bytecode « byte « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Struct Javolution Lib Byteorder and Byte alignment

How to set the byte or word alignment using javolution lib. This is like #pragma in CPP. I am little bit confuse about the byte order. Please suggest me for the byte ...

2. Question about using byte coding to get formal arugments of a method

Hi all So I was wondering for sometime how to achieve following, "I want to insert byte code instructions in a method's byte code such that I can call custom code from there and pass values of the formal arguments that were passed to the actual method call". So far my thinking about what I should do is, 1. I should ...

3. bytecode question (ldc & seemingly extra null byte)

I didn't see an appropriate forum for my question, so I'm posting it in general. I've been writing a little library for parsing Java bytecode, but have run into a problem that I'm hoping makes more sense to somebody else than to me. When parsing the jdk 1.5 rt.jar, there is a point where the code attribute for a method is ...

4. binaries and byte codes