random « byte « Java Data Type Q&A

1. NNTP client - Java - Download Article is downloaded 3 extra garbage bytes randomly    stackoverflow.com

I wrote this NNTP client... and I am trying to use it as part of a bigger project, but it seems that the downloadArticle(string msgID) is downloading some extra bytes, but ...

2. Using SecureRandom in java to generate numbers. How many bytes is consider secure?    stackoverflow.com

I intend to use SecureRandom in java to generate a cryptographic secure random number. But I have a design consideration as to how many bits should the number be in order ...

3. Generating Random bytes with bitlength != 8    forums.oracle.com

Hello everybody, I want to generate random bytes of bitlength not multiple of 8. Example: byte[] bytes = new byte[2]; generateRandom(bytes); //assume I can do this step now, I have two random bytes: byte[0] = 12 byte[1] = -16 The length of the bytes array is 16 bits; however, I want it to be a bitstring of length 13, e.g. How ...