type « cast « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to cast a type of same class but out of an other package in Java?    stackoverflow.com

There are two classes foo.bar.FileUploader and barbar.foofoo.FileUploader Both are identical and extend Uploader Somewhere in the code the foo.bar.FileUploader is used and are given as a parameter to my function as an Uploader type. Now ...

2. Problem to Type casting    stackoverflow.com

I am using Bonita Api Java docs(Bonita Api) to get the instanceUUID of process and get the instanceUUID of type ProcessInstanceUUID.using getValue(), i am convert the object value in ...

3. incompatible types (casting)    stackoverflow.com

i think i have a porblem with casting could you please help me

package javafoundations;

import javafoundations.exceptions.*;

public class MainStack

    public static void main(String [] args)


4. Java: A String-type return must be cast to one out of 3 different types. How can I do it avoiding switch/case?    stackoverflow.com

I browsed around for a few answers but had no luck. Actually, it is kinda complicated to explain what I'm trying to do with words, so let's see some snipets: I have ...

5. Java: type casting question    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way to do this in a single line:

    TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.lbSightName);
    tv.setText("Some Text");
I would like to do away declaring the ...

6. Pros and cons of casting vs. providing a method that returns the required type (Java)    stackoverflow.com

I'm doing a bit of playing about to learn a framework I'm contributing to, and an interesting question came up. EDIT: I'm doing some basic filters in the Okapi Framework, as ...

7. Lazy parameter type in Java?    stackoverflow.com

i have a question about parameter passing in Java. Let's say i have a method:

public void x(Object o)
Let's say i call x(3) and x("abc"). x(3) will take a little bit more ...

8. Why type cast is not working here    stackoverflow.com

Why typecast is not working in this case ?

int b[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < b.length; ...

9. What is the difference of x=x+3 and x+=3? Why one needs type cast and the other does not?    stackoverflow.com

Question :

char x = 'a'; 
x += 3; // ok  
x = x + 3; // compile time error

10. Java type casting    stackoverflow.com

I have three files: ScriptProcessor.java:

public interface ScriptProcessor {
   public String someMethod();
public class ScriptProcessorDummy implements ScriptProcessor {
   public String someMethod{
       return "some string";

11. Why Class.getClass() can be different from Class.cast() return type?    stackoverflow.com

I hope you can assist me on this matter. I've been looking for answers to this question but all I could find was related to generic type usage or general instructions about ...

12. Confusing type casting in Java    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
Weird java behavior with casts to primitive types
Let's look at the following code snippet in Java.
package typecasting;

final public class TypeCasting

13. JDBM put() then get() needs type casting?    bytes.com

You have to learn how to read those internal class names; the following list was bluntly stolen from the description of the Class.getName() method: boolean Z byte B char C class ...

14. type casting    coderanch.com

I would mention two principles here that are useful: 1. Vector is old and kind of discouraged. Avoid its use unless there is legacy code which you must add your code to. 2. Use Collections 2 and always strive to use references of the base-interface type. E.g., List list = // new ArrayList(); public List getItems(){...} This way, the implementation can ...

15. type casting    coderanch.com

Ramu: If you want to convert a primitive type into an object, you would normally use one of the type wrappers built into java.lang. These include Integer Double Float Byte Short Long Char Here is an example. class Test { public static void main(String arg[]) { // This creates an Integer object having the value 10. Integer iObj = new Integer(10); ...

16. Type casting Strings    coderanch.com

toString method returns some String representation of an object. In your own classes you could override this method to return some useful information. Look at Thread. In general it returns some internal address of that reference. I'm not sure what you mean by explicitly typecasting. Maybe it is useful when you are working with collections.

17. type casting Vs narrowing    coderanch.com

18. reference type casting    coderanch.com

Sure there are specific rules. If you want the nitty-gritty details you can read the Java Language Specification. In a nut shell, you must use a cast when you are assigning a variable of a general type to a more specific type. For example, if you want to assign a long value to an int or a int to a byte, ...

