character 2 « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to access particular character of a string without using pre defined functions?

No. If you can't use any of the methods of the String (or other) class then you can't determine what any character is. Then again without using some method or other, ...

2. Content of elements must contain well formed character data

I have a problem I hope someone can help me with in JSP. Whenever I write code in the JSP page, netbeans underlines it as illegal saying "The content of elements ...

4. how to eliminate weird characters?

Thanks dheerajjoshim !!! For instance when pound symbol is saved in database and while retrieving it gives a weird character with a latin letters. Got the solution of using UTF-8 for ...

5. Problem while sorting a String with - characters

I am sorting Strings in a list using Collections.sort Looks like the results are not coming out correct while using those This is the program import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Collections; public class MyClass { public static void main(String argv[]) { ArrayList valid_values = new ArrayList(); String s1="CDM PRODUCTS"; String s2="Cello"; String s3="CHINA 3G TRIAL"; String s4="ClearCase ...

6. problem while unzipping the non-ascii characters

we are not able to retain the greek characters after zipping the files(that contain greek characters). the following code shows u a clear sketch about how we are zipping the files on solaris platform. ZipOutputStream out = null; try { FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(zipFileName); out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(f)); for(int i = 0; i < fileNameLists.getNumElements(); i++) { BufferedReader in ...

7. using/providing new character set.

Hi I'm trying to write a class which will be able to read a file written in any format, provided its encoding informaiton. I've used java.nio.charset.Charset and related classes to do the same. My problem is that, this class(java.nio.charset.Charset) provides only a number of formats(if charset.jar is also taken into account, then some more). I want to provide my own characters/encoding. ...

8. Character handling

Dear Daniel Adornes, Your analysis is correct. When I use eclipse I am getting this problem. it saves abnormal character as ?. Dear Jim, I admire ur knowledge. My indended code is like second code snippet. even I do it in notepad(MS-Windows) I am facing the same problem .Moreover javac does not comple the file in Unicode format. So what will ...

9. Coverting character sets

I am trying to create a duplicate String detection function, part of which involves replacing certain special characters with a more common letter in the current character set For example: '' is replaced by 'e' '' is replaced by 'y' etc. While this can be handled programatically for the core latin character set, at some point this functionality may be called ...

10. problem with foreign characters

Does anyone know how to handle foreign characters in a request object? In my case, I pass foreign chars from jsps or some presentation layer to some servlet or business logic. To keep the conversation simple say, I want to print these special chars in console or log file or even in the resulting servlet. How do u print that raw ...

11. Webinterface with Non latin characters

Couldnt find a suitable spot for the problem, servlets might be the best one though. I have the job of designing an application that needs to be deployed worldwide, where users from all countries can contribute to a database that is held in one country. Constraints are: - User needs to use his own characterset, i.e. japanese, chinese, .... - We ...

12. Character set problems

I have just moved my applications to a web hotel in USA, running on Tomcat Server. The scandinavian characters, '', '' and '' is shown as a '?'. It only happens, when I post the characters with enctype="multipart/form-data" or when I want to store data in a file and read from a file. The scandinavian characters, '', '' and '' is ...

13. Japansese characters offset problem

Hi, I have a problem in reading the japanese chracters from the form element. Acutally from one parameter I am reading the values like this String strDetails = Request.getParameter("Details"); If that form field has only japanese character then everything is coming fine. But the requirements is it will have many details like Slno, Name,Address etc. I am getting that in the ...

14. Turkish characters

Hi I am generating a report by picking user profiles from the OID. The OID contains special turkish characters. When I write them on the browser the characters seem fine. But I need to export them to excel in the application. When I do so these characters get screwed up. I have seen a related post where it was suggested to ...

15. Blocking characters

See also StringEscapeUtils for an approach that escapes those characters so they can't mess you up. Are you familiar with SQL injection? Say you built a SQL string like: sql = "SELECT * FROM USER WHERE USERID = '" + userid + "'" and somebody entered a userid like: bob';DELETE FROM USER WHERE USERID != ' Folks who know their way ...

16. transfering Euro (?) character

17. Non-Alphanumeric Characters in a String

I understand if we have a non-alphanumeric character in a String, we have to put a backward slash in front of that character. For example, we have to put a backward slach in front of a "backward slash". Eg. we do \\ to put a backward slash in a String. What about a dot (.) or a dash (-)? Do we ...

