variable « cast « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Casting reference variable in Java

I have something unclear concerning casting reference variable in Java. I have two classes A and B. A is the super class of B. If I have the two objects, and then ...

2. Local variable assignment to avoid multiple casts

There was recently a question asking whether it was a good idea in Java to assign the results of calling a getter to a local variable to avoid multiple calls to ...

3. String variable to a DefaultMutableTreeNode object?

Is it possible to convert a String variable to a DefaultMutableTreeNode object? Please explain. Context:

   String s = new String(outputTagName);
Object s2 = (Object) s;
DefaultMutableTreeNode selectedNode2 =(DefaultMutableTreeNode) s2;
DefaultMutableTreeNode parent2 =(DefaultMutableTreeNode) parent;
model.insertNodeInto(selectedNode2, parent2, ...

4. java: how can i do dynamic casting of a variable from one type to another?

i would like to do dynamic casting for a java variable, the casting type is stored in a different variable. this is regular casting:

 String a = (String) 5;
this is what i ...

5. variable type question java

So here is my problem im trying to search an array for a value and then return the index as well as the string name. But my problem is that when i ...

6. Type casting the `Object` type variables

I need to call a function with the following signature. createColumn (N name, V value, Serializer<N> nameSerializer, Serializer<V> valueSerializer) I want to pass variables of type Object which might have been assigned values ...

7. type casting required on function calls taking short datatype variable as a parameter

Whenever I use byte or short data type as a method parameter, on method calls, I am required to explicitly cast the values I pass to those methods. To better explain:- void ...

8. Casting variables in Java

I wonder if anyone could tell me why casting works? I understand WHEN I should do it, but not really why it works. On primitive datatypes I understand partially but when ...

9. Problems in casting variables

I am trying to construct an object using the following constructor in Java:

public UnaryNumberContract(Comparable<Number> expectedValue, Operations operator, Invariant inv) {
  super(inv, operator);
  this.expectedValue = expectedValue;
I am passing on the ...

10. why do final variables not need a cast?

When the variable is final, the compiler can make some optimizations. In this case, it can detect that the value is small enough to still be stored as a byte rather than an int. When the int variable isn't final, then the compiler doesn't make that assumption. I don't know any specific reason why it can't. From my basic knowledge of ...

11. Casting based on a variable not an object name.

Is there any way to cast an object based on a variable and not the actual object name? For example I know I can do this: public class testCast(Texas tx){ // Texas extends State State state = null; State = (Texas)tx; } What if I had an object of Texas but did not know the name of the class but had ...

12. referrence variable casting

Hi, welcome to the ranch! Here's an answer that shows a questionable design on an API I use. A base class Entry is extended by File and Folder. I can ask for the entries in a folder that are files or folders or both. Entry[] entries = getEntries( someFolder, BOTH ); Entry one = entries[0]; one.someEntryMethod(); Now I can call all ...

13. what is reffering variable casting

14. Reference Variable Casting

This block of code is given in SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam - Mc Graw Hill. I am not able to understand what some of the lines actually does. class Animal { void makeNoise() {System.out.println(bark); } } class Dog extends Animal { void makeNoise() {System.out.println("bark"); } void playDead() {System.out.println("roll over"); } } class CastTest2 { public static void ...

15. Any good article about reference variables casting ...

Hi, I am looking for a good and simple article on the reference variables downcasting (and yes I am searching the Internet too so please do not suggest that). Please let me know if you know of any good article or if you can explain it well as I am having hard time to figure out when it is right and ...

17. Doubt in reference variable casting

10. interface Foo {} 11. class Alpha implements Foo { } 12. class Beta extends Alpha {} 13. class Delta extends Beta { 14. public static void main( String[] args) { 15. Beta x = new Beta(); 16. // insert code here 17. } 18. } Which code, inserted at line 16, will cause a java.lang.ClassCastException? A. Alpha a = x; ...

18. Primitive Variable Type Casting

Dear all, as I was studying the SCJP Certification book, I notice the following: This case shows compilation error: byte a = 3; byte b = 8; byte c = a + b; This case shows no problem: byte c = 3 + 8; According to the book, 3 and 8 will be converted to int type. However, the lower one ...

19. Casting primitive wrap type variable to primitive

We have this code: ... float f = 22.2f; System.out.println((int)f); ... Which prints out "22". ... Float f = 22.2f; System.out.println((int)f); ... When i changed the variabile type from float to Float, code throw up a compile a error, that Float type cannot be casted to int. Can somebody tell me what's going on? Isnt compiler supposed to do unboxing the ...

20. Cast string as variable? How?

How can i convert string value to a variable For example i have a string like; String a="myvariable"; And now the real variable; String myvariable; Then; a.CastAsVariable()="hello"; How can i do that.... As i remember Flash action scripting has eval function for this. How can i do this with java? thank you Message was edited by: netsonicc