19. Type casting    coderanch.com

This is what the Java Language Specification says about assignment conversions. Assignment conversion occurs when the value of an expression is assigned (15.26) to a variable: the type of the expression must be converted to the type of the variable. Assignment contexts allow the use of an identity conversion (5.1.1), a widening primitive conversion (5.1.2), or a widening reference conversion (5.1.4). ...

20. Doubt on Type casting    coderanch.com

A byte is a signed, 8-bit integer in Java, so it can hold values between -128 and 127. The Java compiler is smart. When you initialize a byte variable with a literal integer value, the compiler checks if it is in the range -128 to 127. So a statement like: byte b = 6; works without problems. If the literal integer ...

21. type casting    coderanch.com

22. type casting    coderanch.com

hi all please tell me how do i type cast a Object to a List; please give me some exameple codes; my Since i'm devoleping a hibernate app it may be confusing for a begginers any how here is ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class EmployeeDAO { public List findAll(EmployeeVO employeeVO)throws DataAccessLayerException{ List obj= null; try{ startOperation(); Query qry=session.createQuery("from com.tt.notification.vo.EmployeeVO"); obj=qry.list(); } catch(HibernateException e){ handleException(e); ...

23. Class Type Casting    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

24. Casting of class types    coderanch.com

Hello! There is one competent book ( let me note that they recommend JavaRanch also - http://www.ii.uib.no/~khalid/pgjc2e/resources.html ) where I found small example: class Light { /* ... */ } class LightBulb extends Light { /* ... */ } class SpotLightBulb extends LightBulb { /* ... */ } class TubeLight extends Light { /* ... */ } class NeonLight extends TubeLight ...

25. type casting issue    coderanch.com

26. Regarding type casting    coderanch.com

Note that this is not type-casting. You are constructing a new object. Type casting is for object references or primitives. For object references, you type cast when you have declared a reference as a superclass, but you know that the object it points to is actually of some subclass. For primitives, you type cast when you want to force the primitive ...

27. Why this type of Cast isn't allowed?    coderanch.com

A lot of things are only obvious right after you know them. Don't stop asking questions! When you use casting you do things that are risky but possible. The compiler just wants your assurance that you've recognized the risk and decided to take it. When the compiler finds a number of the right size and format like 800 it figures it's ...

28. datatype casting doubt    coderanch.com

You have to decide on the rules for what constitutes a particular type and write code to parse the input. If you know what the underlying data type should be, and the mapping between the input and the datatype is one-to-one, this is easy. For example: a boolean type could be "true", "y", "yes", "1" etc. In the case of Booleans ...

29. TYPE CAST    coderanch.com

class A { void test() { System.out.println("A"); } } class B extends A { void test() { System.out.println("B"); } } class Cast { public static void main(String punnu[]) { A a1 = new A(); B b1 = new B(); A a2 = new B(); B b2 = (B)a1; a1.test(); a2.test(); b1.test(); } }

30. Casting reference types.    coderanch.com

Hello all, I'm somewhat confused with reference type casting. I want to clear things out, so I'll try to explain myself how to cast properly. I hope you'll point out the mistakes. First, let's consider this two classes: public class Animal { private final String name = "Class Animal"; public String getName() { return name; } } public class Dog extends ...

31. Require help in type casting concept    coderanch.com

Hello to all Ranchers, I have been working on this small practice program where i got stuck. This is a simple program on the type casting concept..here i am getting a error as try12.java:17:possible loss of precision found :int required:short the code is as follows: public class try12 { public static void main(String args[]) { int lightspeed; short time; short days; ...

32. help with data types and casting    coderanch.com

double doub1 = 2F/3;//result: 0.6666666865348816 double doub2 = 2L/3;//result: 0.0 double doub3 = 2/3; //result: 0.0 double doub4 = 2D/3;//result: 0.6666666666666666 System.out.println("doub1: " + doub1); //error// float f1 = 987654321.987654321; float f2 = 987654321.987654321f;//9.8765434E8 float f3 = 98765.4321f;//98765.43 float f4 = 987654321;//9.8765434E8 System.out.println("f1: " + f4); //error// long a = 98765432109876543210; //error// long b = 98765432109876543210L; //error// long c = 987654321098765432; ...

