encrypt « byte « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Java cipher.doFinal() writing extra bytes    stackoverflow.com

I'm implementing encryption / decryption using Java Cipher and AES. Everything is working well except that there's 5 extra bytes written on the call to doFinal(). So, I end ...

2. Turn an byte encoded Key back into it's original ECPublicKey in Bouncy Castle    stackoverflow.com

In Java I have a ECDH public Key that I am sending as a byte array. Once I have received the byte array how can I turn it back into a public ...

3. Java: How create a package with bytes?    stackoverflow.com

i'm working in a project where i need to read some values and send through socket connection. This is format of the package that i must create: enter image description here i ...

4. generating HMac+RipeMD160 digest in java (and C) using key with unsigned bytes    stackoverflow.com

I am implementing an HMac digest generator in java using HMac+RipeMD160 (bouncy castle JCE/JCA). The key was created on another platform and contains unsigned bytes > 127 (0xFF, etc.). Our ...

5. Get updated IV from Cipher after encrypting bytes    stackoverflow.com

I am working on a project that requires appending to a AES/CTR encrypted file. Now, since it is counter mode I know that I can advance the counter to any location ...