reflection « cast « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to use Class.cast() properly?

I have a Command class like the following:

public class Command {
    private String commandName;
    private Object[] commandArgs;

2. Dynamically casting to primitives in Java

Edit: This has since been solved. Thanks to everyone who helped. Invoking the method after casting the object as the correct wrapper class worked. But String.valueOf() is much, much simpler to ...

3. Unable to cast when using reflection in Java

Following Coobird's excellent answer yesterday, I'm having trouble getting reflection to work in Java. I'll post the classes first then go into detail.

package ds; public interface StHandler {
public void read();
package ...

4. How to "dynamically" cast an instance of Object type into its specific data type?

public Object foo(int opt){
  if (opt == 0) return new String();
  else if (opt == 1) return new Integer(1);
  else if (opt == 2) return new Double(1);

5. Java reflection "blindly" getting values

I am trying to get values from classes by reflection. The thing is that I don't always know what Type to cast the value. Is there a way of knowing?

6. Am I abusing/misusing Java reflection?

I'm writing a program to read data from a file, which may be in one of several format (different versions of the same format, actually) and I'm using reflection for calling ...

7. Two ClassLoaders; One classloader needs to cast-down an Object but other classloader don't let it

I'm trying to reference an object loaded via a classloader in a class that is loaded by another classloader. I need to do a cast-down that object to access some methods. ...

8. Reflection and Casting

I use reflection to invoke a method... I define a super class(StubImpl) object and by invoking a method of another class, which returns the sub class(CodesServicePortType_Stub) object instantiation for this super class object. And its required that I should cast the subclass object to instantiate the super class object. And this casting i want to be done dynamically. I know the ...

9. casting with reflection ( or othre method)

Hello all sorry for my bad english i have problem that i need to cast object based on class's i have in my application , now my application ( depending on the deployment ) some time have the classes and sometimes does not until now i did the casting with the full package name for example : ((foo.first.result)MyInput).value(); ((foo.second.result)MyInput).value(); ((foo.third.result)MyInput).value(); and ...

10. Get an Object using reflection, how to cast it back to a specific type?

public void dynamicCast(String classFullName) { // suppose this parameter is "com.project.Package1.Bark" Class cls = Class.forName(classFullName); Constructor ct = cls.getConstructor(); Object retobj = ct.newInstance(); //retobj acttually refrences a Bark instance, How to assign this instance to a Bark type reference, so that I can use Bark's method? //I can do the following if I know what's in classFullName in advance, but I ...