33. What is Type Casting    coderanch.com

34. Type casting    coderanch.com

A literal numeric value, like 3249, is an int. If you need to assign a literal numeric value to a narrower type, and the value is outside that type's range, then you (the programmer) must supply an explicit cast. This is required because you are losing information, which might give undexpected results. By supplying the explict cast, you (the programmer) are ...

35. What type should i cast?    coderanch.com

Hello, I have been reading the head first java book for some time and just recently i stumbled upon a problem with the ready baked code. It concerns chapter 15 with the chat application. I have created an ArrayList clientOutputStreams; as the book suggested but then i get this error: VerySimpleChatServer.java:43: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of ...

36. Type Casting    java-forums.org

I am very new to java, Please some body help me, I am trying to create a Gui Calculator in NetBeans IDE. When buttons are pressed, numbers and operators are written to the jTextPane like "2+4+5-1". I want to calculate this String by pressing equal button. Please tell me how do i change them to integers. Example Current String in the ...

37. Type casting    java-forums.org

Yeah i meant java doesnt do structs like C does. Im just trying hard to basically once i gather a big chunk of data how can i convert that data to a structure would i just have to do it the brute force where every byte.something = what i want it to be or is there a simple method like C ...

38. type casting    java-forums.org

39. Type Casting Weird    forums.oracle.com

40. type casting question    forums.oracle.com

41. Casting types    forums.oracle.com

42. type cast    forums.oracle.com

43. Type cast problem......    forums.oracle.com

44. Type Cast    forums.oracle.com

45. Type casting    forums.oracle.com

46. Type cast    forums.oracle.com

47. For Loop Printing & Type Casting    forums.oracle.com

Any time you have two ints, the result will be an int, even if you assign it to a double, or use that result as an operand in an operation with another double. In that latter case, the end result will be a double, but your intermediate value will be an int.

48. Type casting    forums.oracle.com

49. How to type cast a wildcard?    forums.oracle.com

50. casting string to a class type    forums.oracle.com

51. Type casting to java1.4    forums.oracle.com

52. Type casting on method invoking    forums.oracle.com

53. Time sensitive type casting problem, please answer    forums.oracle.com

I am trying to accept one input that can be used as either a File name or FileOutputStream. Could I use a String? A File type? Right now it is a File variable type, and (FileOutputStream)varname does not work... I need to be able to convert between File and FileOutputStream depending on the situation... It does not seem possible. Is there ...

54. Casting type    forums.oracle.com

55. Casting one type to another type    forums.oracle.com

56. is this type casting?    forums.oracle.com

That line of code relates to the language feature called 'Generics'. More specifically, it is creating an instance of the TreeSet class called keySet. It will only be possible to store into this collection - TreeSet - instances of the AWTKeyStoke class or of any sub-class. In a way, there is an implicit type cast as the TreeSet instance is being ...

57. Type casting in Java    forums.oracle.com

58. Type casting    forums.oracle.com

we promise the compiler that the object we're casting is in fact of the type we're casting to. if we lie, the JVM spanks us with a ClassCastException. all you're really doing is making a reference of one type point to an object of another type. it's up to you to make sure it makes sense

59. type casting    forums.oracle.com

i have a class clsgetholiday where i have used a String variable holiday to read the holiday from jsp page...i have used the property setHoliday to set the date. now i have that date in String holiday...i tried to convert it to date and date time but in all thses caes sql server throws exceptions and i can insert that date ...

60. Methods that accept a class to be used as a cast guard on the return type.    forums.oracle.com

Owen Thomas wrote: As you say, it might not. What I meant was: ClassCastException is not ambiguous. The user may, in the context, have done something specific which would produce the exception. Better to tell the user what went wrong in terms of what they can do about it rather than to tell them something obscure about classes not casting. There's ...

61. type casting    forums.oracle.com