1. Java dynamic casting for overloaded methods stackoverflow.comI'm attempting to create a function where I can pass names and values that will be put into a ContentValues. The problem i'm having is that I'm trying to ... |
2. Dynamic casting in Java stackoverflow.comI have two parallel class hierarchies and I would like to convert objects from one to another. I can do it by manually specifying what conversion to do, but I need ... |
3. dynamic casting in Java stackoverflow.comHow can I generalize the following code:
The return type of AnotherClass.classMethod() needs to be obtained from a file (thus a String variable).
The type of ... |
4. Java annotation dynamic typecast stackoverflow.comI have 2 java annotation types, let's say XA and YA. Both have some method(). I parse the source code and retrieve Annotation object. Now I'd like to dynamicaly cast the ... |
5. Dynamic type casting for Java Objects coderanch.comHi, I have a situation where i need to cast java objects dynamically . saying : public void getObject( Object paramObject , String type) { ArryList list =( type )paramObject ; // This type i wil know dynamically while calling the Method. } can i do it in Java. If yes . How ?? NB: i don't want to put different ... |
6. Dynamic Cast coderanch.comHi, I have to write a program that reads a certain number of classes, whose name is known at runtime and launch them as a thread. I suppose that each of these classes implements the "Runnable" interface. If the name was known at compile time I would write: ... MyClass1 anInstance1=new MyClass1(); Thread t1=new Thread(anInstance1); MyClass2 anInstance2=new MyClass2(); Thread t2=new Thread(anInstance2); ... |
7. Dynamic casting coderanch.comHi, Did anybody know how to do a dynamic casting? For example if I have a Vector that I get through reflection (as return from one class) and I know what I have inside the Vector (class ABC for example) how can I cast the object (element of the Vector) when I get it from the Vector using reflection? Thanks. Chris ... |
8. How to dynamically cast an Object ? coderanch.comDear all, Here is the situation : 1-I am working with an abstract SuperClass 'Data' 2-Every JavaBean backing my web pages extends 'Data'(User, Client, Product, ...) 3-I am using "generic" methods from 'Data' to interact between web pages and the DataBase through the JavaBeans. Here is my problem (I guess it is a very classic one !): When I execute a ... |
9. Dynamic Casting coderanch.comHello All: I have a situation here that I need to cast an Object type at run time dynamically. I already know the class name is valid and myMethod() and "myString" are all valid. What do I need to fill in, as in the following code... public method(Object o) { className=getClassName(); //I can get this. ///how am I going to use ... |
10. Dynamic Down Cast coderanch.comLet's say you have a reference to an object in memory, but the reference type is something like |
11. Dynamic Casting??? coderanch.comYou can do dynamic casting by calling a method which takes a parameter of the type you want to change your current type to. Take this for example: public class Example{ Example e1=new Example(); private Object obj=new Object(); e1.method(obj); public ClassName method(ClassName clsname) { return clsname; } } Now when you call the method with obj, for executing the method it ... |
12. dynamic casting coderanch.com |
13. Casting dynamically coderanch.comThe soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ... |
14. Dynamic class loading and Casting forums.oracle.com |
15. Newbie question: ""dynamic"" casting forums.oracle.comHello all, I have a quite newbie question. I have this class hierarcy: A |_A1 |_A2 |_A3 |_A4 |_A5 |_..... in some part of my code I have this: if (object1 instanceof A){ if (object1 instanceof A1) {A1 object2 = (A1) e;} if (object1 instanceof A2) {A2 object2 = (A2) e;} if (object1 instanceof A3) {A3 object2 = (A3) e;} if ... |
16. Problem during dynamic casting forums.oracle.comNeed you help Situation is like this .I have a function which accept the Sting parameter Which is actually a full name of class .using reflection I created the class and object Now I want to cast this newly created object to their original class type Code is somehow like this Public void checkThis (String name) throws Exception{ Class c = ... |
17. Dynamic Object Casting forums.oracle.comAs you can see I hard code every statement where I need to cast a class. Now here is an issue. I have several other ArrayLists in other classes that contain different beans for e.g. CustomerBean, DealerBean, etc...(ArrayList of CustomerBean etc...) I need to sort them as well. Sorting would require a Comparator. What I hope to achieve is to create ... |
18. dynamic casting in java forums.oracle.comi am having a problem as follows: i have a method in my project which is taking a reference of object type... i want to cast the object to the passing type,bt i dont want to cast explictily inside the method... can something be done by which the object itself get casted to passing type automatically by determining the runtime of ... |