convert « cast « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Is it possible to block/deny a cast conversion in Java?

I have the code of a simple game, where an AgentInterface must be implemented in order to create an agent controller for one of the characters in the game. GameState is ...

2. formatting and converting in java

I have few small basic problems : How to format :

int i = 456;
to give output :
? I've tried %08d but it's not working. Next thing is a problem with conversion and ...

3. Java: Convert Primitive Class

is there an easy in Java to convert primitive class objects into object class objects? Given a class Class cl, I want to convert it into a Class that has no ...

4. Convert object from a type to another by casting using java Field getType() method

I am using ksoap2, and when I get a soap object that looks like:

  label=Number of search results; 
  PRName=Yahoo PR; ...

5. Java casting conversion?

What does java compiler do in this case ?

for(int i=3;i< Math.sqrt(n);i=i+2) 
Math.sqrt returns a double, so does Javac widen i to a double ? If I want to ...

6. Java: Can I convert List of Object to List of String[] and vice versa?

Is this possible without going through the list and casting the objects? I also need to convert List<Object> to List<T> (T = predefined Object) if it's possible? Edit: for clarification, I'm trying to ...

7. Conversion and Casting

Chris and Tony There is an implicit cast included in all of the compound assignment operators ( +=, -=, *=, etc...). The example Tony gave byte result = 255; result *= 2; wont compile, because your initially trying to put a value into a byte that is too large to begin with. However, this will compile: byte result = 120; ...

8. Converting and casting.

Howdy! I can't speak for the others, but my simple answer is that I can't. I try to remember the most common cases, and if I'm ever uncertain I try it out or look it up. The most important rules are: First: You can always go up the class hierarcy. This is very similar to what you can do with primitives ...

9. Casting & Conversion of Objects

The following program demonstrates the conversion of an array of objects to legal object ref.types: class Person { } class Teacher extends Person { } class ITTeacher extends Teacher { } class EnglishTeacher extends Teacher { } public class ImplicitDemo6 { public static void main(String[] args) { EnglishTeacher[] john = new EnglishTeacher[5]; Teacher[] temp1 = john; Person[] temp2 = john; /*Uncommenting ...

10. casting and converting objects

I am currently learning about casting and converting objects and have come across what seems to be a contradiction from program to discription of what actually happens when implicit conversion takes place. I am told in referal to my manual that child is implicitly cast to a class of type Object and yet when I print the values of obj of ...

11. Difference between casting and conversion in Java

With casting, you are not modifying the object. The result of the cast is still the exact same object, just with a difference type of reference pointing to it: Object o = new Integer(13); // the actual type is Integer, the reference type is Object Integer i = (Integer)o; // the object hasn't changed a bit, only the reference type (of ...

13. unchecked cast exception from object to String[] conversion

Hi all I get this 'unchecked cast exception from object to String[] conversion' so i have to suppress warnings for now. outputMap is always map of What can i do to do type-safe casting as i do want to keep warnings suppressed. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getQuestionPageElements(Integer formId, Integer entityId, Integer questionId) { List listOfPageElements = null; Map outputMap = ...

14. Question about compile-time legality rules for cast conversion

Hi, In the rules which explain compile-time legality for cast conversion, it is often mentioned the following scenario in the cast conversion of a compile-time type S to a compile-time type T: if S is a class type then: if T is a class type then either |S| <: |T| or |T| <: |S| or a compile time error occurs. Furthermore, ...

15. conversion from list to object , class cast exception

hi guys i was trying to convert a List to object actually i was getting the List from dB. I have to check the description field ,if field is greaterthan 100 letters i have to restrict to 30, here is the code for(int i=0;i 100) { PTO.setDescription(txt.substring(0,30)); ...