18. how do you strip out certain groups of characters from a String

for exapmle... String date = "11-Feb-2005"; String day; String month; String year; how would you strip out '11' from date to assign it to 'day', and 'Feb' to assign it to 'month' and '2005' to assign it to 'year'. in my program the variable 'date' will always be in the format of: ist two digits are numbers followed by '-' then ...

19. Character in a String

Yes I could tell you, but then you would become dependent on us to answer further simple questions that arise. Instead, I'll show you how to answer the question yourself. Find the JavaDocs API Documentation (installed with your JDK or you can go to the JDK 1.5 API online. Now, since you want to know information about a String, the first ...

20. help regarding Character class

Hi, I wanted to know the meaning of high-surrogates range and low-surrogates range.The above 2 terms are used to represent the supplementary characters. In the java doc they have specified tht Unicode standard allows char values to be more than 16bits.How can this be done??? Are they using 2 characters to store the values which require more than 16 bits??? If ...

21. Determining occurrences of a character in a string

Hi everyone, I have a string and I would like to determine how many tabs it contains. At the moment, I'm temporarily using if(line.contains("\t")) numTabs = 1; but I'd like to be able to know exactly how many are contained in the line instead of just having a boolean being returned. Would something like that be possible? Thanks for any help. ...

22. character assignment

'\101' is an octal representation of a number. The largest printable character is 255 decimal, or 377 octal. What is interesting is that if you assign the decimal value of '\1001' (513) to a char, that will print '?'. Why that is, I don't know. As for the unicode values, they must be exactly 4 hex digits. '\101' == 0101 == ...

24. Characters jumbled pls help

Hi I am facing a very critical problem.....i am into cryptography and using DES algorithm to encrypt and decrypt a plain text..... The main problem lies when i encrypt a particular plain text we get a set of weird characters being generated now when i try to send these characters through a socket then at the other end the reading is ...

25. Getting the System prompt character in a Java program

Hi, Is there some way in which I can get the last character in the prompt sign of my system. For e.g. in Windows the prompt ends with a '>' sign. In Unix it might end with a '$' sign or a '#' etc. I want to know if this last character of the prompt can be accessed in a Java ...

26. How appened different character in to a string

I hava a keyword "subodh2000". I want to cut the numeric from it. From following code i have get numeric character now i m facing problem to appened those character. for ( int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++ ) { char c = message.charAt(i); int j = (int) c; if(j>=48 && j<=57) { String aChar = new Character(c).toString(); } ...

27. Force a string to ignore meta characters

I'm looking for a way to have Java ignore meta characters when compiling similar to the way you can say r"Aren't strings kinda/sorta great?" in Python and the compiler won't try to interpret the string. Is this even possible to indicate to javac or are you stuck putting in all the \\'s? Specifically this is for use with String.split() and any ...

28. Problem in Spl Characters

Hi Friends, We are developing a applicatio using J2EE Tech., Problem which we face now is with spl character. There is text box in our application, If are entering the data(even spl char) it is storing in the database properly and diaplays it correctly. But when we copy paste the content(eg., "," and "'") from MS Word to this text box ...

29. International character

I assume you output that string in an XML file that's encoded in UTF-8? Then there is nothing wrong with your XML file. What is wrong is that you are "printing it out" using some tool that doesn't realize that is encoded in UTF-8 and treats it as if it were encoded in some other encoding, perhaps ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252 for ...

30. How to get character's width in Java?

Hi all, I'm developing a table like html output which needs pagination for printing. But the content of each line is unknown. To prevent the break in line during pagination, I need to know the exact width of each character and then do new-line. According to new-lines' amount, I can calculate what's the height of this html:tr. I'm stuck by the ...

31. Non-English characters in Java code

Hi all, I have read that Java source code is in Unicode characters. Does this mean that I can create a string in Chinese using Chinese language and then display it. Or will I have to add escaped unicode in order to display Chinese. If I create a string using Chinese language, the Chinese gets converted to question marks in the ...

32. Non printable characters

I am migrating a code from VB to JAVA. In which am processing a string which contains some non printable characters. The ASCII value for some of these is differnt from the int value of that in JAVA. Please advise me what to do in this case. I dont even know whether this can be done at all. Please help

33. Problem with character behavior (lowercase ,uppercase)

I show 2 strings to client say s1 and s2 like s1 s2. s1 can be maximum length 15 .I add some spaces to s1 and make it string of size 20 .For e.g. if i has s1="Ahmed" then i add 15 spaces to the left and if it contain "OWMHJU" then i add 14 spaces to the left .In this ...

