Font « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java Graphics Font - How to make sure the characters lie in particular area?

I have an Image. On the bottom portion of the image, I would like to create a colored strip say, of height 100. I am already done with creating the strip ...

2. Manipulate the shape of each character in a string using Java graphics

I've figured out how to get the shape of a text string before drawing it on this screen in Java, for example by using the TextLayout class [1]. However I could ...

3. Defining additional character subset names in in jre

Java documentation about font configuration file states,
"CharacterSubsetName - a name for a subset of the Unicode character set which certain component fonts can render. For Windows, the following names are predefined: ...

4. How to implement a font that can display french characters

I am currently working on a project with multiple languages we also have french, the only problem is that it displays weird characters, in stead of normal french, Can some1 help me ...

5. How to create a PDF document from languages of Unicode char set regarding using third party Fonts

I'm using PDFBox and iText to create a simple (just paragraphs) pdf document from various languages. Something like : pdfBox:

private static void createPdfBoxDocument(File from, File to) {

6. Determining in Java whether a particular font can render a particular character

Is there a way in Java to determine whether a particular font can render a particular character?

7. how to change unicode characters into other font type in any text editor?

If the editor supports Unicode, which some do, it will be same character irrespective of which font you are using. Its appearance will change slightly from font to font. All the text editors I have tried have used one font per document, not like a word processor or LaTeX document, which can use several different fonts in one document.

8. Some unicode characters are wider than others in monospaced font

To elaborate: The issue is has nothing to do with Unicode, or the binary character codes themselves. The real issue is, "Why does this supposedly monospace font render some characters wider than others?" In other words, the problem is one of drawing on the screen/printer. And, as the other poster indicates, only the font designer can answer that question. If you ...

9. Getting Font character "metrics" from scratch

All I'm given is a font name, style, and size, and the range of chars that are of interest (basically like the program was just started with those parameters passed in). I need to find various information on those characters as though I were to draw them to some medium myself. How would I approach this? I started off by getting ...