object « cast « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java: Why can't I cast this to an Object?    stackoverflow.com

This is bizarre... I thought every object in java had Object as an ancestor. I have a ClassA that extends my ClassB and implements Runnable. After creating ClassA I cannot cast it to ...

2. Type casting from an Object    stackoverflow.com

I have some code in Java as follows:

private Object addVertex(String label, int posX, int posY) {
 Vertex newVertex = new Vertex();
 try {
  newVertex = insertVertex(parent, null, label, posX, ...

3. Casting an object's class    stackoverflow.com

My previous OOP experience has been with Objective-C (which is dynamically typed), however, I am now learning Java. I want to iterate over an ArrayList of objects and perform a certain ...

4. Java rules for casting    stackoverflow.com

When can a certain object be cast into another object? Does the casted object have to be a subtype of the other object? I'm trying to figure out the ...

5. Stack Calculator: Trouble evaluating postfix expression because of casting issue    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a homework assignment that asks me to create a calculator that changes the expression given to it from infix to postfix to then evaluate. I must do so ...

6. Making custom object convertible    stackoverflow.com

In java is it possible for me to design my own class to be convertible(or castable?) to a primitive type? For example, if I have:

Class IntString{
  private int intVal;

7. Casting objects in Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm confused about what it means to cast objects in Java. Say you have...

Superclass variable = new Sublclass object();
(Superclass variable).method();
What is happening here? Does the variable type change, or is it the ...

8. Doubts about object Casting    stackoverflow.com

enter image description here I am helping a friend from 1st year to prepare his exam on java. The teacher asked them to create a method that can cast a Musicians ...

9. How to prevent an Object being cast to a String automatically    stackoverflow.com

I have a class that looks like the following:

public class FileEntry {
    private String name;
    public FileEntry (String name) {

10. Type cast from Java.Lang.Object to native CLR type in MonoDroid    stackoverflow.com

How to cast Java.Lang.Object to some native type? Example: ListView adapter contains instances of native type Message. When i am trying to get SelectedItem from ListView it returns instance of Message type casted ...

11. casting object to String[] object..?    stackoverflow.com

Assume the following scenario. i call a method like this

String[] arr = {"1","2","3"};
and the method signature is
public void method(Object o)
// how will i get back the String[] arr object now.. 

12. casting in an object based on an incoming string    stackoverflow.com

Can this be done in Java

public <T> T[] getAttr(String s) {
    Object x = getSomething(s);
    com.class."s"[] y = (com.class."s"[]) x;
    return y;
I ...

13. How to determine and cast to specific object of composite while using it?    stackoverflow.com

I would like to have a composite structure which is build from JSON. Each element can has only one type of children - so a group can contain only groups or ...

14. Java method for objects cast possibility    stackoverflow.com

Is is possible to check whether given Object item can be casted to some class? Is there any method which doesn't throw an exception?

15. casting String to SecretKey object    coderanch.com

16. Casting Object[] into String[]    coderanch.com

My question starts with the toArray() method of the Collection - from this I get an Object[] back. However I know that each of the elements in the Collection is a String object, so I figured the obvious thing to do would be to cast it so: String[] strings = (String[]) collection.toArray(); Which as I quickly discovered doesn't work, giving a ...

17. An elegant way to cast object types    coderanch.com

I am working on a project that receives an object of the base class. There are several inherted class(es). There are timing issues(this is a packet sniffer) that necessitate collecting the objects as its base class. Is there a good way to cast the object types. Right now I just have a method for each subclass type that casts it and ...

18. casting Objects    coderanch.com

19. When can I cast one object to another object?    coderanch.com

To cast, the types must be related and/or compatible. You can cast a parent object to a child object ( ChildObj = (ChildClass)ParentObj ; ) because they are related. You can cast between primitives ( float f = 1.5; int i = (int)f ; ) when they are compatible. You cast when you have a type that you need to be ...

20. Object Casting help    coderanch.com

When you downcast, what is really happening here: SubClassRef = (Subclass)SuperClassRef; Isn't the compiler and VM just checking to see if the cast rules are being followed? Many people make the analogy to Primitive casting arguing that since the Primitive variable will refer to a new value in a widening or narrowing conversion, a reference variable will likewise refer to new ...

21. casting objects    coderanch.com

those are pretty broad questions, so it's unlikely you'll get a complete answer in one session. You'll have to study this. Basically, casting is about converting variables from one type to another, related type. There are rules that govern casting, but if you learn the underlying concepts you won't have to just memorize a bunch of static casting rules. The basic ...

22. Object referernce casting    coderanch.com

class Base {} class Sub extends Base {} public class CEx { public static void main (String[] args) { Base b = new Base(); Sub s = new Sub(); // b = s; // works // s = b; // incompatible types-Error when compiling s = (Sub)b; // Class Cast Exception Runtime Error } } Hello, I have problems to understand ...