35. HowTo Correct Wrongly Encoded Characters

Hello, I'm using a java web library which makes use of a lot of third party components (Ajax, JScript, Struts etc.). Problem is somewhere in the library there's an encoding problem which causes umlaut likes '' to be converted into something like this (Junk). Is there a java library which can help me convert a faulty represented character? I don't ...

36. [Crystal Reports] Missing Characters on Export

Dear all, I have 2 sets of Java program running on English Windows Server 2003, one running as a desktop application and another on Tomcat 5.5 The problem is when I use JRC to export to pdf on Tomcat, the Chinese characters are missing, they are just blank in the document, but when I run the same logic (instead of displaying ...

37. Filter Non-Standard Characters

hi, I have developed a transformation application which reads data from Excel sheets and then creates an XML document. However, during the operation certain indeterminate characters creep in. These characters are treated as "space" characters by Java but even if I do a trim then these don't get removed. On comparing them against " " also, nothing happens! For example, here's ...

38. Interpreting stack message characters

39. Characters

It seems to me you will have to check for the specific numbers that represent those letters. I dont have a table of them but what I would probably do is use a switch statement. Capital A would apparently be 65 int i = (65 + (Math.random() * 26)); switch(i) { case 65://A case 69://E case //I case //O case //U ...

40. Characters

Hi Angela, Pretty general question but I will give it a try. Encoding: converting from original form into another form Decoding: converting from some form back into the original form Unicode: Java character endcoding scheme using 16 bits for representation. Ascii: US character encoding scheme using 8 bits for representation. Unicode actually represents ASCII using its first 8 bits. Regards, Manfred. ...

41. character code

Hi, Bob. Well....the character code for CARRIAGE RETURN is 13, for BACKSPACE is 8, and for BLANKSPACE is 32. I pulled these values from here. (Unicode character mappings follow ASCII mappings from 0 to 127, if I remember correctly.) But it sounds, Bob, like you might be wanting to perform actions based on user input: import*; public class EnterTest { ...

42. new line character

43. incrementing characters

hi everyone...can anybody help? how do you increment a 3 letter / 3 digit command line input so that it prints out the input and the next letter/digit in the sequence???and also the number of sequences left??? ie aaa000 = start of sequence, zzz999 = end of sequence. eg input 'drg569' prints out 'drg569, drg 570, 17439920 left ( 26*26*26*10*10*10 ) ...

45. non alpa characters in a string??

46. Characters

Also, the fact that you have assigned a literal value makes it legal without the cast. If you tried something like:

 byte b = 34; char c = b; 
the compiler would complain, telling you an explicit cast was required. ------------------ "One good thing about music - when it hits, you feel no pain" Bob Marley

47. Character.getNumericValue()

I was a bit confused at first myself - but if you read the method definition in the api spec - you will notice that it is a (normal?) occurance. The letters A-Z in their uppercase ('\u0041' through '\u005A'), lowercase ('\u0061' through '\u007A'), and full width variant ('\uFF21' through '\uFF3A' and '\uFF41' through '\uFF5A') forms have numeric values from (((10 through ...

49. Trim Characters from String....Help!

public class TestIt { public static void main(String[] args) { try { String v1 = "000456"; String v2 = "00000123"; String v3 = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(v1)); String v4 = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(v2)); System.out.println("v3 = " + v3); System.out.println("v4 = " + v4); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("These were more than just zero padded Strings"); } } }

50. Null characters

51. getting first characters from string...

Hi , Hope this will help. [code] public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)Returns a new string that is a substring of this string. The substring begins at the specified beginIndex and extends to the character at index endIndex - 1. Thus the length of the substring is endIndex-beginIndex. Examples: "hamburger".substring(4, 8) returns "urge" "smiles".substring(1, 5) returns "mile" [code]

52. How to to recognize new line character?.

Thanks Dirk for your reply. I came to know about Line_Separator. But following is my situation 1)User enter the description in multiple lines(after typing each sentence user strikes enter key for new line). 2)We are using mysql database to store the information. 3)But while displaying the description, instead of seperate statements all the lines are displayed as a paragraph. For example, ...

53. ????? - matches one or more nonblank characters

When using 1.4 related String Matches method, I know (Learned from Dirk Schreckmann on this forum ;-) -- "." - matches a single character ".+" - matches one or more characters ".*" - matches zero or more characters Can someone tell me what do i write if I want to say any character other than blank space ? I mean ??? ...

