Class « cast « Java Data Type Q&A

1. When should I use the java 5 method cast of Class?

Looking through some code I came across the following code

and I'd like to know if casting this way has any advantages over
I've asked the developer responsible and he said he ...

2. cast across classloader?

How can I do this:

class Foo {
  public static Foo get() throws Exception {
    ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{"foo.jar"}, null); // Foo.class is in foo.jar

3. Casting Class into String and Vice Versa in JAVA

I have a program in which I need to store a Class object into memory by casting it into String. Is it possible to convert the String back into the original ...

4. Adding functions to Java class libraries

I'm using a Java class library that is in many ways incomplete: there are many classes that I feel ought to have additional member functions built in. However, I am unsure ...

5. Passing a class ("Country.class") as an argument in Java

I'm trying to make a method that takes an argument of Country.class, User.class etc, and returns argument.count(). All the possible classes that I would give to this method extend from Model and ...

6. How can I cast a Java class in Clojure?

I would like to cast a clojure Java object (assigned with let*) to another Java class type. Is this possible and if so then how can I do this? Update: Since I posted ...

7. Identical classes casting?

Suppose I have two classes A and B. Both are identical (same atributes, methods, etc), but they are named different. There's some safe way, in Java, to cast a B object as ...

8. How do I create a custom WebElement class that a FirefoxWebElement can be cast to

I would like to create a class called NewWebElement, and cast a FirefoxWebElement to NewWebElement so that I can change the click() method. For example, I can do this:

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.linkText("Google"));
And if ...

9. Producing a read-only copy of a class, howto

Given the following UML representation, how can i get an instance of a BullDog , that only has getter methods exposed?

  • Instance of the BullDog should not have any of the setter ...

10. Generalized casting to a given class

I have some code that looks like this ... public static boolean findProductIdInList(List list, String id) { Iterator i = list.iterator(); boolean found = false; while (i.hasNext()) { Product o = (Product); if (o.getId().equals(id)) { found = true; break; } } return found; } public static boolean findCustomerIdInList(List list, String id) { Iterator i = list.iterator(); boolean found = false; while ...

11. Class cast question

This is definitely a frustrating one, and one I get annoyed with myself at times. Recall that a Collection can contain objects of vastly different types. There's no 'general' rule that objects in a Collection must all be of the exact same type. So when toArray() is being calling, it allocates a typed array Object[] which has no sub-classes defined. Therefore ...

12. Association class, casting

I'm using this class called Association and I'm trying to cast an object that is a String into an Association. Not quite sure how to make this work, anyone have any advice? Below is the line of code in which I'm trying to cast, the error, and the Association class. I know this seems like a silly question but I've been ...

13. Class.cast()

The object.class.cast() syntax will perform worse than the simple (class) cast syntax. The code below includes the byte-code (from javap) in the comments, note that the class.cast() syntax invokes the cast() method in addition to checking the casting. The class.cast() method simply checks that it is a compatible type (throws ClassCastException if not) and then does a simple cast to the ...

14. how can i use Class.cast() method?

i try to test that method by the follow code : class Dog{ public static void info(){ System.out.println("dog"); } } class Cat extends Dog{ public static void info(){ System.out.println("cat"); } } public class ClassTest { /** Creates a new instance of ClassTest */ public ClassTest() { Object d=new Dog(); Cat c=new Cat(); Object a=Dog.class.cast(c); System.out.println(d.getClass()); System.out.println(c.getClass()); System.out.println(a.getClass()); } public static void ...

15. please help, class casting problem

16. class casting

Yes I think that you have it right, but you kind of said it backwards. What you have is two variables. One of TYPE Manager and one of type Employee. The Manager variable m can only hold references to Manager objects. The Employee variable e can hold references to Employees OR to Managers because that is a "subset" or subclass of ...

17. How the casting works for classes.

How the casting works for classes. In the cases of primitves, i excepects it will as follows, float f = 444.444 int i; When assigning f to i by explicit casting i.e., i = (int) f, the most 32 insignificant bits will be assigned to i, bec i can hold at max 32 bits. Is something similar to above will happen ...

