ascii « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. "unmappable character for encoding" warning in Java

I'm currently working on a Java project that is emitting the following warning when I compile:

/src/com/myco/apps/ warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF8
    [javac]      ...

2. Adding non printable chars to a string in Java?

I need to add some non printable chars to a string in java so it can be sent down a tcp pipe. the chars mean something to the protocol I am ...

3. Unassigned chars in the ascii spectrum?

Are there any unassigned, invisible, characters in the ascii spectrum that I could safely use as newline markers? The idea is to build a Java wordprocessor to edit Markdown in ...

4. warning: unmappable character for encoding ASCII

I encounter this error (warning: unmappable character for encoding ASCII) when compiling the files using apache-ant-1.7.0 through hudson build server can anyone advise on how to resolve this? I am able ...

5. Why does US-ASCII encoding accept non US-ASCII characters?

Consider the following code:

public class ReadingTest {

    public void readAndPrint(String usingEncoding) throws Exception {
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{(byte) 0xC2, ...

6. ASCII non readable characters 28, 29 31

Ok i am being thick here. I am processing a file which i need to split based on the separator. The following code shows the separators defined for the files i ...

7. Get Ascii value for a Char

9. Extended ASCII characters

I have read that Java uses UNICODE. And when I tried to put Extended ASCII characters as command line arguments to a Java program, it didn't display them correctly. Is there any way to display Extended ASCII character set in Java? (this question may be termed as a "hurried" question, as I have myself not experimented enough before asking you people). ...

10. Get Ascii value for a Char

11. ASCII characters AND Java characters

public class StringTest{ public static void main(String argv[]) throws{ String str = "12\u0AFF456"; // 6 chars are here byte array[]=str.getBytes(); System.out.println(array.length); for(int index = 0; index < array.length; index++){ System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(array[index])); } System.out.println("************************"); aReader = new; int aByte =; while(aByte != -1){ System.out.println(Integer.toBinaryString(aByte)); aByte =; } } } Try this code. It would seem that the .getBytes() ...

12. Get Ascii value for a character

Why don't you tell us exactly what you want to do, what you have, and what limitations there are. I still don't understand exactly what you are doing, or where you need help - and I'm probably not the only one. folks are delighted to help, but you have to make it easy for them. so far, this thread has progressed ...

13. Unicodes get replaced with Ascii characters

14. ascii character of a numeric value

15. Username with ascii characters

Yeah, exactly but which range shall i use in order for a username to be valid? As i saw in the ascii table i would choose the range 33 - 126 e.g. ( !(33) till ~(126)) What is your opinion? Is this range right? Edited by: g_p_java on Aug 17, 2009 10:50 AM

16. Java Basics: Why won't this return a character from the ASCII table?

Hello all, I am working on a project. Right now I am in stage one of development, and already I have fallen into a dilemma. I cannot figure out why this code will not return a character value. If you look closely, I am trying to generate a random number from 65 to 90, and then convert that number to the ...

17. ASCII characters