1. Passing a byte[] in Java to a function in C through JNI: how to use jarraybyte stackoverflow.comThis is the first time that I use the JNI and also the first time that I have to write some lines in C. What I am trying to do is very ... |
2. JNI: passing bytes from c++ to java stackoverflow.com
3. GetByteArrayRegion in JNI stackoverflow.comThe question is: Suppose I use the function: (* env) -> GetByteArrayRegion (env, array, 0, len, (jbyte *)buf); In this case, a certain number of bytes written from the array to the buf or ... |
4. Copying only a part of a buffer from native code to Java using JNI stackoverflow.comI have a very large char buffer in C and need to copy some part of it to a Java array. Specifically, I need the elements starting at 16,384 and ending ... |
5. How do I create a byte[][](java) in C using JNI and pass it to an object stackoverflow.comI know how to create a |