54. Deleting Characters

Hi, Would anyone know how to check for special characters (excluding some of the characters) in a String? For example: The String I am parsing is 1. MAINT & SVC*-7?8 and I want to find all the characters that I want to delete (see code below) and not have to right a huge case statement. Is there any already made java ...

56. Picking characters from a string

Hello, I am trying to pass a string that represents a postfix expression. The method that accepts it should take each number and place it on the stack. When it encounters an operator, it should pop the top two numbers and evaluate them with the operator. This is the expression. "abc+-" a=7, b=3, c=12 So it applies "+" to c and ...

57. character and strings

Hello everyone, This is the code: public class CharacterDemo { public static void main(String args[]) { Character a = new Character('a'); Character a2 = new Character ('a'); Character b = new Character ('b'); int difference = a. compareTo(b); if (difference == 0) { System.out.println ("a is equal to b."); } else if (difference < 0) { System.out.println ("a is less than ...

58. character function

59. Trimming characters and/or blanks

Is there an easy (trans: one line) way to trim ONLY the leading or only the trailing blanks/chars from a string or stringbuffer? ...or am I forced to ust an array or 2 strings & "shift the bytes one by one? (I think) I can do this, but I thought I'd check to see if there was an "educational" moment handy. ...

60. Question about Java characters

61. Distinguishing characters in a String

Hi, im need to find a way of distinguishing between individual characters in a String according to their position in the String. I need them to be then stored in another Stringso that i can then analyse and rearrange them. A String contains to word "Bob" i would then like to have three other Strings (first, second and third) that hold ...

62. java.lang. - is this subject still 30 characters long??

When i try to log on to our webservice at The University of Bergen, Norway, i get the following message: java. lang. IllegalStateException: _ obtainOpenChannel -- com. webobjects. eoaccess. EOData Is there anyone here, who can help me with that? I have Windows 98SE. When i tried to log on to my banks ebank, my machine froze, then i called the ...

63. substring to just get the last character

I have a variable called "last" that only contains numbers. I want to retrieve the last number in the series and that changes so I can't use a set number. I have tried using charAt(n-1) but that gives me a funky number that does do what I want. What I would like to see is if the last digit is 9, ...

64. grabbing first character of a string

I need to know a way to grab the first character of a string and save it as its own variable. For example, if you have the word 'house' or the number '16578', I want to be able to have the program pick out the first letter 'h' or the first number '8'. I realize that there may be many diffents ...

65. How do I get the left x characters from a string?

Ah thank you. Being a newbie to Java/JSP I am still learning where to look. I ended up finding the subString() in the 1.4.2 api. I was looking in the 1.3.1 api. The code I ended up with to strip off the first 75 characters and then append a suffix if the original length was larger. I also checked for the ...

67. having problem in verifying a character

here is what i am required to do here: Write a program that prompts a professor to input grades for different course for 10 students. Prompt the professor to enter one grade at a time using the prompt Enter name for student # 1 and Enter grade #1. Verify that the professor enters only A, B, C, D, or F. ...

68. Character to String, why?

69. java Ecscape character

71. Eliminate unnecessary characters from a String

I have a method which accepts a String and after eliminating some unnecessary characters like @,* etc it returns the String. I have not been able to totally eliminate the not allowed characters, but have managed to replace them with a $ sign. Can someone please tell me how to eliminate the uneeded characters. public String parse(String value) { char []notAllowed ...

72. Character.getType() ?

Hello, when i use the Character.getType(_) method, it returns an int value, i'm wondering how to convert that int value, ie the 15 below, to a meaningfull literal like "CONTROL" or "isaCONTROL" character or something like that! Thanks very much! char t='\t'; int i=(int) t; System.out.println("t "+i+" "+Character.getType(t)); t='\n'; i=(int) t; System.out.println("n "+i+" "+Character.getType(t)); t='\r'; i=(int) t; System.out.println("r "+i+" "+Character.getType(t)); t='\f'; ...

73. line continuation characters

Originally posted by Dave Kairys: Are there any line continuation characters in Java? For instance, if a developer wants a line to move to the next carriage return in .NET, they would code an underscore. Anything similar in Java? Thanks, Dave Do you mean Visual Basic .NET, C# .NET, or Visual C++ .NET? (Okay, I'm not familiar with any of these, ...

74. Problems with non-english characters

Im trying to get my application to print the contents of a folder using cmd.exe. It works with one exception. Im icelandic and some of my folder names contain icelandic characters like '' '' '' ''... The application initilizes the String currentDir with this method: try { String[] command = {"cmd.exe","/c","cd"}; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); ...