23. Casting Object[] to String[]    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

24. Object Casting - Wyh is "i = 0"    coderanch.com

Hello, please check out the code as follows. Why is i=0? Thomas class Top { public Top() {setvalue();} int i; // private void setvalue() protected void setvalue() { i = 2; System.out.println("Top i =" + i); } protected int getvalue() {return i;} } class Bottom extends Top { int j; public Bottom() {setvalue();} // private void setvalue() protected void setvalue() { ...

25. Object Casting - Wyh is "i = 0"    coderanch.com

Hello, please check out the code as follows. Why is i=0? Thomas class Top { public Top() { setvalue(); } int i; // private void setvalue() protected void setvalue() { i = 2; System.out.println("Top i =" + i); } protected int getvalue() { return i; } } class Bottom extends Top { int j; public Bottom() { setvalue(); } // private ...

26. Rules on Casting Objects    coderanch.com

27. downward casting of objects    coderanch.com

A cast can never change the type of an object; it just tells the compiler something that it doesn't know. If you have a class Animal and two subclasses Cat and Dog, then you can cast a variable of type Animal to type Cat if, and only if, that variable actually contains a Cat (or null, I suppose, to be complete.) ...

28. Hashtables, objects & casting    coderanch.com

Hello jolly-javaranchers! My need is to get a Big Decimal value out of a Hashtable entry. I was gonna ask how, but in the process of "trying it" I found two ways which both work as needed. public class testStuff { static Hashtable myHashtable = new Hashtable(); static String srule1 = null; static int irule1 = 0; static BigDecimal bdrule1 = ...

29. is it possible to cast a string to class or object    coderanch.com

Casting is for magicians, not programmers. In Java, casting doesn't actually change objects, ever, or create new ones*. It just provides you with a different view of the same object. E.g., if I do: Object o=(Object)"hello"; then I've got an Object view of that string. I now can't ask it how long it is, etc., because Objects don't have length. String ...

30. Type cast to Class Object    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

31. Casting, objects, and wrappers    coderanch.com

32. casting objects?    coderanch.com

I hope this is an easier question to deal with. I am trying to pass a reference to a character object (lch) to a constructor for a different type object (MyList). Please see below. The StringEditor constructor receives two string objects StringEditor(String left, String right) and converts the characters of the string objects to an array of characters and then converts ...

33. Is there a way to generate a .class object from Class, without hardcoding the cast?    coderanch.com

Here's my problem: Right now, I'm able to read in the name of a class as a String (i.e., com.blah.blah.blah,XXX) from a .properties file, and convert it to a Class instance via Class.forName(). I've got a utility class that has a method that will generate an object of a specified class (the signature is T getObject(final Class obj). I'd like ...

35. Object casting    coderanch.com

36. Object type casting    coderanch.com

Hi, I am unable to understand the term Object typecasting. Whatever I understood, I am depicting here...Please take a look. I am not sure whether Am I correct or not? Let see we have Car as superclass... public class Car{ } public class Ford extends Car{ public String fordMethod(){ return "Ford Method."; } } public class Honda extends Car{ public String ...

37. Casting an Object to a Class    coderanch.com

38. Casting of Object[] to Animal[] fails    coderanch.com

Hi Casting of Object[] to Animal[] fails while the Object[] array contains only Animal objects when i use a for loop to add each Animal out of the Object[] array to the Animal[] array it works.. but like stated just trying to cast it in one line of code (Animal[]) fails why is that?

39. Cast Object to Object[]    coderanch.com

I have an old api that returns a big O Object that is really an array of primitive types. I would like to get that Object into an Object array so that I can convert it to a List such that I can call methods like subList(....) on it, to get a sub set of the array. However I cannot convert ...

40. A question about casting from Object[]    coderanch.com

A question about casting from Object[] (Java in General forum at JavaRanch) A friendly place for programming greenhorns! Register / Login Java Forums Java Java in General A question about casting from Object[] Post by: Derik Davenport, Greenhorn on Aug 01, 2011 19:13:27 Suppose I have a Deivce that contains Widget(field) and that Widgets have two methods getPartsList() and ...

41. Object cast in Prototype pattern    coderanch.com

I just go through the prototype pattern with a shallow clone implementation,code as bellow: class Product implements Cloneable{ int[] data = {1,2,3,4}; public Object Clone(){ try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; } } } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args){ Product p1 = new Product(); System.out.println(p1.data.toString()); Product p2 = (Product)p1.Clone(); System.out.println(p2.data.toString()); } } ...

42. Casting Object to another type    java-forums.org

public class MyCollection{ protected E[] elements; protected int top; public static final int SIZE = 10; public MyCollection() { [B]elements = (E[]) new Object[SIZE];[/B] top = -1; } } ... public class Test { public void draw(MyCollection list){ for( int i = 0 ; i<=list.top ; i++) [B] list.elements[i].[/B]draw(); // compile error - can't cast Object to Shape } ...

43. [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to domain.Customer    java-forums.org

Hi guys, I am new to Java, working on my 2nd class. I have a project where I use hibernate to read in/write into a DB. I use Net beans 6.9.1. I have a customer object wiht the following fields. private int id; private String name = null; public Task task = null; public List TaskList = new ArrayList(); public List ...

