input « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How do I read input character-by-character in Java?

I am used to the c-style getchar(), but it seems like there is nothing comparable for java. I am building a lexical analyzer, and I need to read in the input ...

2. How to filter out all non-word characters from user input in Java

I'm trying to filter out all possibilities of XSS from user name input while still allowing for foreign names to be inputted. What is the best way to white-list all word-characters in ...

3. How to read a single char from the console in Java (as the user types it)?

Is there an easy way to read a single char from the console as the user is typing it in Java? Is it possible? I've tried with these methods but they ...

4. How can I read input from console till a character is typed

I want to read input from a console for example
Enter input:
execute the method when pressed Enter and keep asking for input and execute till a character is typed in. At the ...

5. How do I make my code check that the user has input a alphabetical character? [Java]

Update: the code works now. Thanks for help guys.

This is part of the code I'm having trouble with
if ((amount < 0) || (Character.isLetter(amount)))
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Here's a ...

6. Error: Bad Base64Coder input character

I am currently facing an error called Bad Base64Coder input character at ...
Here is my code in java.

String nonce2 = strNONCE;
byte[] nonceBytes1 = Base64Coder.decode(nonce2);        ...

7. Single character console input in java/clojure

How can I read a single character/key from the console without having to hit Enter? There is an old entry in Sun's bug database claiming that it can't ...

8. Print only twelve characters from user submitted string in Java

I have a user input their name as a string and then the name is printed out onto the screen. How can i limit what is printed to only 12 characters ...

9. Enforcing valid input in Java

I have a class I wrote in Java and one of the methods is getCommand() The purpose of this method is to read in a string and see what the user typed ...

10. How to parse time range input?

In a program I'm working on, i need the user to input time ranges, such as 2002-2003, or 1999- (implied present), or -2000 (before 2000). I have an ArrayList of objects, ...

11. count the occurrences of a specific character in the input

Possible Duplicate:
How do I count the number of occurrences of a char in a String?
I am looking to count the occurrences of a specific ...

12. Input Until Non-Word Character in C, Like Java's \W

I want to input words from a file which are delimited by anything that isn't a letter. Is there an easy way to do this in C similar to using the ...

13. Java Text Input: How to ignore lines starting with certain characters in them?

I basically want to ignore certain lines with characters in them, like if there's a line

// hello, i'm bill
I want to ignore that line while reading it because it contains the ...

14. Need inputs about efficiency of my program for finding duplicates in String

I have developed a java program for checking if a string has all unique characters. I am listing it down. I will appreciate if i get inputs about the efficiency of ...

15. How would I make an if statement for special characters in Java?

I wanna do something like, if input is ' * ' multiply two digits, if input is ' / ' divide the two digits and so on for addition and subtraction ...

16. How to replace all characters in a user input string except one

I'm currently in an introductory level Java class, and am working on the classic phrase guess assignment. The object is for one user to enter a secret phrase, and another to ...

17. Char Encoding of Text Input

I want to allow the user to input non ISO 8859-1 character. However, it seems that the IE 6 doesn't send something up in request header to indicate the exact character encoding being used in my input form. I am not familiar with HTTP. Should the encoding also embedded as Content-Type:charset=... request header? If yes, how do we tell IE to ...

18. Problem reading international characters from input form

Hi experts, I have a screen where user can supply any character in a textarea. A char may be ascii char or some japanese char. On the server side I am trying to read input string by request.getParameter() method; And then I am setting this string into a preparedstatement to store value in database. I have mentioned charset of html page ...

19. Preventing program from crashing when user enters a char instead of a numerical input

Hi! Am very new at java (only been doing if, while and so on. No idea of arrays, bufferstrings etc! Presently using consolewindow for input) and my problem is this: Basically, when I ask the user for a int or a double input and he/she enters a char, then the whole thing hangs; ideally, if the user does that, I'd like ...

20. How to save char user input?

22. help on input character into screen

guys, sorry again. i need some help here. 1) i trying to input a letter H into the keyboard, but i return a error of null (until.scanner), 2) i'm trying to input a character into the screen. the screen is not executing. try to debug it but unable to. ------------- import java.util.Scanner; class Q4 { public static void main (String[]args) { ...

23. Scanner class and character input

24. Java character input and modification.

I can't figure out how i can apply the methods like S1.toLowerCase () or S1.toUpperCase (). import*; class Period2 { public static void main (String[] args)throws IOException { InputStreamReader inStream = new InputStreamReader (; BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader (inStream); String mix; System.out.println ("Enter character: "); mix = stdin.readLine(); while (mix.endsWith (".") == false) { System.out.println ("Enter character: "); mix ...

25. Restrict input to only alpha characters?

I'm glad I am at a distance so I won't be hurt. I'm trying to teach myself how to use java and netbeans. I am using netbeans to create a stand alone desktop application. I have used JTextFormattedField, however haven't succeeded at it for this. If I use the JFormattedTextField(new MaskFormatter("LLL")); I have to enter three characters or it will not ...

26. Code to Limit Characters in Input

One thing you need to consider is a) use Trim to remove any whitespace, and b) some people type their phone number like this 1234 56789 others 123456789 so you need to first remove that space to get an accurate count i would think. Not something I have ever tried though but shouldnt be too hard to do

27. newbie 'char' input question

Hi, and thanks for reading/helping. I'm very new to java, and I'm looking for an (easy!) way to read in a 'char' type input. I've been using 'Scanner', but that doesn't seem to have a char option, eg scanner.nextChar(); //doesn't exist! Am I better just using String, or is there a quick solution? Many thanks!

28. Character Input

29. Character Input

30. Single Character Input

31. Chinese characters inputs

Hi, My client-based Java application has a new requirement to allow user to be able to input chinese characters. I'm not sure if this can be done and if so, how to go about doing it. Would really appreciate some advices. My application is running on Java 1.2.2. What changes would I need to incorporate to my application as well as ...

32. Validate input if Alpha characters

33. Validate input if Special Characters

35. Character Input

Pointing you a a pile of search results is understandable, as this is a Frequently Asked Question. The actual answer is that it's easy to get input if you are in a Swing app or your console app doesn't mind waiting for a CR. If you have a console app that must respond to each character as its entered, you have ...

36. How to read chars without key from input?

Hi all. I have read many forums but I still haven't figure it out how to read characters from the console input without having the user to type the return key . What I have found is that I have to make a combination of KeyListener or KeyAdapter using a Writer. The thing is that I haven't found a way to ...

37. question about filtering characters in input

Hello, I'm working on a program that I can't get to take a certain type of input properly. The input is a text file which has those square characters in in it at the end of lines that represent hard returns i think in some programs. When I'm reading input from the file I'm using a combination of Filereader to get ...

38. Single character input?

I am trying to accept one character at time from the user, but I am having trouble doing this. I know this is easily done in in C++, but I haven't found anything that seems to do the job in Java. This is for use in an application that will be used on the comand line. Am I going to have ...