75. How to get substrings between sentinel characters?

I need an integer value for the first occurrence of the character '#' then I need to take a substring from that occurrence to the next '#' and so forth. Here is what I'm trying to do in code: Scanner scanRoget = new Scanner(new FileReader("raw_roget.dat")); String pound = "#"; int poundLocation = 0; String entry = ""; PrintWriter printPD = new ...

76. Character in 0x01

77. maximum occurences of a character

Try creating a hash where the letter is the key and the value is the number of occurrences, then you can get a char array from the original string. At the end you can get a set from the hash and order it first by number of occurrences and then the alphabetical order.

78. especial characters

Certain charactors in a string have special meaning, and are called escape charactors, to create these escape charactors a \ is used thus, if you wish to use \ in a string you most escape it, making: \\ thus c:\\file.txt will be printed on screen as c:\file.txt you could also try using unix like seprators ie c:/file.txt [ June 19, 2007: ...

79. character code point

I was looking at the methods in the class Character. I need a simple method to change a char to an int in Unicode. But there is no such method. I just found a few methods, including one called toCodePoint(char high, char low), which deal with surrogate pairs. According to the API, toCodePoint "converts the specified surrogate pair to its supplementary ...

80. Loading 3D character models into JOGL

I would like to load a ms3d file format (Milkshape 3D) character model from Unreal Tournament 2003 (gotten from Milkshape's download site) to a four-walled room I created using jogl methods. How does one go about doing so? I read around but all the 'help' sites I found only give instructions on how to download and set up their own loaders ...

82. Return Two Rightmost Characters

Have a look at the Javadoc API documentation of class String (a link to the documentation is in my signature below). It contains a lot of useful methods to manipulate strings. There are for example methods to return the number of characters in a string and to get a substring out of a string. With those two methods it's easy to ...

83. trapping two appearance of a character

class Contain { String word; String ocurrChar = "@"; int mark = 2; public Contain(String word) { if(countChar(word).equals(mark)) { System.out.println("Contain two @ "); } } public boolean countChar(String word) { for (int k = 0; k< word.length(); k++){ return (word.indexOf(ocurrChar) >= 3); } return countChar(word); } public static void main(String args[]) { Contain con=new Contain(args[0]); } } pls don't laught ! ...

84. Creating characters

It's a non-Java thing. You would have to create your own typeface, presumably one with support for at least the first 256 code points. Your typeface ("font") would include both a normal US-ASCII character set and then extra glyphs in the unused code points (128-255) to represent your chess pieces and things. Then you'd have to install it on the computer, ...

89. Connecting Characters

91. Accessing of character by character from a String...

Please use Code tag in your post. After doing a little bit of research (because I was unfamiliar with doing this) I think I found a solution for you. The String class has a toCharArray() method that will place a String into a character array. I am still new too but hopefully this will help. You can use some of this ...

92. Echoing character

93. Java Cyrillic Characters

Hi I have a java code thats prints text files fine without any issues. But I tried to print some cyrillic and greek characters, but its printing some junk characters and I tried the same using wordpad its printing fine. Whether java is trying to print using own font set ? How to change that ? private static void print1(String arg) ...

94. Help On Characters!

Guys, I am stuck on to characters. I want to ask you guys that if characters are stored in ASCII format in Java or Unicode because i read that Java follows Unicode and bcause of that it has 16 bits for character. Also when i do operation like x = x * y where x and y are chars why do ...

95. Illeagal character and non statement errors

I created this program but the errors I am getting all tell me that each line has the same two errors, 1. not a statement 2. Illegal characters 8221 From what I can see everything is fine for how the statments are set up. Maybe I need to declare all the variables in advance? public class BridgeLoad { public static void ...

97. prevent characters from being desplayed on command

Hi, If I run a program in command, and I want the user to type password without being seen - I want '******' instead of the real letters. How can I do it when I run my class in windows command ? It is not swing, only simple j2se class. I saw an example that runs another thread that fills the ...

98. Stripping characters from a string

I am really really confused as to why you think that stripping characters from a string has anything to do with Boolean. If regular expressions are a bit beyond your grasp at this point, just do it the old-fashioned way. What steps would you go through to accomplish this task? If you have a hard time starting with that, let's approach ...

100. Problem with new line character !!!

Hi, Welcome to JavaRanch! First, a bit of business: you may not have read our naming policy on the way in. It requires that you use a full, real (sounding) first and last name for your display name. You can change your display name here. Thanks! Now, as to your question: if I corrected the capitalization and wrote out "System.out.println()", it ...