parse « byte « Java Data Type Q&A

1. RuntimeException while parsing back the byte[] to protocol buffer message instance! (deserialization)

I tried following code for encoding and decoding. Decoding from byte[] fails, however. Code:-

public static void test(){

    Comment comment = Comment.newBuilder()

2. Java parse bytes number over 39.4 GB on a long var bug

I have an app that get ftp disk space. so space given by a number that present how many bytes. the problem is when i got space over 39.4 GB i can ...

3. Java Byte.parseByte() error

I'm having a small error in my code that I can not for the life of me figure out. I have an array of strings that are representations of binary data (after ...

4. Exception parsing Bytes

Hi there ! I get an exception trying to build a byte array from a String. My code is : String clef = "A9 56 B1 46 AD 7D 3E 72 46 C0 A6 B8 74 F6 E2 54"; StringTokenizer stok = new StringTokenizer(clef, " "); byte[] result = new byte[stok.countTokens()]; int i=0; while(stok.hasMoreTokens()){ String token = stok.nextToken(); result[i] = Byte.parseByte(token,16); ...

5. Byte Parsing

If all you need to do is extract fixed-size sections of a known byte array without needing to decode the contents, the code above will be sufficient for you -- once you update it to add offset and length parameters. It will create the minimum number of objects required to convert bytes to a String, and is more efficient than creating ...