1. Why does Java limit the size of a method to 65535 byte? stackoverflow.comI just compiled the following code
2. CUP/LEX Parser byte limit exceeds. coderanch.comHi, Presently i am using CUP/LEX parsers for my java application. My cup file code is increased to 5500 lines and now its crashing and not compiling giving "code too large " error because CUP/LEX uses 16-bit unicode character set whaich gives limit only 0-65535 and my parser is exceeding this limit. So i in trouble here all i wanted to ... |
3. Byte limit trick leading to disgrace? coderanch.comEach method in java (even constructors) have a byte limit of around 65000 bytes, since i am in the need of going over it i created 12 method each one returnes a bite[] array whic is inside the limit. the last method get all this 12 arrays(insantiating 12 arrays and calling the 12 methods to fill them) and then put them ... |
4. code of method is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit forums.oracle.comHi Is there some way how to persuade the javac compiler to accept very long methods? The code in question is the result of a meta-compilation from another language(using the IDL-to-Java Compiler --idlj command), and it turned out that this compiler generated a pretty long java code. Is there any kind of tweaking that can be done to make this code ... |