encoding « byte « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Changing the default encoding for String(byte[])    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to change the encoding used by the String(byte[]) constructor ? In my own code I use String(byte[],String) to specify the encoding but I am using an external library ...

2. Guessing the encoding of text represented as byte[] in Java    stackoverflow.com

Given an array of bytes representing text in some unknown encoding (usually UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1, but not necessarily so), what is the best way to obtain a guess for the most ...

3. Efficient way to calculate byte length of a character, depending on the encoding    stackoverflow.com

What's the most efficient way to calculate the byte length of a character, taking the character encoding into account? The encoding would be only known during runtime. In UTF-8 for example ...

4. java single byte character encoding    stackoverflow.com

Can any one please provide me the list of "single byte character encoding" native to JAVA or the link where I can get this? Like ASCII, ISO-8859-1 , ISO-8859-15 ,.... etc

5. encoding on a byte[]    coderanch.com

What kind of EJB is it and why is the LONG RAW column being converted to a string? Assuming it's an entity bean is it BMP or CMP and in any case why is the LONG RAW column being convereted to a string? As to whether encoding is important, I should think so if you are not the only consumer of ...

6. problem base64 encoding the 3 hex bytes E2 80 A9    coderanch.com

problem base64 encoding the 3 hex bytes E2 80 A9 (Java in General forum at JavaRanch) A friendly place for programming greenhorns! Register / Login Java Forums Java Java in General problem base64 encoding the 3 hex bytes E2 80 A9 Post by: Miguel Capo, Greenhorn on May 10, 2007 07:30:00 Hi there, I am having problems when I ...

7. How to find encoding of byte[]    coderanch.com

Thanks James and Paul.That was helpful. Ok so I am going to go with UTF-8 encoding.I have done some proof of concept kind of coding on my local set up.What I see is that if I get byte[] as UTF-8,first two chracters(BOM characters) are additional ones that user did not intend to put.I have to convert this byte[] to a String ...

8. String, encoding and bytes length....    forums.oracle.com

I'm handling really big strings so the conversion is not so marginal keeping in mind that the conversion at least triple the memory. A string of 10M of chars needs a bytes[] of 30M of chars (using utf8). 10M is a large string (why so large?) but how much heap is available? If it's 64M I'd get worried. If it's 2G ...

9. String.getBytes(encoding) and new String(byte[], encoding) not inversible?    forums.oracle.com

Hi there, I was reading from a bunch of files whose contents are actually UTF-8. I read from that file as byte array with FileInputStream, converted to String with new String(byte[],"UTF-8") and back again with String.getBytes("UTF-8"), and wrote the contents to a new file. Amazingly (at least for me) the result is a file that is different from the original file... ...

10. Byte[] character encoding for strings    forums.oracle.com

11. Byte Encoding-----Do Check Out!    forums.oracle.com

Dear Everyone, I am trying to read from a file which is encoded, i am trying with Base64 encoding of java. I want to decode that file which is encoded in byte format. i am used decode method but it's not helping me out. Please suggest. The file extension is ".fs5". Please do help. Regards, Ashish Samant.