18. Class Cast problem

A cast tells the compiler that although the type of a variable is of some general type, the object the variable refers to is actually of some more specific type. This is checked at runtime, and if it's wrong, you get a ClassCastException. In your case, the variable "a" is pointing to an instance of class A, but your cast is ...

19. (discuss) classes loaded by two different class loaders cannot be cast to one another

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

20. class casting

Posting the exact text of the error messages helps a LOT. Those messages are chock-full of useful tidbits on what the problem is. without it, someone either has to guess what the real problem is, or cut-n-paste your code into an editor, save the file with the right name, then compile it. many people won't go to that trouble.

21. cast method in class

22. How to cast one class into another non related class

Hi, I have two classes one is TableFileItem and other is FtpFile. There is no relation in between them, in a third class FtpBrowserEngine there is a method named deleteRecursive(TableFileItem). This method takes argument of TableFileItem type and checks whether it is a file or a directory.If it is a file then methode deletes it, if it is a directory then ...

23. Class Casting

Hi Jose, A cast can never change an object into something it's not; it can only tell the compiler what kind of object a variable is really pointing to. So on this line doShapes((TilePiece) game); the variable "game" is pointing to an actual GameShape object, but you're telling the compiler that "game" actually points to a TileShape object. The compiler takes ...

24. Class Casting

Hello By following code if I typecast foo's reference f with beta it goes and same with alpha too. But when I type cast it with Hector it causes ClassCastException. I know about class casting but cannot get that through Hector class. import*; interface foo{ int a = 10; } class Alpha implements foo {} class Beta extends Alpha {} ...

25. Can I cast same class but of different packages

I would like to ask if the same class in another package can be cast. For example, since both classes are the same in term of same names, attributes and methods but in different package. Like example Class A = (Class A) Class B; Even if they cant be cast, is there a way to cast them?

26. Casting a class to an anonymous class

Hello, I have a method that returns an anonymous class (from the interface ConfigToolPlugin). This method is being used to get a class from a jar file that isnt part of the project. The idea is to not have to know much about the class in the jar file it only has to implement the ConfigToolPlugin interface. So I get ...

27. Casting between classes.

Hi All. I'm playing around with casting between classes, i get the error: test.NewClass cannot be cast to test.NewClass1 when trying: /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package test; /** * * @author rob */ public class test { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ ...

28. Class cast issue

11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): java.lang.ClassCastException: appion.userface.GaugeComponents.GaugeBase 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at MainUserWorkArea.WorkBench$WorkBenchAdapter.add( 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at MainUserWorkArea.WorkBench.addTool( 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at appion.userface.activities.Controller.onCreate( 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at$2300( 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at$H.handleMessage( 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at android.os.Looper.loop( 11-18 17:10:37.526: WARN/System.err(7946): at 11-18 ...

30. Class casting problem

The error message says you're trying to call getName on an Object, which has no such method. But your code shows that item is an IndexItem, which does have that method. It looks like you're running an old version of Index, where item was an Object. Or else the code you posted isn't the part where the exception is occurring.

32. Class casting problem when using two class loaders

Hi, I have a problem with class casting using two different ClassLoader... I created an instance of Test class, which is a subclass of AbstractTest and stored it for later use to ArrayList. The instance was created with a custom class loader which extends URLClassLoader. Later when I got the stored instance from the ArrayList in default ClassLoader context and cast ...

34. should explicitly be cast to Class[]

Hi could you please help me on this warning .. The argument of type null should explicitly be cast to Class[] for the invocation of the varargs method getMethod(String, Class...) Here is my Code ... public final static String getGetterMethodName(Object object, String field) { if ((object != null) && (field != null) && (!field.equals(Constants.EMPTY_STRING))) { try { //object.getClass().getMethod(getNormalGetterMethodName(field), null); object.getClass().getMethod(getNormalGetterMethodName(field), null); ...

35. Class casting problem

36. Class casting time drain?

is class casting a big time-drain? I wrote a binary search a long time ago in Java (this was before i figure out that there is a binary search in Arrays and Collections). I was casting each time i cut the array in half. when i had 2 or 3 of these objects doing this search (they had 1-1.5 million items ...