44. Cast object to custom class problem    java-forums.org

Thanks for the replies. 1. Yes. I have a bad habit when it comes to naming conventions. I refactored all of those appropriately. 2. I haven't. They seem interesting... but to my untrained eye it appears it's a way to limit the information passed to an object, which is against what I'd like to do here. I want many different types ...

45. Object Casting, please help    java-forums.org

I am learning Java for the first time, and the only problem I am having right now is understanding object casting. Here is a quick example that does not work and I do not understand why: class A { } class B extends A { } class ObjectCaster { public static void main(String[] arguments) { A a = new A(); B ...

46. How many objects are made if i do Downward Casting ?    forums.oracle.com

What do you mean? How are what impelmented? e and m do not refer to variables and functions. They refer to an object. I got confused when you posted-- They refer to an Object. But Objects store the addresses of instance variables so that they can point to them. They store the addresses in the form of a tree. Primitive data ...

47. Casting an object    forums.oracle.com

Is there nothing that regulates conversation on this forum? This is all getting very scary. Guys, please, please take it easy. If we were all gurus, then there would be no need for this forum. I like to believe that this is a learning environment, not the one in which to trade insults. Enough of this, I beg all of you. ...

48. Casting Object    forums.oracle.com

Look, i'd like to say a very big sorry for the outbursts that have been caused within this forum from myself and others. Not here to start a verbal fight. Yes i am new to Java, and want to learn a lot more. Maybe my postings do prevail to be somewhat 'beggin'for people do give me code...but that is not what ...

49. Casting Objects    forums.oracle.com

50. Casting objects question    forums.oracle.com

#1 use format for code when posting pls. #2 this is a basic understanding of object inheritance. This is also why overriding a method should be done carefully. #3 you should never use a static method from an instance but only like this SuperClass.staticMethod(); Now, the answer to your question is that when you are SuperClass the only static method available ...

51. Casting Objects - Can someone explain why Casting Objects are used?    forums.oracle.com

***** By the way, the following will not work since you cant cast an employee to visePresident. Why? The cast to VicePresident says 'veep' can now access the getPresidentsAttention() function. However, an employee object does NOT have a getPresidentsAttention() function! When veep attempts to call that function, it will fail (or more likely, not even compile): VicePresident veep = (VicePresident)emp; //must ...

52. When should object casting be used?    forums.oracle.com

53. Object Casting    forums.oracle.com

54. Casting Object using imported class    forums.oracle.com

Yeah i figured it out. The object that was serialized was made in a different project and was contained in a package called "main". In my other project When i was running that method with the "Test" class in the same package as the method, it was, coincidently in the "main" package and when i moved it to my "test" package ...

55. Casting of objects    forums.oracle.com

Hi everybody, I built class her name Artist and more 3 classes that inherited from Artist(signer,writer and painter) and in Tester (this is my main) I tried to do: ((Singer)artist1).singerPrint(); singerPrint it method of Signer class (that inherited from Artist) when I executed it I got error that this cast is not allow. so my question is: why it is not ...

56. Problems casting an object from a combo box    forums.oracle.com

edi2 wrote: I send the combo box as a parameter to a procedure which adds the information from the database, and yes the comboboxes are editable. This is the only object I'm having problems with. I have filled other combo boxes the same way and it works just fine. I'm going to predict that we'll not be able to help you ...

57. What is the difference between casting implicitly and assigning object?    forums.oracle.com

2. For casting, try to compile public class ProductAppCast { public static void main(String args[]) { Book b = new Book(); b.setCode("java"); b.setDescription("Murach's Beginning Java 2"); b.setPrice(49.50); b.setAuthor("Andrea Steelman"); // implicitly casting b to p Product p = b; p.setDescription("test"); p.setAuthor("test"); // display the output System.out.println(); if (p != null) System.out.println(p.toString()); else System.out.println("No product matches this product code.\n"); System.out.println("Product count: " ...

58. Casting an Object    forums.oracle.com

Haigh a chairde, Fadhb beag agam... small problem, I'm implementing a login system using mysql. Basicly, i have a table of user and password pairs with an id and a logged-in flag. With simple logic, that works, if the user and password pair is correct, then the flag is set to true and the userid is returned for reference. I have ...

59. Object Type Casting    forums.oracle.com

61. casting an object[] to a string[]    forums.oracle.com

I am having trouble casting the the object[] returned by diagnostics.toArray() to a string[]. Here is my code that i am receiving the error on: ArrayList diagnostics = new ArrayList (); return (String[])(diagnostics.toArray()); And here is the error that I am recieving: java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.String; I would really appreciate your input. thanks

62. Cast Object type....    forums.oracle.com

You can't. Java is not magic. You cannot just "convert" any type to any other type. If it makes sense to cast, you do it at compile-time. If you don't know the types until runtime, your code can only invoke methods on the object by reflection anyway, in which case no casting is necessary What is it you're actually trying to ...

63. Object Casting    forums.oracle.com

64. casting with Class.cast(Object)??    forums.oracle.com