java - Two Certain Greek characters don't appear on the PDF    stackoverflow.com

I was working with iText in java and tried to make a simple program that creates a PDF file with Greek text in it. Here is part of my code:

**public String url ...

7. How do i set max character length in PDF field using itext api with java    stackoverflow.com

Hi. I am using sample PDF form and I am extracting acroform fields using getfields. So I have a field. I want to set max character length. I am using ...

8. How to configure iText to support Asian characters?    stackoverflow.com

My Java application creates PDFs using iText. Sometimes the content is Asian, which does not work. The Asian characters are not visible. I found iTextAsian.jar on the iText download page, but don't ...

10. Not able to produce some Czech characters in pdf using java.    forums.oracle.com

we have used below code to display the characters but its also not working..first we thought its font issue since Helvetica dont come by default in windows but after putting helvetica font also we are not able to produce the characters. BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1250, false); Font fontStyle = new Font(baseFont, 12, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK);